Killing Five People for Every Person Allegedly Saved By Brian Simpson

Steve Kirsch has done an amazing article, where he shows based upon health data from Western Australia, that the Covid vax kills five people for every one person it supposedly saves, although he rightly doubts that it saves any!

In 2021 in Western Australia there were zero deaths for all vaccines combined (other than the Covid vax), but 87 for the Covid vax. The mathematics here shows that there is a vaccine kill rate of at least 223 deaths per million doses, meaning that the Covid vaxxes are killing at least 5 people for every 1 person allegedly saved from a death from Covid. The technical details are below, but for our purposes, if this analysis is correct, it completely destroys the mantra of the vaxxes being safe and effective.

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Britain’s Economic Suicide: A Warning for Australia By Richard Miller (London)

Australia needs to learn from the example of the UK, which is, through zero emissions climate change hysterics, leading the Western world in committing economic suicide. The climate new Class elites are proud that since 1990, the UK’s CO2 emissions have dropped from 604 million metric tons to around 350 million tons by 2022. But this drop has come not from any sort of technological innovations, but from gutting the UK manufacturing sector.


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The Voice: A Flaw in the Voting System Allowing Electoral Fraud By James Reed

We at Alog have been discussing the issue of possible electoral fraud in the coming Voice referendum. What stops people breaking the law and voting at multiple polling stations? The answer from the Electoral Commission is: “nothing, but the number who do is small.” Do they check this? How do they know? But, in a close contest in a “hung” state the cheating votes may get things over the line. It may not affect the overall national result, but hypothetically it could.

Imagine just a few hundred organised leftists, going to every polling booth in heir city over the day. It could clock up thousands of votes.

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PM Albanese Given His Voice Orders from the Corporate Elites By James Reed

We have said this in many articles on the Voice, of the corporate elite’s impact on the Voice debate, but now we are pleased to see our view also shared by an article in The Australian, reporting on one of the few critical murmurs made by the Leader of the Opposition in the Voice debate.

Peter Dutton has said that PM Albanese did not get the Voice right, because the corporate elites were telling him what to do. Well, I don’t think Albo should be let off the hook in this way, as he was with the Uluru Statement from the beginning, and endorsed it as well, so Albo was converted. He was, of course, encouraged by the corporates, who for whatever reason support woke causes. But, it was all there in the beginning.

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The Joy of Plastics By James Reed

All we hear nowadays from the Greens, is how bad plastics are. Plastics are our world and it is impossible to imagine modern civilisation without them. But there is much plastic pollution. The answer is to use technology to solve the problem, and this is what Oak Ridge National Laboratory scientists have done. They have produced a method that takes unrecyclable mixtures of plastic waste and makes it  into useful chemicals by an organocatalyst that allows selective breakdown of various plastics. Used on a global scale, the Greens manic opposition to useful items like plastic spoons can be rebutted. Yes, long live plastic!

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How the Rule of Law Ends By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I got by email our London correspondent Richard Miller’s two articles on lawfare in Europe, with a Swiss court punishing a writer for giving an opinion of a journalist, and how a politician who urged Dutch famers to resist and protest the cancellation of their farms, is up on sedition changes. And the US is completely in this lawfare track. The Biden administration has weaponised organisations such as the FBI to become state KGBs.  Thus, the latest is that with expected violence, presumably when the 2024 election is stolen, or Trump is imprisoned and Epteined, Trump MAGA supporters are being all targeted as potential terrorists. The full power of the corrupt organisation is going to be used for enforcement of the coming stolen election I foresee.

During the Trump impeachment hoax, Trump tweeted a poster of himself that said, “In reality, they’re not after me, they’re after you. I’m just in the way.” That is spot on. It is one more example of the erosion of the rule of law that is accelerating across the West.

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Russia Gets Ready for Nuclear War By James Reed

I recall talking to an old-World War II guy who I think attended the very early meetings of the League in Adelaide, and was in a social credit group that met from the end of the War, until his death. My brother John, and George Merritt (deceased) was able to save his massive library of social credit material for the League before being thrown out by his kids who were not on side. And I asked him, I being of the next generation, did anyone see this nightmare coming back then? If we had a time machine, could we have alerted people then, and saved the downhill slide from the 1960s? He thought not, as when he was back in Australia on a medical during the war, being wounded, people would ask: “oh, how is the war going?” It was only when it looked like Japan would invade, did the people get really concerned. And, according to my grandfather, who was a World War I vet., when the invasion seemed likely, local cops rounded up all the guns so nobody could fight against the invading army!  This story says it all about human compliancy.


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Sitting Too Much “Rots” Your Brain! By Mr Vera West

This is bad news for people like me, who due to arthritis are limited in mobility. It is also a problem for disabled people in wheel chairs. Adults over 60 years who spend a lot of time in sedentary activities such as sitting, appear to be at increased risk of developing dementia. The time spent is about 10 hours a day. While that seems a lot, the average time spent sitting for Americans is 9.5 hours, so clocking up 10 hours is not so difficult seeing that much work today requires sitting at desks. These people are too exhausted to do much after work, and slump in front of the TV.

It truly is a recipe not only for mental deterioration, but general ill health. One must try and break the cycle as best one can if affected. I try to do regular walks, even if I have to use my walking frame to do it. On good days I can get by with just my cane.

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The Medical Mafia By Mrs Vera West

I came across this nice article criticising the medical profession in the light of the Covid freak-out of the last few years. The argument is stark, but rings true: modern medicine and health care are tied too closely to corporate interests, the interests of Big Pharma, to be considered scientifically objective.

It is not so much that individual doctors are greedy and benefit from a quick prescription of drugs so that next in the assembly line of general practice can be processed, which is true. Rather, the entire philosophical foundation of mainstream/allopathic medicine is based around drugs, or surgery. It is rare to see mainstream doctors think about things like diet and exercise to help patients. If one is lucky, they may find a few exercises on the internet, but mostly for say back issues, it is Big Pharma drugs, even though all such drugs have side effects, especially with long term use. Or finally, surgery. The idea of encouraging natural healing is a heresy.

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Tyranny in the Netherlands By Richard Miller (London)

Here is yet another warning item about the state of the rule of law in Europe. It should be read next to my article on the Swiss jail sentence given to Alain Soral for a criticism of a Left journalist. This time we have Dutch politician Gideon van Meijeren, urging the Dutch farmers who are fighting to preserve heir farms from the government’s climate change cancellation, facing charges from the Public Prosecution Service for sedition! It is totally insane and contrary to the rule of law, but the system is so utterly corrupt now that this sort of thing flies, so long as it supports the agenda of the globalist elites.


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Now One Can be Jailed for an Opinion Contrary to the New Class! By Richard Miller (London)

A Swiss court has jailed the writer Alain Bonnett/Soral, for 60 days for making a remark about a journalist, that any decent society would see as rough, but not something to be illegal, since it was an arguable opinion. But, that is the state of lawfare across the West, which has long ago abandoned free speech for any critics of the present regime. Australia may not be yet at the European level of tyranny, but if unchecked you are on the same slippery slope to this tyranny.

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Global COOLING, Not Warming, Need as Much Fossil Fuels as Possible! By James Reed

I am a big believer in climate change. Oh, not the global warming nonsense but global cooling. I felt it in my bones in Melbourne this year. Not being able to afford heating, I would work on the articles in my icy cold unit, with a sleeping bag around me. My limited budget would allow a tin of soup. I got to using a camp cooker with gas bottles to minimise my energy use, or at least know what I could use. The fridge was not necessary, so I turned it off.

And, as detailed at Natural, there is some science behind global cooling, which has nothing to do with human activities at all, but to the Grand Solar Minimum of the sun. Stated simply, there will be less energy put out by the sun, so temperatures will drop.

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The Voice: The Great Bias and Why this Undemocratic Tyranny Must be Defeated By James Reed

The Voice campaign reminds me of the US presidential elections, where the ruling elites from the globalist Democrats pull out all stops to win. There is the great white guilt trip, where many on the Yes side are saying that if No wins, then racism, racism, and more racism! 


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Sweden to Call in the Military to Control Multicult Chaos By Richard Miller (London)

I have been covering for many years at the blog, and for others in the UK, the Sweden situation, where a former white Nordic country, whose elites wanted to show the world that they were a moral superpower, adopted a biased pro-non-white Third World Immigration policy. And, now there are ethnic no-go zones, and gang war between immigrant gangs, leading to shootings and bombings, often killing innocent people other than the gang members. Police chiefs have said that the streets of Sweden are turning into war zones.


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There is No Climate Crisis: Co-Founder of Greenpeace Canada By James Reed

Some of the most telling personal critiques of the climate change catastrophe narrative, that is being used to deindustrialise the West, to destroy farms, and even stop the ordinary people eating meat, reducing them to lowly bug eaters, is for former leading environmentalists to speak out and deny the climate crisis.


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The Evils of the United Nations: Paid Invasion By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is yet more evidence of the evils of the UN. One of the UN’s objectives in being set up was to aid refugees, and that involved not making them into migrants in the first place, by addressing the causes leading to displaced people. But now we see the UN paying illegals to invade the United States. If Trump gets in he must take down both the corrupt UN and World Health Organization.


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The Elite’s Invention of Permacrisis; Rule by Fear By James Reed

The New Class, who are at home with the narratives and rhetoric of pandemics, global climate change crisis, if not catastrophe, saying things like the UN secretary general recently said, that the “gates of hell are open,” like to talk about converging crises, polycrisis or even permacrises. As I see it, this is leaving no stone unturned, and using mental overload, to overwhelm people with bad news so that they think that resistance to the agenda of the globalists is futile. As argued below: “In this sense, the normalisation of the concept of permacrisis could be understood as a response to the loss of legitimacy and authority by Western ruling elites. Unable to generate societal consensus or hegemony, in either material or ideological terms, and increasingly threatened by the rise of new global powers, first and foremost China, they are forced to rely on increasingly repressive and militaristic measures — both domestically and abroad — in order to remain in power and stifle any challenges to their authority. Hence the need for a more or less permanent state of crisis capable of justifying such measures — in other words, permacrisis.”

While there have always been problems of living, what we see today is the use of high anxiety and fear to rule the population. Thus, the climate change narrative of doom has generated a new psychological disorder of eco-anxiety, which in the manipulated minds of the young, is as real as anything. It makes it so much easier to control people’s consumption patterns, just like people were controlled by fear and coercion during the Covid tyranny.

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Some Sanity on the Gender Agenda in the UK By Richard Miller (London)

As hard as it might be to believe, in the UK, which is as woke as it is broke, economically and morally, transgender women are to be banned from being treated in female wards. If someone is complaining of say cervical cancer, but does not have a cervix to start with, that creates a medical resource shortage for women who have a real cervix, who have real cervical cancer getting vital treatment. Woke, according to the health secretary, is sidelining women’s rights. Now watch the feathers fly, everywhere.


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Technocracy and Technofeudalism By Brian Simpson

Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism by Yanis Varoufakis, published by Bodley Head, is set to be released on October 28, 2023. Varoufakis is the Left-wing former finance minister of Greece. His book argues that capitalism as we knew it has ended, to be replaced by what he calls “technofeudalism,” which is far worse than anything we have seen in the West. Traditional capitalism, in the age of industry, produced things, but Big Tech does not produce things, or capital,  it charges rents, and that is feudalism.  The Zuckerbergs of the world “charge rent… The people we think of as capitalists are just a vassal class now. If you’re producing stuff now, you’re done. You’re finished. You cannot become the ruler of the world anymore.”

“Imagine the following scene straight out of the science fiction storybook,” he writes. “You are beamed into a town full of people going about their business, trading in gadgets, clothes, shoes, books, songs, games and movies. At first everything looks normal. Until you begin to notice something odd. It turns out all the shops, indeed every building, belongs to a chap called Jeff. What’s more, everyone walks down different streets, and sees different stores because everything is intermediated by his algorithm… an algorithm that dances to Jeff’s tune.”

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The Carbon Dioxide Climate Change Hypothesis is but One Hypothesis Among Others By James Reed

Dr Stuart Harris has published a peer reviewed paper entitled, “Comparison of Recently Proposed Causes of Climate Change,” in the journal Atmosphere 2023, 14(8), 1244; He is in the Department of Geography, University of Calgary, so is well versed to look at all of the hypotheses, including those involving solar and cosmic effects.


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