Macho Cooking for Real Men By John Steele

     Here are two good videos by YouTuber Donnie be All Day, a pro-Trump patriot, and returned soldier who served in Afghanistan. He generally does the best YouTube review of knives, something which I am sure most of us here are interested in, being sharp, red-blood folks. But in these videos, he strays a bit and expresses his love for Australia, having fought alongside Aussies. And, he is pretty sympathetic to the plight of men today, and having some experience in cooking comes up with some simple, yet fantastic meals that men can make, you know, the divorced set, to nourish their bodies, and keep their spirits up in these tough times.  A good chicken fried steak will go down well in the trenches. I might cook one up tonight on the camp fire, out here in the wilderness, with just my Cold Steel  1917 Frontier Bowie  knife for companionship, and meat-cutting prowess. 

Old Bob Gets Rough By Chris Knight

     In general, we do not like Leftist icon Bob Dylan/Zimmerman here. That is not to say that there is nothing of value for conservatives in his oeuvre, nice French word, that.

““People sleep peaceably in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.” The statement has been attributed most frequently to Winston Churchill, who may never actually have said it; but in these days of calls to “Defund the Police” and antifa thugs running wild in cities where there are no rough men, it is more important that it is true than it is who said it. Recently, an affirmation of the wisdom of this saying came from what many might consider an unlikely corner: Bob Dylan. Dylan, 79, is the hero of the Sixties counterculture, which makes him revered among today’s mainstream Left. Obama gave him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and not too long after that he won the Nobel Prize for Literature, for which he never would have been considered at all if he weren’t an idol of Leftists worldwide. But on his new album, Rough and Rowdy Ways, Dylan sings a curious stanza that should have his Leftist followers, if they’re listening to the words, wondering if the grand old man is losing his grip. Conservatives, by contrast, should be cheering. The lines come in a song entitled Mother of Muses, which begins by sending out a series of pleas to the spirits of inspiration. The speaker calls on the “mother of muses” to “sing of the mountains and the deep dark sea,” and to “sing of the lakes and the nymphs in the forest,” that sort of thing. So far, that’s fairly conventional: the man wants to write a song, and he needs some help to do it. Poets going back to Homer and before that have asked the muses to visit them with something worthwhile to say, or sing, or write. But then Dylan shifts the tone slightly, asking this “mother of muses” to “sing of the Heroes who stood alone / Whose names are engraved on tablets of stone / Who struggled with pain so the world could go free.”

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If Trump Can Get Re-elected He Deserves a Whole Crate of Nobel Peace Prizes By Chris Knight

     President Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Yes, the same award that was given to Obama merely because he was Black, or at least, a multiracial. But Trump has done well in Middle East peace, and given that these awards are handed out to a multitude of losers, most of the time, it is about time that someone worthwhile gets one.

“President Donald Trump has officially been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a member of Norway's Parliament, said Trump is deserving of the esteemed award because of his efforts to broker peaceful relationships between countries, specifically citing the historic peace treaty between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. What did Tybring-Gjedde say? In an exclusive interview with Fox News, Tybring-Gjedde said the Nobel Prize Committee should examine Trump's record, for they will find that it is much more impressive than former President Barack Obama's. Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009. "For his merit, I think he has done more trying to create peace between nations than most other Peace Prize nominees," Tybring-Gjedde said. "I'm not a big Trump supporter. The committee should look at the facts and judge him on the facts — not on the way he behaves sometimes," the Norwegian lawmaker continued. "The people who have received the Peace Prize in recent years have done much less than Donald Trump. For example, Barack Obama did nothing."

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Uncle Joe Biden and His Furry Friends By Chris Knight

     “Meet Joe Biden’s Supporters,” is a devastating new campaign ad for Trump which slams the Democrats connections, indeed, worship, of BLM and antifa. We see Biden doing their bidding, and kneeling before absolutely frightening characters, who threaten continued violence unless old Joe is elected. The last scene has one thug make such a threat, as Biden knees before them, like a piece of white prison bait, and the gang stands threatening.   If Trump does not win, it will be frightening times. In fact, democracy is already over, and I can see a clear argument for people not accepting any fraudulent election result, not that I am advocating revolution or anything the Left might be, because conservatives are conservative, until the bitter end. 

     Things have become so corrupt now, that that hit piece published saying that anonymous sources said that Trump made derogatory remarks about soldiers, is admitted as perhaps being wrong, but, well, it is about Trump, so what?

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What Do We Know About Industrial Manslaughter Law in Victoria? By Ian Wilson LL. B

     The Workplace Safety Legislation Amendment (Workplace Manslaughter and other Matters) Act 2019 (no. 50 of 2019) has come into effect, with some startling consequences, some would say, political intrigue. To get this right, let us set out the facts as stated by the leading article on this topic, by journalist Robert Gottliebsen, who has been covering things like this for over 50 years. He deserves a medal or three:
“..., last week the state of Victoria took three significant and deliberate steps towards the prosecution of members of its cabinet for industrial manslaughter – a crime that carries a maximum penalty of $16.5m and/or 25 years in jail.  The industrial manslaughter Victorian legislation was designed by Premier Daniel Andrews and the current government with the aim of jailing and heavily fining the chairman, chief executive, chief financial officer and directors of any large corporation where there was a death on or associated with their workplace. It was vicious legislation casting a wide net but it did not pass the parliament until late November (2019-ed). Seven weeks later COVID-19 hit Victoria,
Not in their wildest dreams did the Victorian cabinet ever consider that their personal freedoms and finances might be the first to be put on the line as the new and powerful legislation was tested...

...Last week’s first step in moving towards industrial manslaughter charges was the dramatic announcement by the new WorkSafe chief executive Colin Radford that WorkSafe would be investigating the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions for possible breaches of workplace safety...
...Secondly while Radford and WorkSafe investigates, the public investigation is showing Victorians just how crazy the administration of the quarantine became. There is no suggestion that WorkSafe will be nobbled by the government in its investigations. But theoretically, if it were, then the public would be in a unique position to realise what had happened. The position of Radford and his board would be untenable....
Finally, Attorney-General Jill Hennessy confirmed that the ministers of the Crown are subject to penalties for breaches of workplace safety including charges of industrial manslaughter. Similar assurances were made in the parliament when the bill was being debated".

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Opinion Piece: Not So Green By Viv Forbes

Solar energy is very dilute, so solar collectors usually cover huge areas of flat arable land, stealing farmland, starving wild herbs and grasses of sunlight and creating “Solar Deserts”.

A Solar Desert expanding at Gannawarra in Victoria, Australia
Not so Green
Picture Credit ARENA

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Ensauvagement By Richard Miller

     The French term “ensauvagement,” has been used by the Dissent Right to describe the new savagery that has characterised modern Western society in the West. The New York Times has the following article not behind a paywall, so they must want ordinary deplorables to read it.

“The word “ensauvagement” has been a favorite dog whistle of France’s far right in recent years, used to suggest that the nation is turning savage. With its colonial and racist overtones, it has been wielded in discussion of immigration and crime to sound alarms that France is being transformed into a dangerous, uncivilized place, stripped of its traditional values. “Behind it, there is an underlying imaginary world, with savages on one side and civilized humanity on the other,” said Cécile Alduy, a French expert on the political use of language who teaches at Stanford University. So it did not go unnoticed this week when sitting ministers of President Emmanuel Macron’s government started throwing around the word themselves, arguing forcefully that talk of France’s “ensauvagement” was legitimate. “Personally, I use the word ensauvagement and I repeat it,” said Gérald Darmanin, the powerful interior minister and head of the national police.”

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The Secret Life of Plants By Brian Simpson

     When I was in high school, there was a book The Secret Life of Plants, which was popular. I never read it, but I think it argued that plants are not mere mechanisms, but have a mental life. Well, the author was onto something, although mainstream scientists, dismissed the work as pseudo-science. Well, even so, it was more interesting than the unreplicable bs that they produce, usually for big business’ profits.

“In a major breakthrough, Italian researcher Umberto Castiello from the University of Padua gathered together a selection of studies supporting the idea that plants can sense, feel, think and even communicate among themselves. Castiello said he hopes to fuel a discussion regarding the cognitive abilities of plants, such as those often observed in humans and animals. Discussions on plants as cognitive agents could help lead scientists to the “roots” of cognition, he added. His findings appeared online in the Journal of Comparative Psychology.

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The Racism of Antifa By Chris Knight

     For reference purposes, while antifa claim to be antiracist, when it suits them, they are quite prepared to call a Black woman by the n-word, no concerns. The only consolation is that if she was White, they would probably have killed her, just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

“A video out of Portland shows a black woman involved in a confrontation with Antifa rioters who she accuses of calling her racial slurs as they temporarily block her vehicle. The clip begins with the African-American woman telling the white Antifa rioters to get out of the way as they claim they are engaged in a “non-violent protest.” “You setting fires in the street, no that’s violence,” responds the woman. The rioters position themselves in front of her car as she tells them to go and “tear up” another neighborhood. “Now they see how ignorant this looks, you don’t let someone call me a f**king n**ger bitch, you don’t want no race war out here…f**king ni**er bitch, that’s what you called me,” says the woman. The Antifa rioters deny being responsible for the racist slur before accusing the woman of pushing them with her car. “If I was pushing you with my car, you’d be laying the fuck over,” responds the woman as the confrontation becomes more heated. The rioters are finally forced to let the woman pass. One suspects that if she was white, they would have physically attacked her.”

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It’s All Men’s Fault: UN By Mrs Vera West

     The sinister, nay, demonic, UN is at it again, and in fact never stops, this time saying that all bad things come from men, in their program of re-writing history, just a they re-wrote the science of race in the light of Marxism.   

“If civilization had been left in female hands we would still be living in grass huts”, Camille Paglia once famously said. But the United Nations didn’t get the memo:

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What Will They Do if Trump Doesn’t Leave? By Charles Taylor

     The emerging scenario seems to be, as documented by Breitbart, is that the Trumper wins the election visa the Electoral College, but after the election, they use fraudulent voting to steal the election. Evidence of voting fraud has already emerged.

“An analytics firm bankrolled by billionaire Michael Bloomberg is predicting that while President Trump will appear to win on November 3, Democrat Joe Biden will actually win the election days later due to mail-in voting. Josh Mendelsohn, the CEO of Hawkfish — funded by Bloomberg and currently working for various pro-Biden super PACs — told Axios that his firm predicts a “red mirage” where Trump wins on election day but Biden wins the election days later when mail-in votes are counted: The reason we talk about a red mirage is in fact because we believe that on election night, we are going to see Donald Trump in a stronger position than the reality actually is. We are sounding the alarm and saying that this is a very real possibility, that the data is going to show on election night an incredible victory for Donald Trump. That is likely to be what we see. Mendelsohn claims it could take weeks before Trump’s election night victory is chipped away at by mail-in votes that will show Biden as the winner.”

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Against Against Accelerationism By John Steele

     Greg Johnson at, explains the doctrine of accelerationism as follows: “Accelerationism is the idea that the best way to achieve White Nationalist goals is to accelerate the decline of the present system. This will supposedly have two effects. First, acceleration will weaken the system’s ability to maintain power, including to oppress dissenters. Second, acceleration will anger and awaken the white masses, making them more receptive to our message.”

     Once we accept that the system is occupied, not by our kind, that the rulers are unelected Deep Staters and other elites, and that we deplorables are ear-marked for the Great Replacement, the conservativism of the past, and past strategies and tactics, need drastic modification. Accelerationism, or as others have called it, destructionism, looks forward to the collapse of the system as needed for any chance of rebuilding, since reform of what exists now is simply impossible. Look at Trump as the last chance of any sort of mainstream poliytical answer to the problems that confront us.

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The Great Depression 2.0 By James Reed

     For your interest, the IMF chief is worried about a Great Depression 2.0, which I think would be a splendid idea, for what we have now is death by a thousand cuts, and anything accelerating the end of the system, not maintaining present power structures and increasing the oppression of us, but breaking down the alien system, which society has become, must be good. Note, this is all done by the internal contradictions of the system, and not by people striving to change it, because that awakening is not likely to happen any time soon due to the ostrich factor, and we are whistling in the dark if we expect it:

“The head of the International Monetary Fund has warned that the global economy risks a return of the Great Depression, driven by inequality and financial sector instability. Speaking at the Peterson Institute of International Economics in Washington, Kristalina Georgieva said new IMF research, which compares the current economy to the “roaring 1920s” that culminated in the great market crash of 1929, revealed that a similar trend was already under way. While the inequality gap between countries had closed in the last two decades, it had increased within countries, she said, singling out the UK for particular criticism. “In the UK, for example, the top 10% now control nearly as much wealth as the bottom 50%. This situation is mirrored across much of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), where income and wealth inequality have reached, or are near, record highs.” She added: “In some ways, this troubling trend is reminiscent of the early part of the 20th century – when the twin forces of technology and integration led to the first gilded age, the roaring 20s, and, ultimately, financial disaster.” She warned that fresh issues such as the climate emergency and increased trade protectionism meant the next 10 years were likely to be characterised by social unrest and financial market volatility. “If I had to identify a theme at the outset of the new decade, it would be increasing uncertainty,” she said. With disputes still raging between the US and Europe, she said “the global trading system is in need of a significant upgrade”. Georgieva said uncertainty affects not only businesses but individuals, especially given the rising inequality within many countries. She said that “excessive inequality hinders growth and ... can fuel populism and political upheaval”. Eric LeCompte, the head of debt charity Jubilee USA, said: “The IMF delivered a stark message about the potential for another massive financial disaster that we last experienced during the Great Depression. “With inequality on the rise and concerns of stability in the markets, we need to take this warning seriously.”

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Doctors Selling Us Out! By Mrs Vera West

     Doctors betraying us? Those warriors of health who once took an oath to put the health and welfare of the patient, first. To do no harm. Sure.

“GPs are being paid to hand over data on their client’s weight and alcohol use and patients are not being asked for their permission. The Federal Government is requiring doctors to hand over patient data to Primary Health Networks on 10 performance measures in return for a $50,000 a year taxpayer-funded practice incentive payment. The data is meant to be de-identified but the Australian General Practice Alliance (AGPA) said “the likelihood that it could be re-identified in the event of a breach is very high.” To qualify for the money GP practices must provide information on their patients’ diabetes status, smoking, weight classification, alcohol use and influenza immunisation status. The government wants to use the information to track the treatment and improve the management of patients with key chronic health conditions. Nine in ten GP practices have already handed over de-identified patient data and earned $20.3 million while 395 practices were granted an exemption over concerns about data security. Under the guidelines for the program GPs are meant to ask their patients for permission to transfer the data but this has not been happening and patients are not being given the chance to opt out. Asked whether patients permission was being sought Royal Australian College of General Practitioners president (RACGP) Dr Harry Nespolon said the short answer was “no”. The collection of the data was covered by legislation that allows doctors to collect quality assurance type data “as long as it’s de-identified you can do it”, he said. The AGPA however says history shows it is very easy to re-identify health data.In 2016 when the Department of Health released 30 years’ worth of Medicare data it took Melbourne University computer experts just three days to decrypt it. And medical appointment booking firm HealthEngine was recently caught passing on users’ personal information to law firms seeking clients for personal injury claims, AGPA Director and former AMA president Dr Mukesh Haikerwal said.

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More Porno; Less Religious By Mrs Vera West

     There you go, if you want less religion, and ultimately go to hell and burn for eternity, just keep up watching the porn, like a good Leftoid!

“Pornography has become increasingly accessible in the United States, and particularly for younger Americans. While some research considers how pornography use affects the sexual and psychological health of adolescents and emerging adults, sociologists have given little attention to how viewing pornography may shape young Americans’ connection to key social and cultural institutions, like religion. This article examines whether viewing pornography may actually have a secularizing effect, reducing young Americans’ personal religiosity over time. To test for this, we use data from three waves of the National Study of Youth and Religion. Fixed-effects regression models show that more frequent pornography viewing diminishes religious service attendance, importance of religious faith, prayer frequency, and perceived closeness to God, while increasing religious doubts. These effects hold regardless of gender. The effects of viewing pornography on importance of faith, closeness to God, and religious doubts are stronger for teenagers compared to emerging adults. In light of the rapidly growing availability and acceptance of pornography for young Americans, our findings suggest that scholars must consider how increasingly pervasive pornography consumption may shape both the religious lives of young adults and also the future landscape of American religion more broadly.”

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Australia is for Sale, and has Been for a Long Time By James Reed

     I have assembled a large number of articles updating the vast selloff of Australia which is occurring now. We have pretty much lost this country, and organisations that should be fighting this, are caving in:

“KAP Federal Member for Kennedy, Bob Katter has today slammed the National Farmers Federation (NFF) after they appeared on national television and announced they were lobbying the government to provide financial incentives to drought-affected farmers to leave their land; a campaign which is being echoed by the National Party. A livid Mr Katter said, “Your solution is to get rid of the farmers. It is in the back of the mind of every intelligent Australian ‘why do you want these people out?’ So your big corporate masters, Chinese investors, prominent amongst them can buy them out and we can have corporate farmers.  The city suits and foreign nations will be our farmers and we peasants will be out there working for nothing in little towns that are vanishing. That is the solution by National Farmers Federation.”

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Attacking Whiteness By Chris Knight

     Just in case anyone still has any doubts about the attack on whites, the following bs is now pretty much mainstream:

“A psychoanalyst from the New York Psychoanalytic Institute is on a speaking tour where he discusses how “whiteness” is a “malignant, parasitic-like condition” to which those of pallid skin tone “have a particular susceptibility.” Dr. Donald Moss’s presentation, “On Having Whiteness,” recently was a Plenary Address at a conference in South Africa, and has been featured in the US at the New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute and (soon) the Center for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies. According to the CMPS’s event description, Moss, the program chair at the American Psychoanalytic Association, asserts  whiteness is […] a condition one first acquires and then one has–a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. [It is] foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world: Parasitic whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse; these deformed appetites particularly target non-white people; and, once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate. Effective treatment requires a combination of psychological and social-historical interventions, which can reasonably aim only to reshape whiteness’ infiltrated appetites – to reduce their intensities, to redistribute their aims, and to occasionally turn those aims toward the work of reparation. When remembered and represented, the ravages caused by the chronic condition can function either as a warning (“never again”) or as a temptation (“great again”). Memorialization alone, therefore, is no guarantee against regression. There is not yet a permanent cure. Psychoanalysts and social workers can get a pair of continuing education credits for attending Dr. Moss’s talk on February 7. “Learning objectives” include being able to “explain the concept of internal racial identity,” and “identify[ing] obstacles to clinicians’ working effectively with issues of race in the therapeutic relationship.” Moss is a founder of the Green Gang, a “four-person collective […] focusing on climate change and its denial.” His recent articles include “Our Crying Planet” and “Defensive Representational Strategies in a Time of Cataclysmic Climate Change.”

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Our Degenerate Universities By James Reed

     Here is a good article by an academic, Thomas Dalton, describing how universities operate “from the inside.” The usual story of woe, that I report on all the time. But, on a positive note, he gives some advice to students from the Alt Right, about how to cope with life  in this enemy territory:

“Here are some key points to keep mind, and some specific suggestions on how to move forward.

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On Selling the Family Farm for a Mess of Pottage By James Reed

     Here is an excellent speech by Helen Dalton MP member for Murray on the foreign sale of our land, water and assets. She makes the obvious point that border protection is more than stopping people in illegal boats getting in. What security does a nation have where 52 million hectares of prime farm land has been allowed to be sold to foreigners? Japan, China, and most of South East Asian would never do this. Why is Australia so cucked?

Burn the Earth to Save It! By James Reed

     I knew nothing about biochar before reading this article, and now know a little more.

“The Importance of Soil Biology
As explained by Bates, soil microbes create what you might think of as a coral reef in the soil — a highly fertile area of water storage, air storage and nutrient storage that can nourish a wide variety of soil microbes. This soil biology makes for very nutrient-dense plants. That, in turn, allowed large civilizations to flourish in the Amazon. The charcoal also takes carbon from the atmosphere, sequestering it in the earth for long periods of time — thousands of years, typically, provided you don't use destructive agricultural processes such as tilling. So, this carbon sequestration benefits not only soils and plants but also the atmosphere. "Right now, at this point in time, we really need [carbon sequestration] for another reason; we need to have that timeout to give us some time to slow our emissions down, to go carbon-neutral. This is what you might call carbon-negative or a drawdown effect of carbon actually leaving the atmosphere, leaving the ocean and coming back into the land, where it had been, as fossil fuels, before."

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