Get Ready for the Chinese Invasion of Taiwan! By James Reed

The drums of war are beating ever louder since the CCP has put in their man in the once White House, Beijing Biden. So, will there be war, as the article material below predicts? My guess is that whatever happens, Taiwan will be taken. The Democrats will allow this, either not defending Taiwan, and letting China get the world’s computer chip supply, a product of globalisation, or the US will be defeated, after a token resistance. Thus it is just a matter of time before, as Beijing Biden has said, the CCP owns the US. Perhaps the Democrats should surrender now? I imagine that the good men would do nothing when even Chinese troops marched down their street. This is inevitable when societies become deracinated pluralistic messes; no social immune response since the difference between self and non-self has been obliterated by the ruling elites. If the elites want Asianisation, then why not speed up the process by national surrender to China now, perhaps with some concessions to allow traitorous boomers to expire in comfort?

“The Chinese military continues what appear to be preparations for a potential invasion of Taiwan, which threatens an eventuality that would force President Joe Biden to make an ugly foreign policy decision.

According to the South China Morning Post, “The Chinese military has conducted an amphibious landing exercise in waters near Taiwan amid renewed tensions between Beijing and Washington.”

It makes sense that, in addition to testing missiles over Taiwanese airspace, the Chinese military would be practicing amphibious operations, given that these would be necessary to invade an island like Taiwan.

“As part of the exercise, wheeled amphibious armoured vehicles entered the dock of amphibious landing ships, which then sailed to a target sea area where the vehicles left the ship and steered towards a beach,” the Morning Post noted, based on footage provided by the Eastern Theatre Command of the People’s Liberation Army.

Additionally, China Central Television reported that “the 72nd Group Army explored the tactics of emergency loading, long-distance transport and beach assault under complicated sea situations, and boosted the troops’ amphibious combat support capabilities.

What is happening should be clear.

China is emboldened.

It has become a world economic power and its military prowess now would make it competitive with the United States in combat.

As a consequence, China is willing to upset the status quo on this front, potentially trying to seize Taiwan, which it believes to be a breakaway province, and forcing the United States to act in defense of an ally or sit on its hands as a sovereign state falls to tyranny.

We have long maintained a policy of “strategic ambiguity” in relation to China and Taiwan.

This means that we support Taiwan against Chinese aggression without making it clear whether we would actually intervene militarily should China invade the island.”



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