The Great Depression 2.0 By James Reed

     For your interest, the IMF chief is worried about a Great Depression 2.0, which I think would be a splendid idea, for what we have now is death by a thousand cuts, and anything accelerating the end of the system, not maintaining present power structures and increasing the oppression of us, but breaking down the alien system, which society has become, must be good. Note, this is all done by the internal contradictions of the system, and not by people striving to change it, because that awakening is not likely to happen any time soon due to the ostrich factor, and we are whistling in the dark if we expect it:

“The head of the International Monetary Fund has warned that the global economy risks a return of the Great Depression, driven by inequality and financial sector instability. Speaking at the Peterson Institute of International Economics in Washington, Kristalina Georgieva said new IMF research, which compares the current economy to the “roaring 1920s” that culminated in the great market crash of 1929, revealed that a similar trend was already under way. While the inequality gap between countries had closed in the last two decades, it had increased within countries, she said, singling out the UK for particular criticism. “In the UK, for example, the top 10% now control nearly as much wealth as the bottom 50%. This situation is mirrored across much of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), where income and wealth inequality have reached, or are near, record highs.” She added: “In some ways, this troubling trend is reminiscent of the early part of the 20th century – when the twin forces of technology and integration led to the first gilded age, the roaring 20s, and, ultimately, financial disaster.” She warned that fresh issues such as the climate emergency and increased trade protectionism meant the next 10 years were likely to be characterised by social unrest and financial market volatility. “If I had to identify a theme at the outset of the new decade, it would be increasing uncertainty,” she said. With disputes still raging between the US and Europe, she said “the global trading system is in need of a significant upgrade”. Georgieva said uncertainty affects not only businesses but individuals, especially given the rising inequality within many countries. She said that “excessive inequality hinders growth and ... can fuel populism and political upheaval”. Eric LeCompte, the head of debt charity Jubilee USA, said: “The IMF delivered a stark message about the potential for another massive financial disaster that we last experienced during the Great Depression. “With inequality on the rise and concerns of stability in the markets, we need to take this warning seriously.”

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Doctors Selling Us Out! By Mrs Vera West

     Doctors betraying us? Those warriors of health who once took an oath to put the health and welfare of the patient, first. To do no harm. Sure.

“GPs are being paid to hand over data on their client’s weight and alcohol use and patients are not being asked for their permission. The Federal Government is requiring doctors to hand over patient data to Primary Health Networks on 10 performance measures in return for a $50,000 a year taxpayer-funded practice incentive payment. The data is meant to be de-identified but the Australian General Practice Alliance (AGPA) said “the likelihood that it could be re-identified in the event of a breach is very high.” To qualify for the money GP practices must provide information on their patients’ diabetes status, smoking, weight classification, alcohol use and influenza immunisation status. The government wants to use the information to track the treatment and improve the management of patients with key chronic health conditions. Nine in ten GP practices have already handed over de-identified patient data and earned $20.3 million while 395 practices were granted an exemption over concerns about data security. Under the guidelines for the program GPs are meant to ask their patients for permission to transfer the data but this has not been happening and patients are not being given the chance to opt out. Asked whether patients permission was being sought Royal Australian College of General Practitioners president (RACGP) Dr Harry Nespolon said the short answer was “no”. The collection of the data was covered by legislation that allows doctors to collect quality assurance type data “as long as it’s de-identified you can do it”, he said. The AGPA however says history shows it is very easy to re-identify health data.In 2016 when the Department of Health released 30 years’ worth of Medicare data it took Melbourne University computer experts just three days to decrypt it. And medical appointment booking firm HealthEngine was recently caught passing on users’ personal information to law firms seeking clients for personal injury claims, AGPA Director and former AMA president Dr Mukesh Haikerwal said.

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More Porno; Less Religious By Mrs Vera West

     There you go, if you want less religion, and ultimately go to hell and burn for eternity, just keep up watching the porn, like a good Leftoid!

“Pornography has become increasingly accessible in the United States, and particularly for younger Americans. While some research considers how pornography use affects the sexual and psychological health of adolescents and emerging adults, sociologists have given little attention to how viewing pornography may shape young Americans’ connection to key social and cultural institutions, like religion. This article examines whether viewing pornography may actually have a secularizing effect, reducing young Americans’ personal religiosity over time. To test for this, we use data from three waves of the National Study of Youth and Religion. Fixed-effects regression models show that more frequent pornography viewing diminishes religious service attendance, importance of religious faith, prayer frequency, and perceived closeness to God, while increasing religious doubts. These effects hold regardless of gender. The effects of viewing pornography on importance of faith, closeness to God, and religious doubts are stronger for teenagers compared to emerging adults. In light of the rapidly growing availability and acceptance of pornography for young Americans, our findings suggest that scholars must consider how increasingly pervasive pornography consumption may shape both the religious lives of young adults and also the future landscape of American religion more broadly.”

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Australia is for Sale, and has Been for a Long Time By James Reed

     I have assembled a large number of articles updating the vast selloff of Australia which is occurring now. We have pretty much lost this country, and organisations that should be fighting this, are caving in:

“KAP Federal Member for Kennedy, Bob Katter has today slammed the National Farmers Federation (NFF) after they appeared on national television and announced they were lobbying the government to provide financial incentives to drought-affected farmers to leave their land; a campaign which is being echoed by the National Party. A livid Mr Katter said, “Your solution is to get rid of the farmers. It is in the back of the mind of every intelligent Australian ‘why do you want these people out?’ So your big corporate masters, Chinese investors, prominent amongst them can buy them out and we can have corporate farmers.  The city suits and foreign nations will be our farmers and we peasants will be out there working for nothing in little towns that are vanishing. That is the solution by National Farmers Federation.”

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Attacking Whiteness By Chris Knight

     Just in case anyone still has any doubts about the attack on whites, the following bs is now pretty much mainstream:

“A psychoanalyst from the New York Psychoanalytic Institute is on a speaking tour where he discusses how “whiteness” is a “malignant, parasitic-like condition” to which those of pallid skin tone “have a particular susceptibility.” Dr. Donald Moss’s presentation, “On Having Whiteness,” recently was a Plenary Address at a conference in South Africa, and has been featured in the US at the New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute and (soon) the Center for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies. According to the CMPS’s event description, Moss, the program chair at the American Psychoanalytic Association, asserts  whiteness is […] a condition one first acquires and then one has–a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. [It is] foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world: Parasitic whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse; these deformed appetites particularly target non-white people; and, once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate. Effective treatment requires a combination of psychological and social-historical interventions, which can reasonably aim only to reshape whiteness’ infiltrated appetites – to reduce their intensities, to redistribute their aims, and to occasionally turn those aims toward the work of reparation. When remembered and represented, the ravages caused by the chronic condition can function either as a warning (“never again”) or as a temptation (“great again”). Memorialization alone, therefore, is no guarantee against regression. There is not yet a permanent cure. Psychoanalysts and social workers can get a pair of continuing education credits for attending Dr. Moss’s talk on February 7. “Learning objectives” include being able to “explain the concept of internal racial identity,” and “identify[ing] obstacles to clinicians’ working effectively with issues of race in the therapeutic relationship.” Moss is a founder of the Green Gang, a “four-person collective […] focusing on climate change and its denial.” His recent articles include “Our Crying Planet” and “Defensive Representational Strategies in a Time of Cataclysmic Climate Change.”

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Our Degenerate Universities By James Reed

     Here is a good article by an academic, Thomas Dalton, describing how universities operate “from the inside.” The usual story of woe, that I report on all the time. But, on a positive note, he gives some advice to students from the Alt Right, about how to cope with life  in this enemy territory:

“Here are some key points to keep mind, and some specific suggestions on how to move forward.

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On Selling the Family Farm for a Mess of Pottage By James Reed

     Here is an excellent speech by Helen Dalton MP member for Murray on the foreign sale of our land, water and assets. She makes the obvious point that border protection is more than stopping people in illegal boats getting in. What security does a nation have where 52 million hectares of prime farm land has been allowed to be sold to foreigners? Japan, China, and most of South East Asian would never do this. Why is Australia so cucked?

Burn the Earth to Save It! By James Reed

     I knew nothing about biochar before reading this article, and now know a little more.

“The Importance of Soil Biology
As explained by Bates, soil microbes create what you might think of as a coral reef in the soil — a highly fertile area of water storage, air storage and nutrient storage that can nourish a wide variety of soil microbes. This soil biology makes for very nutrient-dense plants. That, in turn, allowed large civilizations to flourish in the Amazon. The charcoal also takes carbon from the atmosphere, sequestering it in the earth for long periods of time — thousands of years, typically, provided you don't use destructive agricultural processes such as tilling. So, this carbon sequestration benefits not only soils and plants but also the atmosphere. "Right now, at this point in time, we really need [carbon sequestration] for another reason; we need to have that timeout to give us some time to slow our emissions down, to go carbon-neutral. This is what you might call carbon-negative or a drawdown effect of carbon actually leaving the atmosphere, leaving the ocean and coming back into the land, where it had been, as fossil fuels, before."

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Everybody Must be Kicked Out of Their Homes to Make Way for Migrants! By Richard Miller

     It makes sense; the Great Replacement means just that, replacing whites in every way possible, like moving them out of their homes for migrants. It is what “replacement” means:

“Dozens of elderly residents were forced to leave their apartments in an area of Stockholm after the block was closed, only to be re-opened again for migrants to replace them. Residents at Dianagården were told they would have to leave because the toilets in the facility were 5cm too small to comply with regulations. However, soon after the 48 apartments were emptied, they were filled with newly arrived migrants. “It was later revealed that politicians planned that immigrants would instead move into the premises,” reports Fria Tider. In 2015, Sweden accepted more refugees per capita than any other country, and despite worsening problems with sexual assaults, grenade attacks and violent crime, the inflow shows no sign of being seriously restricted. A recent opinion poll found that the anti-mass migration Sweden Democrats are now the most popular party in Sweden. The Sweden Democrats would get 24.2% of the votes if an election was held today, beating the ruling Social Democrats. Back in October, Leif Östling, former CEO of trucking company Scania, warned that Sweden is heading towards civil war due to uncontrolled mass immigration. “We’ve taken in far too many people from outside. And we have. Those who come from the Middle East and Africa live in a society that we left almost a hundred years ago,” he said.

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Teachers and the Anti-White Racist Rapists By Richard Miller

     It is just as well that British teachers care, like the thoughtful police:

“A woman who was 'traded between men and raped' as a girl today told a court that 'not one teacher' intervened when she was bullied over the abuse at school. The victim claimed she was forced to perform sex acts in a churchyard, raped above a takeaway shop on a dirty mattress, and violently abused when she tried to refuse the men's advances. On one occasion she said she was urinated on by one of five men, all of whom are on trial at Birmingham Crown Court. The offences are alleged to have taken place in the Telford, Shropshire, and started when the girl, now an adult, was just 12. She was sexually exploited and 'passed around like a piece of meat' until in her mid-teens, taken to a flat above a Perfect Pizza shop 'to have sex with Asian men', and 'lost count' of how many she was forced to sleep with, the court heard. Opening the case on Monday, Michelle Heeley QC said the victim was sold for sex by a man named Tanveer Ahmed, who 'befriended her' during a low point in her life. Ahmed, who made takeaway deliveries for Perfect Pizza in the town, is not on trial alongside the other defendants, having been deported to Pakistan for 'unrelated offences'. Later, the girl came into contact with the first defendant, Mohammed Ali Sultan, 33, who the victim also alleges sold her for sex and abused her. Ali Sultan is facing two charges of rape and three of indecent assault. He already had convictions in both 2012 and 2015 for 'similar offences against young girls'. Jurors watched a video-recorded interview with the victim, in which she told detectives of enduring two years of 'hell' and repeatedly contemplated taking her own life as she was traded between different men for 'months and months'. She said her family knew nothing at the time but added that 'people at school' somehow found out, through rumour. She said: 'I don't know how people found out, but they did. I wouldn't say I was bullied for it, but I would get called names. It just made me keep it to myself even more.

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Is Laughter the Best Medicine for … Academics? By James Reed

     Laughter is said to be the best medicine, and it may well be the best medicine for dealing with academics, rather than refuting their nonsense:

“A young Cambridge University academic, given an award for researching sexual harassment during fieldwork, says she was laughed at for her work by a 'large group of older men.' Danielle Bradford, 21, was being honoured at the Marsh Archaeology Awards in London on November 22 when she said she was driven to tears by the laughing in the audience. 'As I was being introduced, they said 'she's been researching sexual harassment in archaeology', to which a large group of older men laughed. Fully laughed - to the point that the presenter had to say 'it isn't funny'. Ms Bradford is researching sexual misconduct that occurs during archaeological fieldwork.
In a thread on Twitter, Ms Bradford expressed her shock at what had happened during the event. 'Tonight I got off my flight from Seattle to London & went straight to an archaeology awards ceremony. I was excited - I've never been nominated for a research award before! But the evening ended in lots of tears, and highlighted to me how far the discipline has to come,' she began. She then went on to talk about the group of older men laughing before saying the presenter intervened and commented that it wasn't funny. 'I managed to go up and get my certificate, but as soon as I sat back down I burst into tears. In front of a hall full of people. It was humiliating. This is exactly the kind of toxic culture in arc that drives out ERCs and, ironically, fosters sexual harassment,' she continued. 'Even if you take out the subject matter, imagine being 21, just out of undergrad, shortlisted for your first research award and... a group of people decide its acceptable to publicly *laugh* at that research.”

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An Inconvenient Discovery By Brian Simpson

     Received opinion, always laced with political correctness holds that European colonisation of the United States, and Australia, was done by genocide, racism, etc. Otherwise, the indigenous people lived in peace with each other and in perfect harmony with the environment. But, in the case of South America, there are some doubts.

     As this is a controversial one, let’s hear it from the mainstream media:

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China Tech Theft By Brian Simpson

     It is an article of faith of the American Renaissance position, which sees East Asians as “so much smarter than us,” that they are also more law abiding. This is all taken from so-called “race realist” researchers such as Richard Lynn and others. There is a hierarchy where on the good qualities, East Asian outrank whites, who out rank blacks, a kind of great chain of being. Well, what about China’s tech thief? I mean, why would super-nations like China need to steal the crusty old tech of low intellectual plebs, such as Third World America?

“FBI Director Christopher Wray said on Thursday that China was seeking to steal U.S. technology by “any means necessary” and the law enforcement agency has about 1,000 investigations open into Chinese technology theft across its 56 regional offices. Wray told a conference hosted by Washington’s Center for Strategic and International Studies think tank that the economic threat from China was “diverse and multilayered.” “As I stand here talking with you today, the FBI has about 1,000 investigations involving China’s attempted theft of U.S. based technology in all 56 of our field offices and spanning just about every industry sector,” he said. Senior U.S. counter-intelligence official William Evanina told the same conference that China was placing priority on stealing U.S. aircraft and electric vehicle technology.”

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Enough is Enough! By James Reed

     Fun days; an Extinction Rebellion co-founder, that group being those who are doing all the disruptive protests so that presumably we Westerners will stop making entropy, has been filmed saying, well things real close to that: civilisation needs to be “taken down”:

“A co-founder of Extinction Rebellion has been filmed at an event calling for activists to “take down” civilisation as part of the group’s disruptive fight for climate change. LBC can reveal today, as part of Nick Ferrari’s campaign for police to have greater powers to clamp down on the group, that Simon Bramwell spoke publicly at a meeting hosted by Deep Green Resistance UK, calling for them to adopt more extreme tactics. Nick Ferrari’s Enough is Enough campaign is calling for changes to be made to the Public Order Act to give the police power to ban any protest that will cause serious public disorder. At present this power is limited to just protest marches. Mr Bramwell spoke at a meeting by a group named By Any Means Necessary?, which was advertised on Facebook. The talk was advertised online with a slogan asking whether nonviolent action was the most “effective tactic for bringing about climate change.”

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Turn Down the Heat By James Reed

     I get a warm and fuzzy feeling every time I see politically correct cubs, trying to be oh so morally superior, as kings of their moral mountains, getting a taste of the real world, with a smack down:

“A professor at St. John's College, Oxford University, just taught student protesters an invaluable lesson in personal sacrifice. According to the school newspaper, Oxford students have been occupying St. John's College since Wednesday in protest of the school's investments in fossil fuels. Dozens of students have reportedly set up camp in the front quad with signs and banners, vowing to remain until their demands are met. Amid the protesting, professor Andrew Parker, also a manager of the school's financial affairs, received a letter from two students requesting a meeting to discuss their demands — including the school's divestment from fossil fuels. His speedy response was almost certainly not what they were expecting.

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The Cash Ban By James Reed

     The Morrison government has delayed the Senate report on the cash ban until 28 February, for a longer period to consider the evidence. Perhaps all of the calls being made by people concerned about losing one of our greatest freedoms; to buy things when we want, privately, may be getting through. So keep it up! This needs to be fought tooth and nail because without cash, people will be at the mercy of banks who can “debank” them anytime they want, meaning that they will be locked out of the economy. I imagine that this will be done to political activists from the Right, to gun shops and any one the systems does not like, to crush them financially.
Call your Senators to demand they vote against this rank corruption and assault on our civil liberties!

The Pope’s Global Commo Tax By Peter West

     I have been waiting for this one, and it was only a matter of time; the Pope has gone full commo, calling for global wealth redistribution:

“Tax cuts for the wealthy constitute a “structure of sin,” Pope Francis said Wednesday in a passionate address calling for international wealth redistribution. “Every year hundreds of billions of dollars, which should be paid in taxes to fund health care and education, accumulate in tax haven accounts,” the pontiff told participants in a Vatican seminar, “thus impeding the possibility of the dignified and sustained development of all social agents.”
“Today’s structures of sin include repeated tax cuts for the richest people, often justified in the name of investment and development,” Francis told the meeting organized by the Pontifical Academy for Social Sciences.
During his discourse, the pope repeated his conviction that poverty is on the rise worldwide and “the poor increase around us.” With the passage of time and the advances of civilization the number of poor people increases rather than diminishing, Francis similarly asserted last June, and “the poor are always poorer, and today they are poorer than ever.” As a Brookings Institution report noted in late 2018, however, the world is currently experiencing “the lowest prevalence of extreme poverty ever recorded in human history — less than 8 percent,” and that number falls with each passing year. According to the widely used “international poverty line,” people are considered to be in “extreme poverty” if they live on less than $1.90 per day or its equivalent.

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Goodbye Global Warming; Hello a New Ice Age! By James Reed

     I have always thought that a new ice age would be coming, not based upon any science, since I know nothing about science, but because the very idea was “cool.” Oh, a pun, pardon me, we are too old for that. Anyway, apart from my ignorance, I could be right:

“Earth could be braced for a ‘mini ICE-AGE' as experts warn a solar minimum could last until the 2050s. Sunspot activity on the surface of the Sun follows a well-known but little understood 11 year cycle. Activity rises and falls creating the so-called solar maximum and then solar minimum. During a solar maximum, the Sun is more powerful and is littered with sunspots. Conversely when the Sun enters a solar minimum – which it did about two years ago - energy from our host star begins to lessen. However, one expert has warned that the Sun will enter a period of “hibernation” this year, in what as known as a Grand Solar Minimum (GSM). Prof Valentina Zharkova, from the department of mathematics, physics and electrical engineering at Northumbria University, warned this could cause global temperatures to drop by one degrees Celsius. While that sounds like an insignificant drop, it could have major ramifications for the planet, including a slowdown in agricultural production.”

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Coronavirus in Faeces. Say it: Faeces, Not Theses By Brian Simpson

     Apparently, the coronavirus can be transmitted through human faeces, and the media is having fun, like kids playing in mud for the first time, saying the word “faeces,” over, and over, and over again, with Freudian delight:

“While doctors have focused on respiratory samples from pneumonia cases to identify coronavirus patients, they might have ignored a less apparent source of the spread: diarrhea. The novel coronavirus was detected in the loose stool of the first U.S. case — a finding that hasn’t featured among case reports from Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the outbreak. However, that doesn’t surprise scientists who have studied coronaviruses, nor doctors familiar with the bug that caused SARS. Diarrhea occurred in about 10 to 20 percent of patients afflicted with severe acute respiratory syndrome about 17 years ago and was the source of an explosive SARS outbreak in the Amoy Gardens residential complex in Hong Kong. SARS and Wuhan viruses bind to the same distinctly shaped protein receptors in the body that are expressed in the lungs and intestines, making these organs the primary targets for both viruses, said Fang Li, an associate professor of veterinary and biomedical sciences at the University of Minnesota. The discovery of the Wuhan virus, dubbed 2019-nCoV, in the fecal material of the 35-year-old man treated at the Providence Regional Medical Center Everett in Washington is “interesting,” said Scott Lindquist, the state epidemiologist for infectious disease at Washington’s Department of Health. “That adds to the knowledge about this,” he told reporters on a conference call Friday. “It’s not only excreted in your respiratory secretions, it’s also secreted in your stool.”

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