The Rules of the Universe Transcend Human Thinking by Betty Luks

My ego received some rather large dents when a couple of loyal readers contacted the editor complaining OnTarget for that week was ‘boring’.  After knocking a few of the dents out and recovering some semblance of equilibrium I thought a good deal about the matter and thought that I failed to get my message across as was intended.  So here goes… again.

The response is based upon an article which appeared in the OT Christmass issue of December 2004.

In “Releasing Reality” Eric Butler writes:
“One of the most illuminating statements made by C.H. Douglas, one which reveals his proper humility in the search for Truth, was that the rules of the Universe transcend human thinking, and that if the individual wished to live in a world of harmony, he should make every endeavour to discover those rules and obey them.”

It comes as a bit of a shock when one realises that at the last judgement Christ will judge us, not by our great exploits, not by our great ‘faith’ or ‘belief,’ not even for the number of convert ‘scalps’ we have ‘chalked up’, -- but by how we have treated our fellow man:
I was hungry and you fed me; thirsty and you gave me drink; a stranger and you took me in; in prison and you visited me… Inasmuch as you did it unto one of the least of my brethren you did it unto Me.” Matthew 25.37.

One could say that has always been God’s purpose and policy for the ‘fruits of the earth’. His provisions are there to feed and clothe and house mankind. Put simply they are a means to sustain and maintain Life. 

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Andrew Bolt's Blog:  "This is a political disaster. True, the buck should stop with the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and the Turnbull Government is not directly involved in the managed of this. Yet it will wear the political responsibility, and the price will be high."

Seems to me there are just too many bureaucrats running these systems.  Lots of theories but not much practical experience.

Reminds me of C.H. Douglas's comments on the International Bankers who think they can run the whole world:
Just because they deal in huge numbers within the banking system - they think they have the expertise to direct and run the whole world's other systems.

Reminds me of the joke about God giving this fellow permission to run the natural world for a year.  The fellow got everything right - except accounting for the wind.

Without the wind blowing the pollen and pollinating the flowers the trees did not bear fruit.  And guess what - no food to eat!

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Readers can be forgiven for mistaking Lady Susan Renouf with Lady Michele Renouf. It was in July of this year that socialite Lady Susan Renouf died of ovarian cancer at the age of 74 years. If one followed only the history/politics columns of the mainstream newspapers, one could be forgiven for mistaking this Lady Renouf with the second Lady Renouf known to Holocaust revisionists as a defender of free speech.

According to Wikipedia:
Susan, Lady Renouf : Born Susan Rossiter, 15 July 1942, Died 15 July 2016 (aged 74).
Her spouses were: Andrew Peacock (1963-1978, 3 children)
Robert Sangster (1978-1985)
Frank Renouf (1985-1998?, divorced)…

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Politicians Only Yield to Pressure

Australian people are having their debates and discussions stifled by the threat from the 'NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal for Homosexual Vilification' and the 'Racial Discrimination Act Section 18c' on several important political issues that will affect many generations to come: 'national security', 'immigration', the 'definition of marriage' and 'Aboriginal recognition in the constitution'. Paul Coleman in his book 'Censored: How European "Hate Speech" Laws are Threatening Freedom of Speech' shows the threat to free speech is not limited to locally grown authoritarians, but all the way up the halls of power.

Several important articles in the media report the problem of stifled debate.

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An anonymous correspondent has asked just who did the On Target journal refer to in its Vol.52 No.25 article “The Big Lies and the Long-Term Goals”.  As the article also referred to Josef Goebbels, Hitler’s “minister for public enlightenment and propaganda” one would have expected most readers to link such references to any and all such people and groups in this day and age.
In the 21st century such people and groups are not known as “ministers (with their hired underlings) for public enlightenment and propaganda”, they are now known as ‘spin doctors’ or ‘PR’ men (and women).  
In a recent conversation between Jonas E. Alexis & Vladislav Krasnov* (, it was disclosed the German magazine Spiegel once posed this dilemma to Solzhenitsyn:
“Your recent two-volume work “200 Years Together” was an attempt to overcome a taboo against discussing the common history of Russians and Jews. These two volumes have provoked mainly perplexity in the West. You say the Jews are the leading force of global capital and they are among the foremost destroyers of the bourgeoisie. Are we to conclude from your rich array of sources that the Jews carry more responsibility than others for the failed Soviet experiment?”
Solzhenitsyn responded:
“I avoid exactly that which your question implies: I do not call for any sort of scorekeeping or comparisons between the moral responsibility of one people or another; moreover, I completely exclude the notion of responsibility of one nation towards another. All I am calling for is self-reflection.”
Jonas Alexis asked Vladislav Krasnov: What is your take on the book?

Krasnov: I think Solzhenitsyn is absolutely right in saying that the book is not about “scorekeeping.” Its driving force is more akin to the program of “Truth and Reconciliation” that was implemented in South Africa after the end of the apartheid rule there. As to whether Solzhenitsyn is fair to the Jews, there is enough blame to go around for people of all nationalities and ethnic groups who participated in the Bolshevik Revolution, both inside Russia and abroad, including the USA. Again, the book is not about blaming but about understanding what had happened in order to avoid repeating the mistake.
Jonas Alexis - I would like to quote Solzhenitsyn:
“Every people must answer morally for all of its past — including that past which is shameful. Answer by what means? By attempting to comprehend: How could such a thing have been allowed? Where in all this is our error? And could it happen again?
“It is in that spirit, specifically, that it would behoove the Jewish people to answer, both for the revolutionary cutthroats and the ranks willing to serve them. Not to answer before other peoples, but to oneself, to one’s consciousness, and before God. Just as we Russians must answer — for the pogroms, for those merciless arsonist peasants, for those crazed revolutionary soldiers, for those savage sailors.”
This is indeed a brilliant answer to a thorny question. This is what makes Solzhenitsyn different from other writers in the twentieth century because he always brings a moral dimension to thorny issues. Would you not agree?

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The Law of Love

A favourite pastime of having to travel somewhere, is travelling through the countryside, rather than the city to get there.
As we recently drove through the meandering country roads, numerous times we needed to pass bike riders. At times there were double lines in the middle of the road designating crossing the lines was illegal, however the law has changed. Crossing these lines (in a safe manner) is now permitted whilst passing bike riders in order to ensure a safe distance is kept from the rider at all times.

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(presented as found without comment-ed)

Affordable Energy - Climate Science


Climate change has and will continue to be used as a political agenda by politicians and self interest groups or individuals for their own gain. We cannot allow scare mongering by people such as Tim Flannery, who make outlandish statements and are not held accountable. Climate change should not be about making money for a lot of people and giving scientists money. Lets know the facts and scientific evidence to make a well informed decision as to how best to look after our environment. 

Paying a carbon tax or an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is not going to wave a magic wand and stop nature changing the climate change. It will only make it harder for Australian families and businesses to make ends meet. We can address real environmental issues with legislation. Hitting struggling families and businesses with another tax has been designed to make some people a lot of money. Don't allow yourself to be misled.


Minister for the Environment
The Hon. Greg Hunt M.P.
Parliament House Canberra
A.C.T. 2600

Dear Mr. Hunt
 I draw your attention to the letter published in "On Target", 4th April 2014, [the weekly journal of the Australian League of Rights] written by Malcolm-leaun Roberts.  His letter refutes the reasoning being advanced by you and your Government relative to climate change, global warming, carbon [sic] pollution, [sic], etc, and he challenges you to respond to a series of questions chief of which being you provide him with empirical scientific evidence of your proof of “human induced global warming."

His published letter is in response to a letter sent by you to him.  Your Reference No: MC13-001921.

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Remember I have already lived in your future and it didn’t work - Vladimir Konstantinovich Bukovsky

Thought  for the Week:

6 June 2014
Remember I have already lived in your future and it didn’t work:  It is really puzzling to me that having just buried one monster “the Soviet Union” another remarkably similar one “the European Union” is being built. 

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Christianity and the Census

Next Tuesday night (9 August) is 2016 Census night – where we are required by law to answer all sorts of questions to help governments make decisions about such things as public transport, housing, education and hospitals.
The religion question – and its implications for the funding of school chaplains and faith-based charities, as well as tax-exempt status for churches – is all important.
The religion question is the only one that is not compulsory.  It lists six Christian denominations and three non-Christian religions, with a space for “other” – but for the first time, “No religion” is the first option.
That was the result of a quiet campaign by the Atheist Foundation of Australia three years ago. They hope that putting “No religion” at the top before any other option, they would win the “donkey vote” – and ultimately force governments to end any subsidy or recognition for the huge amount of public good done by faith-based community organisations.
They have also mounted an advertising campaign in supermarket car parks and elsewhere, urging people to mark the “No religion” box.
The problem is compounded by the fact that many non-denominational Christians mark
“No religion” because they have faith in Christ, but don’t belong to a particular denomination.  
To them, “religion” means “denomination”.
What can we do?
We can:
        Make sure we answer the religion question – by marking one of the six boxes for Christian denominations, or writing “Christian” or something similar in the space provided for “other” religion.
        Send this email to other friends and family, encouraging them to do the same.
        Pray – that the atheist campaign will fail.
May the Lord bless and guide you!

The Unpaid Work Force

Remember we wrote of the difference between the Moral Code and the Moral Law?  In the New Testament we read:  “The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil” which sprang to mind whilst reading about the UK government Mandatory Work Activity (MWA) scheme. Personally, the truth of that claim is clearer to me when the above is paraphrased thus: 

“The love of, that is, the preference for money, in terms of personal advancement, above all other considerations, is the root of all kinds of evil.”

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One Nation senator-elect Malcolm Roberts Now a Terrorist Threat

Michael Koziol from the Sydney Morning Herald reported this morning that: "One Nation Senator-elect Malcolm Roberts wrote bizarre 'sovereign letter' to former Prime Minister Julia Gillard"

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Clexit Creeps Closer by Viv Forbes

The “CLEXIT” Campaign (CLimate Exit) which originated in Australia was inspired by the Brexit decision of the British people to withdraw from the increasingly dictatorial EU bureaucracy. Clexit is spreading world-wide (16 countries already).

 Clexit aims to prevent ratification of the costly and dangerous Paris global warming treaty which is being promoted by the EU/UN and their green army.

 This war on hydro-carbon energy has already caused massive losses to western industry. If allowed to continue as envisaged by the Paris Treaty, economic depression will follow and all nations will suffer.

 We must stop this futile waste of community savings; cease the destruction and dislocation of human industry; stop killing rare bats and birds with wind turbine blades and solar/thermal sizzlers; stop pelletising trees to feed power stations designed to burn coal; stop converting food to motor vehicle fuel; and stop the clearing of bush and forests for biofuel cultivation and plantations.

Carbon dioxide does not control the climate. It is an essential plant food and more carbon dioxide will produce more plant growth and a greener globe.

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Fanning the Flames: Politics of Hate and Division

Cory Bernardi (Australian liberal senator) and Jeremy Corbyn (British labor party leader) are both rallying the troops into divisive camps to support the upcoming campaign/s against those horrid opposition people who won't do as 'they' say.

Labor in Britain has recently gained (in a 48 hour window) as many as 155,000 'new members' to vote for the leader of 'their chosing' rather than allow the leader be elected by the existing labor party members. They want to have a say but the labor elites and labor politicians do not want them to, so have imposed a £25 tarriff onto the £3 membership requirements in order to vote. The payment psychology is clever in that it obliges ongoing commitment to the cause regardless of the outcome.

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Australian History Not Normally Told

I have spent this past weekend going over several videos about Australian history. The first two are as relevent today as they were when originally produced in 1989 and 2001.

The Planned Surrender of Australia
ED Butler presents an historical picture of the destructive work of our politicians and elites in their deliberate efforts to destroy 'the lucky country'. He explains why philosophy (what you believe) is so important in the formation of the society in which you wish to live. The perversion of our Constitution, by judges who knew exactly what they were doing, to move us along the socialist (centralist) road. The alignment of our economy with alien trading blocks to remove our independence and self reliance, especially away from the Commonwealth.
He also walks you through Natural Law, which if you violate, will always demonstrate the truth of that law.

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What Is Moral? - That Which Works Best! by Betty Luks

There is an interesting discussion taking place amongst Social Crediters and while it centres on Oliver Heydorn’s recently published a book "Social Credit Philosophy", it raises interesting questions for the serious student. 

Readers of OnTarget might like to consider the following for themselves:

J.S. writes:  The purpose of the book is to put Douglas' philosophy in one treatise on the subject.  In this regard, Oliver Heydorn does an admirable job. 

Anyone who has read Douglas' works knows that he only touches on the subject of philosophy, and all of his writings on the subject are scattered throughout his works. Oliver does a tremendous job pulling all of this together into a coherent whole.  As such, any serious student of Social Credit needs to read this book.

Douglas referred to Social Credit as "the policy of a philosophy".  As such, you would think that the philosophy of Social Credit would be front and centre in any of Douglas' books or articles.  On the contrary, Douglas seems to ever only mention it in passing and scattered about in segments of his works.  I believe that this is because, as Oliver points out, that Douglas was really dis(un)covering his philosophical beliefs as he proceeded.

It has been said (by B. R.) that Douglas was an exceptionally intuitive thinker, but if I have a criticism of Douglas' works [it] is that they are not laid out in a deductive, logical manner.  Because of this fact, many erroneous beliefs and statements about Douglas' ideas have been put forward even by followers of the man.

I want to touch on a point that I believe Douglas was erroneous, or at least Oliver's interpretation of that point is erroneous (I believe the former, and actually believe that Oliver interprets it correctly, and it is in fact Douglas who is wrong). 

In the book, Oliver states that "that which is moral is that which works best".  But is this true?  If my object is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time, then that which works best is to detonate a nuclear device on a heavily populated area.  Is that moral?  Or does morality operate at a higher plane in that it first determines the correct course of action, and that which works best to get to that objective is merely the best way to achieve morality?  I believe that the subject of morality transcends mere engineering discoveries of what is the best method to obtain an objective.  It is morality that determines what objective we ought to follow.  The best method of achieving an objective does not determine the objective itself, but is merely a secondary question…”

Wallace Klinck responded:

“His concepts of “moral” and “good” were clearly related to man’s degree of success in understanding and relating to the Logos, being the body of law which governs the universe.  He assumed that there is such cosmic law and that we as humans can only seek and achieve an increased, if imperfect, understanding of it.  To the extent that we do discover and adhere to the Logos we will prosper.  That is realism.

On the question of intuition I believe that B. R. was certainly correct in his expressed opinion that Douglas was an exceptionally intuitive thinker.  Douglas himself mentioned that some insights seem to come as a seemingly instantaneous flash of awareness.  This introduces the question of the nature of intuition.  Does man think creatively by virtue of his own mortal cognitive powers or is he or she the recipient of imparted knowledge?  That is, is the mind of man merely a conduit for the mind of God—the Mind of the Maker?  In reality do we receive knowledge from external inspiration and have only the ability to process or utilize it?  Ask and ye shall receive.  Does man actually create or merely receive?  Let no man boast.  Something, perhaps, for the Marxists and Libertarians, whose creed is salvation through works, to ponder.”

Moral Code and/or Moral Law

Betty Luks:  I would like to add to this discussion.  When once speaking with Geoffrey and Elizabeth Dobbs they spoke of the time when Douglas was writing “Economic Democracy”.  They explained that, just as along the lines that Wallace Klinck described,  “Douglas himself mentioned that some insights seem to come as a seemingly instantaneous flash of awareness”.

Wallace also mentions “The Mind of the Maker” - Dorothy L. Sayers wrote a book with the same name.  In the chapter “The Laws of Nature and Opinion”, she writes of two distinct meanings attached to the word “law”.  The following is ‘cherry picked’ from her book:

1.  Arbitrary Law:  An arbitrary regulation made by human consent in particular circumstances and capable of being promulgated, enforced, suspended, etc., without interference with the general scheme of the universe.   

Such laws can prescribe that certain events shall follow upon certain others; but the second event is not a necessary consequence of the first.

As an example, if an Australian was to marry two wives at once, there would be a legal sanction – but only if he is found out; there is no necessary causal connection between over-indulgence of matrimony and the legal sanction.

Arbitrary law is possessed of valid authority provided it observes two conditions:-

1. Public opinion shall strongly endorse the law.

2.  Arbitrary law shall not run counter to the law of nature.

That is, when the laws regulating human society come into collision with the nature of things, and in particular with the fundamental realities of human nature.

2.  Natural Law: In its other use, the word “law” is used to designate a generalised statement of observed fact of one sort or another.  Most of the so-called “laws of the nature” are of this kind:  If you hold your finger in the fire it will be burnt”.

Such “laws” as these cannot be promulgated, altered, suspended or broken at will; they are not “laws” at all, in the sense that the laws of the nation are “laws”; they are statements of observed facts inherent in the nature of the universe.

In Whose Service is Perfect Freedom

But the word “law” is also applied to statements of observed fact of a rather different kind. 

There is a universal moral law, as distinct from a moral code, which consists of certain statements of fact about the nature of man; and by behaving in conformity with which, man enjoys his true freedom.  This is what the Christian Church calls “the natural law”. 

Much confusion is caused in human affairs by the use of the same word “law” to describe these two things: an arbitrary code of behaviour based on a consensus of human opinion and a statement of unalterable fact about the nature of the universe.

At the back of the Christian moral code we find a number of pronouncements about the moral law, which are not regulations at all, but which purport to be statements of fact about man and the universe, and upon which the whole moral code depends for its authority and its validity in practice. These statements do not rest on human consent; they are either true or false. If they are true, man runs counter to them at his own peril.  He may, of course, defy them, as he may defy the law of gravity by jumping off the Eiffel Tower, but he cannot abolish them by edict.

Regulations about doing no murder and refraining from theft and adultery belong to the moral code and are based on certain opinions held by Christians in common about the value of human personality. Such “laws” as these are not statements of fact, but rules of behaviour.

Societies which do not share Christian opinion about human values are logically quite justified in repudiating the code based upon that opinion. If, however, Christian opinion turns out to be right about the facts of human nature, then the dissenting societies are exposing themselves to that judgment of catastrophe which awaits those who defy the natural law.

The God of the Christians is too often looked upon as an old gentleman of irritable nerves who beats people for whistling. This is the result of a confusion between arbitrary “law” and the “laws” which are statements of fact. Breach of the first is “punished” by edict; but breach of the second, by judgment.

Scattered about the New Testament are other statements concerning the moral law, many of which bear a similar air of being arbitrary, harsh or paradoxical:

“Whosoever will save his life shall lose it”; “to him that hath shall be given, but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath”; “it must needs be that offences come, but woe unto that man by whom the offence cometh";  “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God”; “it is better for thee to enter halt into life than having two feet to be cast into hell”, etc.

We may hear a saying such as these a thousand times, and find in it nothing but mystification and unreason; the thousand and first time, it falls into our recollection upon some vital experience, and we suddenly know it to be a statement of inexorable fact.  
The cursing of the barren fig-tree looks like an outburst of irrational bad temper, “for it was not yet the time of figs”; till some desperate crisis confronts us with the challenge of that acted parable and we know that we must perform impossibilities or perish.

Now I understand what C.H. Douglas meant when he answered that question,
“What is moral?”  by replying, “That which works best!”


Seems a responsible move on the part of the Environment Defenders Office (Qld). If you are a Queensland farmer concerned about your water rights have a look at what this group is doing – and then judge for yourself.
“Qld farmers fear loss of justice if miners can take groundwater without licence,” reports the website of the Environment Defenders Office (Qld): 
EDO Qld says time is running out for the Queensland Labor government to stop controversial LNP water reforms that will strip farmers of their right to appeal proposed mine impacts on precious groundwater supplies, risking permanent damage to the state’s water systems (ABC Radio PM, Farmers fear Queensland water reforms, Wednesday 20 July).
With reforms to water laws due to be debated in Queensland parliament as early as next
month, EDO Qld solicitor Revel Pointon said new information provided to Central Queensland grazier Bruce Currie indicates that he and other farmers stand to lose legal rights to challenge grants of groundwater water to mining companies.
 “Our office has been approached by farmers concerned about a permanent loss of vital water supply unless the government steps in and scraps the LNP laws to give statutory rights to associated water to mining companies,” Ms Pointon said.
With amendments to the Water Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 expected soon before Parliament the Government has an opportunity to protect our farmers, their objection rights and local ecosystems…”
Read further here:

Environmental Defenders Office Qld (EDO Qld) is an independent community legal centre, empowering the community to use the law to protect the environment.


In his weekly newsletter Senator Cori Bernardi expressed his concern for the ‘state of the world’ when he wrote:

“I don’t know how many times I have written the following statement in recent years but it is succinct, accurate and more relevant than ever.  “The world has gone mad.”
Wherever you look, the signs of societal decline are evident. Acts of Islamic terror are now a seemingly everyday event. Mental health issues are increasingly prevalent. Substance abuse is growing. Respect for the rule of law and those that enforce it seem lower than ever. The children of dysfunctional families are incarcerated with little hope of a positive future…and I could go on.
These are the results of a sickness that has captured society; a culture where personal responsibility has all but disappeared, personal failings are excused by the politically correct and dangerous ideologies are dismissed with accusations of racism.
The issues we face are a direct product of the failed ‘progressive experiment’ that has deliberately sought to undermine the family, our societal structures, our education system and social mores…”

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Natural Law and Immigration

I have recently been reading a book titled "Philosophy In The Mass Age" by George P. Grant. Chapter 3 is  listed as 'Natural Law'. The chapter causes me to think about how I might observe natural law in action, and based on that observation adhere to it for my benefit.

The first example I use is BEES. 
In 1851, the Reverend Lorenzo Lorraine Langstroth (1810–1895), a native of Philadelphia, noted that when his bees had less than 1 cm (3/8 inch) of space available in which to move around, they would neither build comb into that space nor cement it closed with propolis. This measurement is called "bee space". During the summer of 1851, Langstroth applied the concept to keeping the lid free on a top-bar hive, but in autumn of the same year, he realized that the "bee space" could be applied to a newly designed frame which would prevent the bees from attaching honeycomb to the inside of the hive box.

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The Mainstream Media Silent Treatment

I noted from scanning the main stories from this morning's news, that our main stream media has gone deftly silent on the immigration issue. Without detracting from the importance of the "NT 'in custody' issue and the calling for a royal commission of same", I suspect this issue has been sitting on the sidelines for quite some time and has been strategically rolled out to distract the community from any further discussions about immigration.
(Much of the footage shown in the ABC’s damning Four Corners program, which initiated the inquiry, was shot in 2010.
This tactic of media silence is intended to stifle further debate.

So what can we (I) do about it? This question has many answers, and whomever gives an answer may do so in accordance with their knowledge, capacity and station in life.
But one answer at least is possible from even the most humble:

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