Some insightful comments by martial arts/cultural dissent James LaFond who runs a pretty much adult site, but there are still many good things to be distilled for less robust folk. Like this comment on the social significance of Jordan Peterson:
“Sir, here is a recent link sent by Riley, which I think demonstrates the usefulness of shills like Peterson and Molynuex, creatures who seem like ghosts discussing the viability of the human soul they are a mere caricature of, but nevertheless serve as a potential gateway from the rationalized feminine into the rational male and thence hopefully to the masculine—though both will always balk at a purely masculine perspective. I see them as Andy prototypes for the future, scrubbed of testosterone and estrogen and used as counselors to the crazed remnants of insipid humanity. Your case is well enough stated that I need not add to it and will only restate that the Peterson Bot's reasoning mechanics have provided me with useful thought exercises, namely in finding my point of transcendent moral departure from his mechanistic doctrine of human ascendency to godhood. A good friend of mine has mentioned how the man's mere gnomish voice is enough to dispel any notion that he represents the masculine in any case beyond considering it as a reference for certain social mechanics.”