On the Fauci Emails and the Claim that Elites Do Not Exist! By Charles Taylor (Florida)


Colin Liddell makes his usual diatribe about what losers the Dissent Right are, “Let's be honest: most of the Dissident Right today is little better than a masochists' club that gets off clutching its pearls at how weak and puny they are, and at how powerful and malevolent their enemies ("the evil elites") are. Really, it is sad, pathetic, and possibly h***-erotic in some weird way. And it is definitely Nihilistic. In fact, much of the Dissident Right is essentially a form of hyper Leftism.” However, Liddell’s main concern in the article reference below, is to attack a Dissent Right conspiracy view of the Covid-19 vaccination push. As he says:


“Of course it's fine to question the science of vaccines and to comment on the weird way in which Big Tech constantly tries to push a mono-narrative on Covid, but that is not what the no-vax Diss Righters are doing. They are claiming that there is a massive conspiracy by the "evil elites" to force everyone to get vaxxed for deeply sinister purposes. 


I'm fine with people claiming anything they like if they can back it up, but there are two things required to do that: facts and logic. Yes, it's not rocket science or even bat-flu laboratory science.


The recent release of Fauci's emails has been seized on by the anti-vax Diss Right mob in a "I told you so" sort of way, and used to promote their masochistic fantasy of being the victims in a global plot. 


According to them, this leak by the establishment and the mainstream media proves that all their cherished conspiracy theories have been correct all along. 


Yes, they really are that stupid!


I won't go into the details of Fauci's emails, as I'm sure they are pretty tedious and lame. Also it is simply unnecessary. There is a much easier way to make my point: According to almost all the conspiritards for the last year or so, Fauci is right up there at the top table of the "Great Global Covid Conspiracy" with the likes of Bill Gates and whichever tribe of evil lizard people they want playing the sado to their maso. Yet, suddenly all his private emails are available on the internet! 


Yes, if the Fauci revelations prove anything, they prove that conspiracy theories of monolithic elite dominance and control are false. Yup, the "evil elites" are so powerless that they can't even keep their boy Fauci's emails out of the public domain. Maybe the real problem is that there isn't a real elite.”


This is incredible stuff. It is alleged that there are no elites since the Fauci emails were obtained via a freedom of information request, and the elites, if they existed would have prevented it. But, that is no argument for the non-existence of ruling elites, and is contrary to a massive body of sociological research spanning over a century. All it shows is that Fauci put all the information in his emails, that even the mainstream media are proclaiming as showing that there was a conspiracy (and the term is used!) to push the natural origins hypothesis of SAS CoV-2 origin, over the lab release version, which would connect him to the Wuhan lab. Liddell says that he has not read the Fauci emails, which he nevertheless thinks are tame, but that view is not even accepted by the mainstream media, such as this report in The Australian:



As noted in the above article, Fauci believed that gain-of-function micro-biological research should be conducted, even given the risk of pandemics. This is far from “tame.” Liddell really should have researched his topic before firing off, as he would have produced a more informative article. And, isn’t failure of reason, research and evidence, one of his, arguably correct critiques of his Dissent Right opponents? That elites do not exist, simply does not follow from the disclosure of the Fauci emails. All that shows is that the elites did not, for various reasons, prevent the disclosure, or even know about it, that they are fallible, make mistakes, like the rest of us, only, much less. As he rightly notes, most Dissent Righters assume that the elites are omnipotent, as an excuse for wallowing in powerless and helplessness, and doing nothing. But that is far from true. So, Liddell is right on some points, namely the critique of his Dissent Right colleagues, but has not understood the recent Covid controversies.  











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