Maoism and Critical Race Theory By Chris Knight (Florida)

A Chinese woman who lived under the tyranny of Mao has compared what is happening in the US, with the Maoist Cultural Revolution. In fact, what we are seeing in the West, has been cultural Marxism in motion since the 1960s. Once the cultural domain is won over, then the economic structure will be communised, which is the exact opposite of Karl Marx, but, that’s Marxism for you, very flexible!

“A Chinese woman who suffered under the brutal Communist Chinese regime of Mao Tse-Tung vehemently denounced Loudoun County’s School board in Virginia for its championing of Critical Race Theory, charging, “All of this seems very familiar … the only difference is they used class instead of race. … This is, indeed, the American version of the Chinese Cultural Revolution.”

Given one minute to speak, the Chinese woman wasted no time getting to the point, asserting, “I’ve been very alarmed by what’s going on in our schools. You are now training our children to be social justice warriors and to loathe our country and our history. Growing up in Mao’s China, all of this seems very familiar. The Communist regime used the same critical theory to divide people; the only difference is they used class instead of race.”

“During the Cultural Revolution, I witnessed students and teachers turn against each other,” she recalled. “We changed school names to be politically correct. We were taught to denounce our heritage. The Red Guards destroyed anything that is not Communist: old statues, books, and anything else.”

She pointed out that in China during the Cultural Revolution, students were also encouraged to report on each other: “We were also encouraged to report on each other, just like the Student Equity Ambassador program and the Bias Reporting System.”

She concluded, “This is, indeed, the American version of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. The Critical Race Theory has its roots in cultural Marxism. It should have no place in our schools.”


“Truth-tellers about communism have always been ignored or silenced, shockingly, even in the West.  We expect that kind of repression in communist hellholes.  Yet we see it here.

It happened during the Soviet period when survivors of communism from there would try to warn scholars about the evils of communism in the 1980s, as I recall, while I was an exchange student at Oxford University.

Or when Alexander Solzhenitsyn was said to have "suffered too much, he's crazy," as the great Tom Wolfe reported.  He too tried to warn about not embracing that in the West.

I myself had many long conversations with the now-late Harry Wu about the sheer vileness of China's communism, including in Xinjiang in the 1990s, and the difficulty of getting that message out because the left establishment refused to listen. 

More recently, it happened when Venezuelans tried to warn about communism in America, based on its incarnation in Venezuela.  I wrote about one such dissident, Elizabeth Rogliani, who warned of statue-topplings in America, here.

And of course, Miami Cubans have always been denounced as troglodytes, incorrigibles, intransigents, and other crap, all for telling "their truths," as Oprah would put it, and the warning not to bring it here.  Somehow, in the eyes of the left, their truths don't count. 

The latest instance of a warning of communism is from a survivor of Mao's "Cultural Revolution" in China, who knows that Critical Race Theory today is the same old '60s Maoism regurgitated for today, a bad direction that will inevitably turn the nation into a social ruin.”




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