Letter to The Editor

of The Stock Journal
Mr Tony Mahar’s support for Foreign Ownership (Stock Journal 25/8/16) is a view unfortunately held by some senior politicians and businessmen.  It is particularly unfortunate in Mr Mahar’s case since he heads the National Farmers’ Federation, an organisation with rank and file members expecting their leaders to promote, protect and nurture their industry and assets.

Around the world, most countries either severely restrict or even prohibit the sale of farmland to foreigners.  The Japanese economy has been declining for twenty years and yet I would not be able to buy any of their land. So why is Australia needing to assist the economy by eagerly displaying the “For Sale” sign?

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Source:  http://www.catholicinsight.com/online/features/article_882.shtml
Basically, the Frankfurt School’s task was, as swiftly as possible, to undermine the Judaeo-Christian legacy. To do this they called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life which would be designed to de-stabilize society and bring down what they saw as the ‘oppressive’ order. Their policies, they hoped, would spread like a virus—‘continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means’.

Carl Grünberg, the Institute’s director from 1923-1929, was an avowed Marxist, although the Institute did not have any official party affiliations. But in 1930 Max Horkheimer assumed control and he believed that Marx’s theory should be the basis of the Institute’s research. When Hitler came to power, the Institut was closed and its members, by various routes, fled to the United States and migrated to major US universities—Columbia, Princeton, Brandeis, and California at Berkeley.

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What a Real “Safe Schools” Program Should be Looking At by Mrs Vera West

A Melbourne school for children with intellectual disabilities is under investigation after it dealt with one child by leaving him outside on a beanbag for an entire term, and that was a winter term! The boy’s mother was unaware of her son’s treatment.

Other children at other day care centres have been put inside lockable boxes! Some children had been left in their urine or had medications shoved down their throats. Whistle blowers have been sacked for lodging formal complaints.

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Porn and Video Games Frying the Brains of Young Men by Mrs Vera West

Professor emeritus Phillip Zimbardo, of Stanford University, has claimed in his book Man (Dis) connected: How Technology has Sabotaged what it Means to be Male (Rider, 2015), that the excessive use of porn (typically via the internet) and video games may be “digitally rewiring” young men’s brains, producing a “masculinity crisis.”

IT has produced a new form of addiction. The reward centres of the brain are changed, so that real world activities are less satisfying than on-line activities.

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Is This the Sign of the Beast? by Brian Simpson

Christians of a fundamentalist stripe have been warning us against the “sign of the beast” since, well, Adam was in high school. Now, a Sydney woman has had microchips implanted in her hands so that she can control various electronic devices and not carry keys or cards: https://au.news.yahoo.com/technology/a/32444511/thefuturists-placing-technology-/#page1

The news set the American internet community on fire, especially Christian apocalypse types, God bless ‘em. They had thought that all Americans would be microchipped by 2017, but were shocked that we little Aussies are beating them in the rush to become cyborgs, who no doubt will soon find that their minds have been taken over by the New World Order.
Wait – that has already happened!

The Optimist’s Road to Ruin by Peter West

Following on from my previous article celebrating negative thinking and why it may have survival value, I note another Natural.News.com article (September 1, 2016) “‘Optimism Bias’ Explains Why People Remain in Denial about Coming Collapse.”

This article refers to T. Sharot (et al.), “Neural Mechanisms Mediating Optimism Bias,” Nature vol. 150, November 2007. The article looks at the neural mechanisms behind “pervasive optimism bias,” such as people consistently expecting positive events in the future when there is no evidence for them.

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Three Cheers for Loyal Chinese Aussies! by James Reed

If you don’t like this country’s values, and think of another place as your country, then go back there!
Strong words indeed. But before professional ethnics reach for their magic section 18 C ultimate nullifier weapon, consider that these words are a quote from John Hu, a Chinese Australian and founder of the Embracing Australian Values Alliance. (The Australian, September 5, 2016, p.2)
Have ye of the multicult released the cock on your hair trigger section 18 C gun yet?

John Hu may be just the man this torn and bleeding country needs, too. He will be able to challenge things that Anglo critics have difficulties doing because of the political weapon of section 18 C. He has criticised political donations, noting that in the case of Chinese political donations, “they may donate on behalf of the Chinese government to influence Australian politics, to penetrate and control positions, for example, on the South China Sea – and some of the money may actually be coming from China. In China, business and government work extremely closely.”

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Time to Turnover, Turnbull by James Reed

Andrew Bolt (“How I Found Turnbull’s Two Fatal Flaws,” Herald Sun, September 4, 2016, relates how he met Malcolm Turnbull a decade ago, and knew from that meeting that he would be a “dud leader.”
First “Turnbull continued to repeat what I knew for a fact was false” and “what a tiny concentration span he had.” But, all pollies are like that.

Turnbull is now worrying leading security experts because he is ignoring their warnings about the security threat posed by China: “intelligence leaders are conscious Mr Turnbull predicted five years ago that China would not use the expansion of its navy to become more militarily assertive and opposed the Labor government’s strategy for preparing for a naval war in the South China Sea, where China is now turning islets into bases.” Well, Mal certainly got that one wrong!

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After the Elite Get in Same-Sex Marriage, How about Polygamy? by James Reed

I went back to my old university to work in the library, or what remains of it. On the cement cylinder structures, whose name I never looked up (rotunda), I noted the left/socialists latest anti-Hanson pro-Muslim posters. This one was about eating Halal meat at a special anti-Hanson BBQ. I imagine that these young cubs would like to burn her at the stake, or at the mysterious cement structures, the fires fuelled by their moral righteousness and piety. But do the Muslims support their Leftoid values? In this article, we ponder that question.

I imagine that these folk, who are leading the charge for same-sex marriage will also get behind the next big thing after that: multiculturalism-based polygamy. Andrew Bolt notes in a recent blog “Polygamy Dating Site is a Warning: First Same-Sex Marriage, Next Polygamy,” Herald Sun, September 5, 2016, that polygamy will be the next big thing.

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The Great Amnesia that is Political Opportunism by Michael Ferguson

Chris Mitchell (“Amnesia Suits the Politics of Today’s Media Generation,” The Australian, September 5, 2016), notes that the crop of today’s progressives in the media are “publicly contemptuous of everyday Australians, those people who make up journalists’ audiences.” But do every day Australians primarily watch, say,  the ABC and SBS? I doubt it, or at least not the ordinary blokes I know. The chattering class who vilify us produce their self-reinforcing bs for members of their own class to maintain group solidarity, as the sociologists would describe it.

Still, Mitchell makes some good points. Then Prime Minister Julia Gillard, was opposed to same-sex marriage right up to 2013 and no “progressive” accused her of “hate speech.” But oppose same sex marriage now, and feel the might of the courts dropped upon you. Why, the Marxist cubs will bash you and the system will do nothing about it, or, almost nothing.

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Cultural Marxism: Philosophy of the New World order by Charles Taylor

How do the bits and pieces fit together? Why is it that the principles of the Marxists, best seen on university campuses, and the global financial elite so perfectly coincide? Both support open borders, one on grounds of “anti-racism,” the other on grounds of profit maximization. Everything the Leftoids do, such as seeking diversity, smashing the traditional family, and creating a Balkanised population, enslaved to a usurious debt economy, benefits the financial elite.

One would have thought that Marxist would be opposed to such an elite, above all else. Yet, their fanatical, insane, mouth-foaming anti-racist mania prevails over all else.
So, the Left must be no more than useful idiots doing, consciously, or unconsciously, the bidding of their financial masters.
Children, beware! Take even one step upon the collectivist road and you will be lost in a realm of ice and darkness.

Chinese Food and Unfree Trade by James Reed

An increasing amount of the food – including vegetables – at the supermarket, now comes from China. This shows the madness of globalisation, where Australian-grown produce must compete with the always cheaper Chinese imports.
Who dares ask: why should there be this competition in the first place? If an answer is given by the Dark Lords of Commerce, it usually goes along the happy capitalist lines of promoting individual choice. It is truly amazing how when socially harmful doctrines are critiqued, the elite always go back to “individualism” or “diversity.”

Peter Navarro and Greg Autry, Death by China (Pearson Education, New Jersey, 2011), present a full-scale assault on this free trade mythology. The book covers a lot of ground, but for the purposes of this note, is a good source on the dangers of imported Chinese food “infused with all manner of banned antibiotics, putrefying bacteria, heavy metals, or illegal pesticides.” (p.1)

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New Zealanders too lazy or drugged to work, says PM John Key

Ref: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/world/the-times/new-zealanders-to-lazy-or-drugged-to-work-says-pm-john-key/news-story/daa12ab1ee53eaa542401727698bce0d

John Key, the New Zealand prime minister, has defended the country’s high immigration rate, saying that foreign workers were needed because employers found native Kiwis either too lazy or dependent on drugs.
Mr Key admitted that high rates of immigration were straining public services and infrastructure but said his government would adhere to its open-door policy to fill job vacancies.

- having a prime minister with an attitude like that, with no question of coming in amongst the troubled communities to assist in whatever way is possible, must be high time to place him onto the dole queue!! - ed

'Nazi Grandma' holocaust denier Ursula Haverbeck sentenced to jail

An 87-year-old woman has been sentenced to prison after she claimed that Jews were never exterminated in Auschwitz. Her criminal record includes two fines and another sentence for sedition.
A court in Detmold on Friday sentenced Ursula Haverbeck to eight months in jail on charges of sedition. The presiding judge ruled out the possibility of parole and said that Haverbeck had a lack of "any kind of respect" and that she had made more offensive comments in the courtroom.
Haverbeck is expected to appeal against the sentencing. In Germany, anyone who publicly denies, endorses or plays down the extermination of Jews during Adolf Hitler's regime can be sentenced to a maximum of five years in jail.
Read further: http://www.dw.com/en/nazi-grandma-holocaust-denier-ursula-haverbeck-sentenced-to-jail/a-19522941

Feminism in the Age of Ultra-Political 
Correctness by Mrs Vera West

Feminists Decry Sex Change Proposal, (The Australian, August 26, 2016, p. 7), is one of those stories illustrating the paradoxes of our culturally diverse society. The Tasmanian anti-discrimination commissioner has recommended changes to the Births, Deaths and marriages Registration Act, so that men who self-identify as women, should be legally able to change their sex, even before having a sex change operation. If such changes are made, it will be as easy to change one’s sex as changing one’s name, and in principle, people could change their sex multiple times, even once a year, or maybe more.

Feminist groups have criticised the proposal, arguing that such reforms “legally erase the existence of female people,” and would undermine the protection of women under anti-discrimination law. As one feminist put it; “By allowing any person to self-identify their sex, it effectively redefines what ‘sex’ means under law….It stops being a reflection of a physical biological reality and becomes a social construct and a reflection of how a person subjectively feels about themselves.”

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Letter to the Editor

Sarah Gill claims that 'the hard right doesn't get equality' ('It's all about their rights', 6/9), but we conservatives in the tradition of T. S. Eliot and Russell Kirk distrust the concept of equality as a tool to achieve a fruitful, secure and peaceful political order. We prefer equity. Nor is it 'the reapportioning of rights' that we fear, but the destabilisation of Australian society by hare-brained schemes whose fanatical advocates appear unaware of the potential damage they threaten. We need free speech to expose their errors; we wish traditional marriage to be honoured for family welfare; and we want the constitution to favour no particular ethnic group over others.

NJ, Belgrave, Victoria

Letter to the Editor


Helen Trinca claims ('Bringing a cutting edge to counterculture', 6/9) that Richard Neville and Martin Sharp engaged in the Sixties in' a cultural adventure that helped shape a generation.' My own impression is that they have produced very little of lasting value. I thought at the time that they were largely phoneys and I still do. Shocking the bourgeois by means of deliberate rudeness and ugly mockery is no big deal.
NJ, Belgrave, Victoria

Ban Doctors, Not Guns! by John Steele

The medical establishment in both the United States and Australia are big on gun control. But, as observed by a News article, August 23, 2016 ( http://www.newstarget.com/2016-08-23-doctors-are-killing-2450-more-americans-than-all-gun-related-deaths-combined.html), doctors are killing an incredible 2,450 percent more Americans than all gun-related deaths combined! An American is 64 times more likely to be killed by a doctor through mistakes and mishaps than by gunmen.

In 2011 there were 31,940 gun deaths and 19,766 of them were suicides.  That makes the homicide figure 12,174. By the way, doctors usually chirp in and say that without guns we would not have gun deaths by suicide. True enough – we will have suicides still by other means that could harm others such as jumping off buildings.

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America: Coming Apart at the Seams by Chris Knight

We, in Australia, need to keep tabs on what is happening over the lake, back in my home country of the United States. Taki mag, I find is a good conservative site, but some articles may be a little gamey for our gentle folk, although the tone has gone down in recent months. That which happens in America, pretty soon washes onto our shores, so it is good to keep track on their decadence and social decline. The site is good for its discussions of the complexities of race, giving us here some idea of what mass migration has in store for Australians.

David Cole – yes, that David Cole – in “L.A’s dirty Little Brown Secret,’  August 25, 2016, at http://takimag.com/article/las_dirty_little_brown_secret_david_cole#axzz4IfqZ57uR, tells us about the racial politics of Boyle Heights in East  L. A., where even before the second world war, a Hispanic gang, the Big Hazard Gang, Hazard Grande, made this suburb 94 percent Latino, by using force to keep American blacks out of the neighbourhood. Blacks who attempted to settle had their homes fire bombed by Molotov cocktails hurled at their homes.

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The Amazing Adventures of Hillary Clinton by Michael Ferguson

Hillary Clinton’s latest revelation, brought to us by the generous folk at Wikileaks, is that as Secretary of State, she was the mastermind of the fall of the Gaddafi regime, a fall which according to DC Whispers.com (August 27, 2016, at http://dcwhispers.com/wikileaks-outlines-hillary-clinton-bidding-saudi-masters-turned-libya-isis-hellhole/)   “resulted in a missing 1.5 billion dollars sent to Libya by Hillary Clinton,” the death of four Americans, and thousands more people. Wikileaks reveals that it was all done because the House of Saud wanted it. And surprise, surprise, the House of Saud has donated millions to the Clinton foundation and her own campaign to be president of the United States.

Other emails reveal that France and the United Kingdom both sought to control Libya’s oil after the US-backed coup in 2011, and that France sought to control Libya’s gold and silver reserves, that at the time were worth around $US 7 billion. The email on this made no mention of humanitarian concerns, but was solely directed to the major power players, such as France, carving up Libya’s resources.

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