Dr Fauci Thinks He is Science Personified! By Brian Simpson

With the emails by Dr Fauci out in the open, showing conspiracies upon conspiracies, and that he believed that gain-of-function research to make deadly bugs into super-killers was fine as it led to vaccines, the be-all and end-all of science, he is proclaiming that he is the new sort of Galileo, with the attacks being attacks upon science itself! Way to go slick Tony, gutsy! Keep shouting all the way down, because the elites are throwing you under the proverbial bus now!


“On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Rachel Maddow Show,” White House Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci stated that the recent criticisms of him are “really very much an attack on science,” and “the thread going through what’s happening now is very much an anti-science approach.”

Host Rachel Maddow asked, “Am I building you up to be thicker-skinned about this than you are? Are you actually worried about this new sort of re-upping of attacks on you?”

Fauci responded, “Well, I’m concerned about that, more because it’s really very much an attack on science, I think, Rachel.”

He then discussed his conflicts with AIDS activists in the past, and stated that those activists “were fundamentally good people. They were not anti-science. What is — the thread going through what’s happening now is very much an anti-science approach. So, that’s a big, big difference. I mean, it is what it is. I’m a public figure. I’m going to take the arrows and the slings. But they’re just — they’re fabricated, and that’s just what it is.”

Fauci later added that the origin of the virus is an important question, but “it is being approached now in a very vehement way, in a very distorted way, I believe, by attacking me.”

In fact, the present controversy does present a case against the Dr Frankenstein scientists, who feel it is fine to do extremely dangerous research, for supposed benefits. It is not just in the area of biology that this occurs, for physicists have been willing to take risks, albeit small, with high energy experiments, that if they had gone wrong, would have destroyed the Earth, if not the universe. But, those mathematical fools have the outer, that no-one will know if they foul up, as we are all dead instantly, while it takes longer for the biologists to kill us off, and there will be come back!


Sue Facebook Out of Existence and the Rest of Social Media!

By James Reed

This idea has been a long time coming, but, I suppose better late than never. Start suing social media for its cover-ups. Trump should have done this when he was censored, but incredibly, like a pathetic wimp, limped away and did nothing. More on this loser below.


“Facebook should be sued for its political censorship related to the coronavirus and its origins in China, Charles Hurt, Washington Times opinion editor and Breitbart News columnist, said on Friday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow, author of Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption.

Hurt highlighted Facebook’s censorship of analyses and speculation regarding the novel coronavirus’s origins, particularly hypotheses of its origination in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

He remarked, “At the very least Facebook should be sued out of existence for their hand in the cover-up of — trying to cover for — China, [and] their silencing of voices that were constructive voices that were saying, ‘Hey, we’ve got this lab over here that’s doing some really risky stuff. Oh, and by the way, your tax dollars are apparently going to pay for some of this risky research

Facebook markets its political censorship as apolitical removal of “false news” and “misinformation” to “protect people from harmful content.”

Hurt noted the legal immunities afforded to Facebook via its legal designation as an “interactive computer service” in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA). Breitbart News explained the application of the CDA to Facebook and other “social media” technology companies:

Section 230 gives Big Tech companies immunity from lawsuits arising from user-generated content. If a person is defamed on Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or other big tech platforms like Reddit, those platforms are not legally liable for the content like a traditional publisher might be. This allows social media platforms to host billions of posts from users without a potentially crippling legal risk.

“Facebook wants protection for what gets said on its platform, but they don’t want to have to pay for that,” Hurt said. “What about what you don’t allow on your platform? What about the massive cover-up conspiracy that you led in order to prevent the world from exposing what may have caused the single worst assault on humanity?”

Facebook’s market capitalization is nearly $937 billion.”


Then we have this pathetic response from Donald Trump, which must have been laughed at by Zuckerberg, who does not need to go to the White House to get dinner, but is quite capable of ordering a pizza, to eat in his grey T-shirt. When Mark spills pizza sauce on his grey T-shirt, he goes to his secret stash, held in a kind of Bat Cave, no doubt, and simply gets another. I imagine he has enough grey T-shirts to clothe an entire army of alien lizard invaders, if there were such creatures.



“Former President Donald Trump appeared to express regret Friday that he ever hosted Mark Zuckerberg at the White House for dinner after Facebook announced the former president would be suspended for two more years.

“Next time I’m in the White House there will be no more dinners, at his request, with Mark Zuckerberg and his wife,” Trump wrote in a statement sent to reporters. “It will be all business!”

The former president’s statement immediately sparked curiosity from reporters who wondered if his statement confirmed that he planned to run again in 2024.

Trump issued his statement after Facebook announced its decision to ban him for two more years.

Facebook detailed a new set of rules to govern public officials on their platform, warning that Trump posed a “serious risk to public safety.”

“Given the gravity of the circumstances that led to Mr. Trump’s suspension, we believe his actions constituted a severe violation of our rules which merit the highest penalty available under the new enforcement protocols,” the statement from Facebook read.

The former president hosted Zuckerberg for dinner at the White House in October 2019 and also met with Zuckerberg in the Oval Office in September 2019.

Trump’s personal meetings with tech executives like Zuckerberg and Twitter’s Jack Dorsey frustrated conservatives who wanted to see the president take a tougher line on big tech companies who were censoring, shadow banning, and de-platforming conservatives.

But the former president made it clear he no longer has an interest in working with any of the major big tech CEOs.

“Facebook’s ruling is an insult to the record-setting 75M people, plus many others, who voted for us in the 2020 Rigged Presidential Election,” he wrote. “They shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this censoring and silencing, and ultimately, we will win. Our Country can’t take this abuse anymore!”

Trump should have acted against Big Tech when he had the chance, but instead they made him into a laughing stock, banning him even while he was still president, making his whole career, totally useless. Hopefully he will do something useful, and just go to jail, and maybe even become a martyr, being deprived of cheese burgers.



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