Much Vaccination; Much Death By Richard Miller (London)

The tale of Covid vax woe comes from many places, but the UK is notable for its excess death rate. For the week ending November 12, 2021, in the UK there were more deaths primarily from heart disease and strokes, than during the same period between 2015 and 2019. Over the stagnant pond in Vermont, which is one of the highest vaccinated Us jurisdictions, excess deaths are now the highest hey have been since the Covid plandemic began. Excess deaths continue to rise across the West, even though people have received two or three shots. Now, why might that be, what is the common cause here? Here is one detailed explanation.


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The Silent Universities By James Reed

Janice Fiamengo is retired professor of English at the University of Ottawa, and her latest book is Sons of Feminism: Men Have Their Say. She points out that very few academics have taken a stand against the mandatory vaccination policies of their universities, even if not required by state or federal law. One would have thought that so-called free-thinking liberals would as a matter of principle oppose such paternalism, but not so. Even in terms of informed consent, there has been no opposing case permitted to be made to the vaxxes, so no informed consent exists. But, the silence of the academics, not the lambs, is deafening.

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The 2020 US Election Stolen by Ballot Box Stuffing! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

While various characters, well meaning, presumably, have said that the 2020 election will be overturned based upon their “special” evidence, nothing has happened. The next big thing is that the claim that the  Democrats rigged the election by the good old-fashioned means of ballot box stuffing. As reported by Breitbart News’ Matthew Boyle:

Conservative election integrity group True The Vote has been conducting a months-long massive and clandestine voter fraud investigation into the 2020 presidential election, the results of which may soon start coming out, Breitbart News has learned exclusively.

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Infant Murder, Legalised! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Incredible as it sounds to outsiders, babies, that is live born ones, could be killed up to 28 days after birth under proposed law, Senate Bill 669 (it should be 666)  in Maryland.“[T]he bill also proposes a revision of the fetal murder/manslaughter statute that would serve to handcuff the investigation of infant deaths unrelated to abortion,” American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) attorney Olivia Summers has said. The infanticide condition arises as the legislation prohibits investigations and criminal prosecutions for women and medical professionals for a “failure to act” in relation to a “perinatal death.”

“In other words, a baby born alive and well could be abandoned and left to starve or freeze to death,” according to Summers, “and nothing could be done to punish those who participated in that cruel death.”

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How Will the Globalist Stop Le Pen? By Richard Miller (London)

The globalists are nervous that Marine Le Pen will overtake Macron and become president of France. That would then be like having two Hungary’s, which will surely give old Georgie Soros heartburn. So, following on from the antics of the US 2020 election steal, what scam and sham will be pulled to tear victory away from Marine? I an going for the greatest election fraud in French history myself. 

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Mysterious Blood Clot, then Death By Brian Simpson

A man coughed up a 15 cm wide blood clot in the shape of the right bronchial tree … then later died of complications of heart failure. This story reached the leading medical journal, New England Journal of Medicine, but from my reading there was no exploration as to why the extremely unusual blood clot was there in the first place. Presumably, pre-existing heart issues might have caused this, but plenty of people have the same conditions without coughing up blood fur-balls, so to speak. No details of his vaccination status, naturally.

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Peer Reviewed Medical Papers Submitted to Various Medical Journals, Evidencing A Multitude of Adverse Events in Covid-19 Vaccine Recipients

The following is a research bibliography that an anonymous academic has composed and asked to be “sent near and far.” We have made some simplifying format changes, any errors being ours, but acknowledge the good work done here. This is a handy reference for reader’s GPs who say that there are no real or significant adverse effects from the Covid vaxxes.


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“AORTA” by Viv Forbes

It was a happy settlement

     the people strong and free.

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Lockdowns and the Mind of the Left By James Reed

The Covid mandates, with the lockdowns, the police repression and violence as only they can, and then the creation of a biofascist surveillance state, illustrates the workings of the Left mind. The common element in the entire Covid plandemic is the crushing of individuality and traditional freedoms, in favour of something Leftists call the “common good,” even though in the diverse swamp that they have created, there is not much commonality. In any case, this “common good” permits anything to be done via the utilitarian paternalist calculus of the greatest good for the greatest number. But this concept of the “good,” is not defined by the Left. It is whatever they want it to be.

However, why should governments have the power in the first place to imprison individuals? Where does this legitimacy come from? Voting for them? But why should a tick on a piece of paper produce any sort of binding social contract at all, especially in the light of election fraud and the utter sham that modern democracy is? And if that is consent then surely it can be withdrawn? Perhaps the political anarchists like Robert Paul Wolf are right, going further than the libertarians, in holding that states lack philosophical justification and tend inevitably to tyranny, the greater their power. Leftism, above all seeks power, so naturally the Left came to support all that the Covid vaccine state did. In the 1960s, attacking Big Pharma was common for the Left, but today, it is right as it is along with their agenda of globalist control.  Only, most of the Left are for the globalists, just useful idiots, ultimately redundant, at the end of the globalist revolution.

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Is Woke, Broke? Only When the Woke get Broke! By James Reed

Human biodiversity expert Edward Dutton thinks that the woke (political correctness) revolution may be nearly over, thoughts made in reflection on an article by N. S. Lyons, on Substack. Lyons puts the case that the woke revolution is not over, since Generation Z is hyper-woke, obsessed with white guilt, anti-racism (against whites of course) and an open embrace of the gender agenda and intersectionality. That seems a mighty convincing case, but Dutton puts an equally convincing opposing view.


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The Destructive Impact of Mask Wearing on Toddlers By Mrs Vera West

One of the aspects of the Covid mandates and fetish for mask wearing, a useless activity that has become part of the symbolic slave ritual of the Covid New World Order, is the ill-effects of masks upon human health. It is simply not natural to be breathing through synthetic material all day. Again, even if the masks were “healthy,” there are still kick-on effects. Adults wearing masks all day has had an adverse effect upon babies and toddlers, who depend upon seeing human lip movements to aid in their speech development. It has now been found that there is a generation of toddlers struggling with speech and social skills.


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Adventures in Anti-Whiteism, the New Woke Religion By James Reed

With covering the Covid plandemic and the slide into World War III, I have not had the time nor energy to report on the latest woke/politically correct absurdities from the universities. But they are going on, even as we speak. Here from The College are some of the latest, that in essence all involve some tenured academic whinging about how whites and/or white culture needs to be cancelled, for “muh oppression.” But, carry it all through to the logical conclusion and first cancel the places where all of this culture of criticism comes from, the universities. How can a professor with a paid job at a university, by definition elitist centres of white oppression (actually oppression of whites), and at an absolute minimum offering shelter from the elements, complain about nothing to lose, when masses of homeless people, many white, sleep rough in the streets? Perhaps academics need to join their people in their environment?


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The Coming Death of Petrol Cars, at the Hands of the Environmentalists: US Case Study By James Reed

When I wrote about the policy of the Australian Greens hoping to ban petrol cars by 2030, I was dismissive, since this is not a real threat for Aussies, just the Left uni. set doing what they do. But over the lake in the US, this idea is getting teeth, with Washington state now having a bill that all vehicles sold, purchased, or registered within the state to be electric vehicles by 2030. Notice that magic New World Order date of 2030, that keeps coming up in this area of politics. It is obvious that the super-elites of the Great Reset are selecting certain spots for preliminary testing grounds for their radical ideas. The elimination of meat is also on their “menu.” While it is said “delicious” insects will be available to folks like us, the more likely scenario is starvation, as part of the depopulation agenda.

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The Ketanji Brown Jackson SCOTUS Nomination By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Ketanji Brown Jackson nomination for the US Supreme Court was openly made as a nomination based upon skin colour and gender, a Black woman would be given the position over all others, casting merit aside. That in itself is not the worst-case scenario, since there are some very good Black women judges in the federal circuit. Jackson is not the academic top of these. Indeed, the Jackson nomination is just plain terrible, as she has a history of giving lax sentences to those committing horrific crimes. Links are supplied below, to incredible judgments. At present the Senate Judiciary Committee is in deadlock, but they will break someone opposing her, and in she goes. But, in any half-decent society, she would never have been nominated in the first place. But that is how things go in Biden land.

As an aside, I saw a video where Obama and Biden were at a recent White House event. Biden wandered around lost, no-one speaking to him, while everyone sought the attention of the shadow president in his third term, Obama, Soro’s man. The West has really become clown world, but not decked with the nice circus clowns who make us laugh, but the new breed of clowns found in Hollywood horror movies, carrying chain saws, not bags of sweets.

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And, What if Stephen Hawking was Right about Aliens? By Brian Simpson

This story shows the hubris, arrogance, anti-democratic nature of the scientists. Although this has been done before scientists have now devised a precise radio massage to be beamed into deep space, giving the earth’s precise location, as well as a sketch of what we are as a species, to any aliens out there who care to listen. The late Professor Stephen Hawking thought that this was a very bad idea, since the entire project is based upon the idea that any aliens would be both technologically advanced and friendly. Even if they were, perhaps, as happened to native tribes in the New World, diseases could be introduced to Earth wiping out humanity. There are so many problems with this that such an idea should be stopped in its tracks, but the Dr Frankenstein scientists are free to do it, because of “muh scientific advancement.” Science in many respects is one of our greatest unopposed tyrannies, but as it delivers technology, and a few crumbs fall from the table of the super-elites, even conservatives do not adequately challenge the rule of this technocratic sacred cow, or is it monster?

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The Sacred Journey of Becoming … Transgender? By Mrs Vera West

According to Rowan Williams, an Anglican Bishop who previously served as the Archbishop of Canterbury, and is considered to be the most senior clerical role in the Anglican church, becoming a transgender is a “sacred journey.” These remarks are made in the context of Britain’s moves to ban so-called “conversion therapy” for homosexuals, as those who identify as “transgender” will not be covered by the proposed legislation. Well, what a long way we have come since the 1960s! How long before there are no heterosexuals at all? If there are advances in artificial reproduction, then the drive will surely be to eliminate heterosexuality entirely for the human species, at least in what remains of the West, as it was part of the past, and “past = bad.” China and Russia though will not have this radical anti-traditionalism in their New World Order.


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Hypersonics, Better Late than Never! By James Reed

First the subs and now an agreement for the development of hypersonic missiles through a trilateral security pact between the US, UK and Australia. The good times never end! The West is late off the mark with hypersonics, Russia already using one in the Ukraine to kill people, but it is better late than never. If the West was not obsessed with racial suicide and ethno-masochism, energies could have been put into defence to counter these now existential threats. Maybe the US hackers could do what the Chinese have done, and steal their technology?


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US Foetal Deaths Up Almost 2,000 Percent Since Covid Vax Rollout By Mrs Vera West

Here is a report that there has been an increase of almost 2,000 percent in foetal deaths since the Covid vax rollout, compared to the foetal death rate with previous vaccines, stated one of America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS), Dr. Peterson Pierre. And, according to the CDC, since the COVID shot rollout, there have been 550,000,000 shots administered, and 3,725 foetal deaths, so for every 147,651 shots, there has been one foetal death. But, between 2006 and 2019. there were 4 billion shots administered, and 1,369 foetal deaths, which equals to one foetal death for about every 3 million shots. This is a 1,925 percent increase in foetal deaths. Does that sound right to you?


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Infections with Mind-Altering Parasites! By Brian Simpson

While a discussion of mind-altering parasites, such as the “zombie bug” the single-celled protozoan Toxoplasma gondii may seem way off topic, it is not, really. This parasite can profoundly alter animal behaviour, making them in a sense self-destruct in favour of the parasite’s continual existence. But, biology aside, this game theoretical strategy has long been practiced in human societies. Only Nordic (Northern Europeans) are way behind the eight ball in this battle, being in their comfort zone for far too long, wallowing in universalism. Too bad when the universal ceases to exist at all.

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Professor John Ioannidis: End the Pandemic! By Brian Simpson

Most academics fail in their task of being social critics, apart from safe zones such as woke. As far as the Covid mandates went, only a few challenged the received narrative, and many even worked to discredit in public the Wuhan lab leak hypothesis of the origins of Covid-19, while believing in private that the bat soup hypothesis was bunk. Among the brave critics is Professor John Ioannidis, a Professor of Medicine, of Epidemiology and Population Health and of Statistics and of Biomedical Data Science at Stanford University. He has continued to raise important questions that the mainstream was ignoring, wrong on some, but right on most. Now he takes it to the limit, and says that the Covid pandemic should be declared to be over. That has upset the Covid establishment, which has done very well out of the plandemic, thank you very much!

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