OOPs … There Goes Our Once Favourite Lesbian Critic of Feminism! By Mrs Vera West

     Like many conservative critics of feminism, I have used material from academic feminist critic of feminism, Camille Paglia. But each time I quoted her, I always wondered, would this be a double-edged sword? Of course, how could it not eventually be?

“Camille Paglia is a self-described libertarian feminist and is a professor of Humanities and Media Studies at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. For a number of years now, Paglia has been promoted by conservative pundits and media outlets as a sane voice of reason in the midst of an increasingly absurd and malevolent political climate. She is touted as being a renegade feminist, and as an unlikely ally who daringly opposes the most egregious excesses of modern feminist philosophy. YouTube abounds with videos dating all the way back to the early 90s of Paglia playing the foil to mainstream feminist currents. Paglia has gone on Fox News to speak with Tucker Carlson, who recommended her most recent book, calling her "one of the more interesting people out there". Breitbart recently published an article in support of Paglia, praising her as a renowned scholar, and applauded her criticism of "social justice culture on campus". Paglia is frequently promoted by Ben Shapiro's online news publication, The Daily Wire, often to showcase her most recent takes on the subjects of transgenderism, feminism, and campus politics.

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Cancer and Exercise By Mrs Vera West

     Can exercise aid in cancer treatment? Here is one opinion, with the usual disclaimer that this is not medical advice, only information for debating purposes:

“Cancer is at epidemic proportions around the world. An estimated 1,762,450 Americans are expected to be diagnosed with cancer in 2019,1 and approximately 1,663 die from it every day. Based on what we now know about the origins of cancer, it's clear that this avalanche is largely the result of inappropriate diets and unhealthy living. Lack of exercise is part of this. Evidence shows exercise not only is a key component of effective cancer prevention, but also cancer treatment and prevention of recurrence, so it's really a triple-win. I first heard of this about 30 years ago and was delighted but surprised and did not understand how this could occur, but now the physiology is well understood as I discuss further below. Not surprisingly, few oncologists ever tell their patients to engage in exercise beyond their simple daily, normal activities, and many cancer patients are reluctant to exercise, or even discuss it with their oncologist. This may soon change.

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China Rules Us, Not the Political Parties … Does Anyone Care? By Michael Ferguson

     “Whether ancient Rome or the Soviet Union, collapse begins when productive citizens silently withdraw allegiance and decouple where they can. Further rot is expected and doesn’t disappoint. Freed from account, the regime collapses from its unsupported weight. In this sense, classic collapse is a secondary effect.” – Ol’ Remus, in his Yer Ol’ Woodpile Report blog.

     This is where deracination, political correctness, mass immigration and the undermining of traditional Australia leads; a stronger, homogeneous power simply wipes us up like split milk. How can anyone be surprised? It was the game plan of the Left from the beginning, and notice how quiet they are about this; not a pip on the university campuses here in Vic. about the China takeover; oh, that would be “racist.” Why, the Greens, enough to put one off even green vegetables for life, are falling over themselves everyday praising China, while China is the world’s largest carbon polluter:

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Pro-Life Display Banned because People Might Dare to Think it was Pro-Life By Mrs Vera West

     Quite rightly so, too. Fancy letting those pro-lifers have a voice, in a Christian college, too! Whatever is the world coming to?

“A Christian college refused to allow a display of Christian crosses to honor “abortion victims,” saying it would be “divisive,” according to email correspondence obtained by conservative and civil liberties groups. “I didn’t think it was really going to be a problem at all,” Emily Kokot, treasurer and secretary for Young Americans for Freedom at Rocky Mountain College, told The College Fix in a phone interview. That’s because “for the last couple of years,” the administration has allowed the campus affiliate of the Young America’s Foundation to install “a 9/11 memorial where we put flags up on the ground on the campus outside” (below), she said. Instead, Dean of Student Life Brad Nason told Kokot that “we draw the line at public displays of divisive topics,” in an email referenced by Young America’s Foundation and the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education. (Kokot works part-time in Nason’s office.) Pressed as to why public displays are not allowed, Nason responded that “we have effectively eliminated every student’s ability to choose to engage or not engage with that issue” if the college allows public displays. They could also imply the endorsement of the college, he wrote.”

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Social Breakdown this Way Comes By Chris Knight

     This is how things are going in the US, as a testing ground for the chaos and misery that will spread across the West. The latest are roaming gangs of shop lifters, stealing everything not nailed down, and sometimes even that, and the nails too:

“Organized shoplifting teams, some taking advantage of children who appeared to be no more than 10-years-old, struck retailers repeatedly this weekend in the Loop, Magnificent Mile, and Lincoln Park, according to police reports. One crew pepper-sprayed a retail worker. Last Wednesday, another theft team slammed a store employee’s head into a glass merchandise case. Retailers are dealing with a wave of organized shoplifting teams that frequently use juveniles to do their dirty work. North Side locations of Forever 21, H&M, Ulta Beauty, DSW, Patagonia, and Burlington have been struck repeatedly — sometimes twice within hours. On Sunday, a team of six teenage shoplifters was spotted at the Michigan Avenue Victoria’s Secret store minutes after they struck the nearby H&M location, 840 North Michigan. Police arrested two members of the crew after an H&M manager identified them. About five minutes later, around 5:10 p.m., a two-person shoplifting team stole bags of winter coats from Patagonia, 1800 North Clybourn. The offenders stuffed the high-end gear into duffle bags, pushed employees, and fled. No arrests were made. The same Patagonia store was struck by a group of kids at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday. Photographer Bret Miller captured video of cops detaining the youths while officers pulled piles of coats out of duffle bags on a nearby side street. Police detained five juveniles.”

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Defend Our Fire Fighting Women! By Mrs Vera West

     Few people nowadays are as pro-family as me, but I have to take the sided of the pregnant lady fire fighter who is going out to do her duty when the country side is in crisis. Leave to one side the question of how this towering inferno happened; it did, and fire fighters now have to deal with it.

“A pregnant firefighter has hit back at critics who said she should not be helping fight the devastating Australia bushfires. Kat Robinson-Williams is 14 weeks pregnant and has written a powerful post saying she would not ‘just stay behind.’ Kat, 23, has been given the all-clear by her doctor and said she will continue to help the crisis, which has already claimed three lives. She wrote on Instagram: ‘Yes I am a firefighter. No, I’m not a man. Yes, I am pregnant. No, I don’t care if you don’t like it.’ Kat is the third generation of her family to volunteer with the New South Wales (NSW) Rural Fire Service. She has volunteered with them for 11 years, following in the footsteps of her mother who also fought blazes while expecting. Kat is one of thousands of firefighters battling more than 150 fires that have been raging for a week across a 100,000 hectare area. The expectant mum took to social media after several of her friends told her ‘you shouldn’t be doing this.’ As well as a rebuke, she also posted several pictures of herself in firefighting gear on the way to an incident. Kat told the BBC: ‘I’m not the first pregnant firefighter and I’m not going to be the last one. ‘I’m still in a position where I’m able to help so I will. ‘I wanted to tell them I’m okay and that I’m not just going to stop. ‘I’ll stop when my body tells me to stop.’”

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Of Course, the Leaders are Never to Blame! By Charles Taylor

     The once beautiful city of Baltimore is now a drug/crime-infested cesspool. Everyone knows it, and the present Black mayor says, well, don’t blame me, I did not shoot them, or take their drugs. Right he is:

“The mayor of Baltimore says local leadership isn't to blame for the city's increasing homicide rate, telling reporters on Wednesday he's "not committing the murders" himself. Bernard "Jack" Young, who took office in May, said during his weekly press conference that "there's not any lack of leadership of my part." "That’s what people need to understand. I’m not committing the murders. The police commissioner is not committing it. The council is not committing it. So how can you fault leadership?" he questioned. "You know this has been five years of 300-plus murders, and I don’t see it as a lack of leadership.”

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The Case for Nationalism By James Reed

     I don’t have time to read books, and worse, now have no spare money to buy anything, struggling to pay the power bill, let alone get vital medicines to keep me alive. Every day I wait for a cheque to arrive in the post, but nothing comes. Which brings us to the new book on nationalism, since it is much like me, struggling to survive against globalism, while ageing and decaying all at once:

The book is Rich Lowry, The Case for Nationalism: How it Made Us Powerful, United and Free (2019). By way of summary: “Nationalism, of course, is not without its severe critics, and Lowry is at pains to debunk the widespread notion that nationalism is a “dirty word.” He thus seeks to answer various “anti-nationalists” who regard nationalism as nothing more than tribalism or equate it with white supremacy. To all such voices, Lowry says, essentially, relax, calm down, nationalism is a healthy force, synonymous with nothing other than patriotism. After answering critics, Lowry also offers a positive case that revolves around the proposition that American nationalism “in particular is not to be feared.” Whatever ills have in the past infected Europe, America is inoculated by its heritage, the Anglo-American tradition and the Scottish Enlightenment, which brought us “profound respect for the individual and the rule of law and is woven into the fabric of our country.” Far from shunning nationalism, Republicans and Democrats alike would do well to embrace it. Promoting nationalism, for Lowry, entails advancing a number of specific policies. Important among them is limiting immigration: “it is in the nation’s interest to have fewer and better-skilled immigrants coming here. Such a change would promote the economic prospects of Americans and the assimilation of immigrants, both important goals for national health.” Lowry would also step in to the educational arena to combat what he sees as the fissiparous ideology of identity politics, which not only divides Americans instead of uniting us, but also embraces “a hostility to the American nation as such, to its cultural supports, its traditions, and its history.” Above all, Lowry would advance what he calls “cultural nationalism,” which entails promoting all of the things that bring us together as one people, from the English language to our national holidays to our reverence for our Constitution and flag to our civic rites and common traditions and history.”

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Letter to The Editor - Increasing hedonism that seems to have corrupted society

To The Age         The gist of veteran educationist Ian Hansen's important article ("Self-satisfied private schools have widened the gap", 18/11) is that the gap, in terms of wealth and resources, between independent and government schools has become too wide and is seriously unjust. If this is so, then our political leadership needs to redress the situation. Those of us who taught in independent schools in the 70s, 80s and 90s noticed the change of atmosphere in our workplaces. It is worth asking why it happened. One reason may be that in society as a whole the nature of our ruling elites became significantly less Christian. Another could be the extraordinary change in communication modes made possible by the "information revolution". A third may be the increasing hedonism that seems to have corrupted society. And a fourth may be the obvious subjugation of even the most prestigious schools to acquiescence in "politically correct" campaigns. Moral discernment suffers from all of these.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave

Sweden Tragicomedy: Gangs and Cops Eat Pizza Together in Perfect Harmony By Richard Miller

     If the theme this week here is the madness of modernity, then here is my contribution, which shows that the diversity cult has moved well into clown world:

“Swedish authorities in Malmö, where violent crime and grenade attacks continue to soar, responded by inviting local gang leaders for a friendly chat over some pizza. Yes, really. Explosions in Malmö, which is home to several no go zone migrant ghettos, are becoming commonplace, with the city suffering three blasts in the space of just 24 hours earlier this month. An alarming 29 per cent of residents in Malmö say they have been victims of crimes against an individual. According to Wilhelm Agrell, professor of intelligence analysis at Lund University, the situation is so dire that it threatens the power monopoly of the Swedish state. The vast majority of the unrest is driven by rival drug gangs made up of second and third generation immigrants. Instead of taking bold measures to fight the gangs, Malmö police invited 12 gang leaders, 9 of whom turned up, to have a friendly chat over some pizza. The gang leaders were told that they were “most at risk of being injured or killed,” a sympathetic message which suggested police cared more about their welfare than that of their victims. Malmö Chief of Police Stefan Sentéus later said he “really appreciated” the gang leaders attending the meeting. The whole farce was dubbed “Operation Snowflake,” with critics asking why the gang leaders weren’t arrested. “First, they abuse and rob us, and then we taxpayers pay for their damn pizza!” commented one respondent. Back in 2017, the media attempted to ridicule me for pointing out Sweden’s massive problems with violent crime and integration in no go zone migrant areas. Not so funny now is it?”

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The Man Who Loved Twirling His Hands By James Reed

     At this time of the year, news items get into the “slow news” mode. I was mentally whinging about this while walking to the community centre to get my daily dose of computer time, when I saw a madman walking, in a fashion, and whirling his hands in giant circles, although pure mathematicians would disagree I suppose. Then a voice said: you have two minutes to write a short story. I looked around, but there was nobody there, so it must have been my homunculi, the little man in my brain, whatever, “my” is. So, I, whatever that is, stopped in mid-stride, and took out some scraps of paper, and did this:

“Nigel like to twirl his hands, just like some people, well me, get silent joy out of tearing up paper and neurotically folding the pieces until they disintegrate. Nigel though had a raw disorder which was a psychological condition that caused him to hand-twirl, as if he was some kind of decaying circus performer, ageing politically correct marching person, or one of those strength athletes who spin round Indian clubs for shoulder exercise, or just to smash those who upset them. The problem was that Nigel was a menace to society most of the time. People drinking hot coffee could end up with the boiling liquid on their faces, in their eyes, instead of in their stomachs where it would in the normal train of events cause cancer.  Then there was also the problem of medical expenses, as Nigel went through rotor cuff muscles (it’s in the shoulder) as people go through clothes, the surgeons constantly having to repair failing tissues, all on Medicare.

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Worse than World Wars? China/US Conflict By James Reed

     Kissinger has been around since, well when Adam was in short pants, and he was alpha enough to have as a girlfriend, the most delicious of the Bond girls, Jill St. John, the first American Bond girl. The guy must have something worth saying, apart from his extensive knowledge from his political career:

“Former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger warns that a catastrophic conflict between America and China that will be “worse than world wars” is inevitable unless the two sides sort out their differences. We are in a difficult period now. I am confident the leaders on both sides will realise the future of the world depends on the two sides working out solutions and managing the inevitable difficulties,” said Kissinger. A permanent conflict between Washington And Beijing would be unwinnable and lead to “catastrophic outcome,” he added. “It’s no longer possible to think that one side can dominate the other…it will be worse than the world wars that ruined European civilisation,” said Kissinger. The U.S. and China have been embroiled in a trade war since President Trump began imposing tariffs on thousands of Chinese-made products in a bid to end unfair trading practices.”

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President Assad on Who is Killing Whom? By Bruce Bennett

     That title was almost a lesson in grammar, what with the “who” and “whom,” and when to use what. Anyway, this is an interesting one, about who is getting killed buy whom, stated by President Assad, who is a bit more in the know that me:

“In a wide-ranging new interview with Russia’s Rossiya-24 television on Thursday, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad addressed the death of White Helmets founder James Le Mesurier, who had been found dead Nov. 11 after an apparent fall from a three-story high balcony outside his Istanbul office. Le Mesurier was a former British military intelligence officer and founder of the controversial White Helmets group which Assad has previously dubbed the 'rescue force for al-Qaeda' and his reported suicide under mysterious circumstances is still subject of an ongoing Turkish investigation. In an unusual and rare conversation for a head of state, Assad compared Le Mesurier's death to the murky circumstances surrounding the deaths of Jeffry Epstein, Osama bin Laden and ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Assad said what connects these men are that they "knew major secrets" and were thus "liquidated" by "intelligence services" — most likely the CIA, in the now viral interview picked up by Newsweek and other mainstream outlets. “American billionaire Jeffrey Epstein was killed several weeks ago, they said he had committed suicide in jail,” Assad said during the Russian broadcaster interview. However, he was killed because he knew a lot of vital secrets connected with very important people in the British and American regimes, and possibly in other countries as well.”

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Letter to the Editor - The Crown, in Australia as well as in the United Kingdom, is widely loved by the public

To The Australian         My, what an uncharacteristic tirade from the normally measured and responsible Janet Albrechtsen ("Tuning in to royals' prime-time meltdown", 20/11)! It is ridiculous to claim that the seriously poor behaviour of one prince means the end of the British royal house. The Windsors have survived other scandals and will survive this one. The Queen has very greatly enhanced the esteem in which the monarchy is held and there is a triple succession waiting in the wings (Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince George). Is it a sign of hysteria that we find two notable errors in Albrechtsen's piece: "principals" for "principles" and "incredulous" for "incredible"?    The Crown, in Australia as well as in the United Kingdom, is widely loved by the public, who see that royalty, with its basis in religion, tradition and chivalry, is a great check on the predatory behaviour of so many politicians and the selfish interests behind them.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Lasers to the Rescue! By Brian Simpson

     Who would have thought that the once-humble laser pointer, used in lecture theatres across the world, could be used by those getting up to such mischief by protesters in Chile. Hong Kong, well, yes, but Chile, well, that’s a surprise:

“As the protests have raged, the repression unleashed on demonstrators has become increasingly brutal and high-tech. Chile’s protesters, however, have responded with a combination of ingenuity, persistence, and equally high-tech tricks to fend off police attacks. Such was the case earlier this week in footage that quickly went viral on social media Wednesday that appeared to show a police unmanned aerial system (UAS) being disabled as protesters aimed run-of-the-mill green laser pointers—the type available in any Office Depot or Staples—at the law enforcement-grade drone. The video, which NextGov reports first made its appearance Tuesday night on Reddit, shows the drone hovering above a sea of demonstrators as the lasers are trained on it. Soon, multiple other lasers are trained on it and when the drone attempts to escape, the lasers have an almost tractor beam-like effect, forcing the UAS to falter before it helplessly descends to the ground. Laser lights at demonstrations didn’t first appear in Chile. The pointers have had a ubiquitous presence at the raucous demonstrations in Hong Kong, where protesters have also used the lasers to disable surveillance cameras equipped with facial recognition technology. And as Defense Maven reports, U.S. Army Stryker vehicles are also being equipped with laser weapons that would be used to disable and knock out incoming flying drones.

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Letter to the Editor - The promotion of continuous assessment throughout the school year

To The Age         The most important contemporary truth about school reporting practice is that there should not be too much of it ("End-of-year reports are 'old school'", 20/11).  A winding back of over-elaborate procedures is needed, in order to free up teachers for teaching not only the formal curriculum but also other insights, beauties and wisdom particular to each teacher in a relaxed and unpressurised classroom. The promotion of continuous assessment throughout the school year, rather than saving teachers from "avalanches of reports at the end of each term", may in fact only subject them to a continuous, year-long avalanche of assessment duties. And "old school" practice in "days gone by" may have been wiser and more humane than today's stressful reporting fashions.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave

House Passes 2 Hong Kong Bills in Support of Pro-Democracy Protests

     The U.S. House of Representatives on Nov. 20 passed two Hong Kong bills supporting the ongoing pro-democracy protests, sending them to the White House for the president to sign or veto. The House voted 417 to 1 for the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, which unanimously passed the Senate a day earlier. The House unanimously passed another version of this bill earlier in October. The Act would require the State Department to review each year whether the city, which reverted to the Chinese rule in 1997, retains sufficient autonomy to justify its special economic privileges with the United States.

  Full Article:  https://www.theepochtimes.com/house-passes-2-hong-kong-bills-in-support-of-protests-to-be-sent-to-president-for-approval_3152754.html

Perception, Not Sex, and the City By Brian Simpson

     City people have their brains basically wired for city things, and lose connection, at a most basic level with nature. That is why some us have this feeling of world weariness living in the concrete jungle, and long for a green lusty luscious jungle complete with poisonous snakes if necessary, and the like, a new Eden:

“Ambiguous images are widely recognized as a valuable tool for probing human perception. Perceptual biases that arise when people make judgements about ambiguous images reveal their expectations about the environment. While perceptual biases in early visual processing have been well established, their existence in higher-level vision has been explored only for faces, which may be processed differently from other objects. Here we developed a new, highly versatile method of creating ambiguous hybrid images comprising two component objects belonging to distinct categories. We used these hybrids to measure perceptual biases in object classification and found that images of man-made (manufactured) objects dominated those of naturally occurring (non-man-made) ones in hybrids. This dominance generalized to a broad range of object categories, persisted when the horizontal and vertical elements that dominate man-made objects were removed and increased with the real-world size of the manufactured object. Our findings show for the first time that people have perceptual biases to see man-made objects and suggest that extended exposure to manufactured environments in our urban-living participants has changed the way that they see the world.”

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Aussie Bushfires Nurtured in National Parks By Viv Forbes

     Listen carefully to a typical bush-fire warning: “A big fire in the XYZ National Park is now threatening adjacent homes and farms”. For decades now politicians have been recklessly locking up more land in National Parks, Reserves and Heritage Areas. There are now over 500 national parks covering over 11% of Australia.

     In addition to this huge area of nationalised parks, the Howard government, in cahoots with compliant States, created untouchable Kyoto forests on private land in order to meet silly carbon dioxide obligations imposed by the Kyoto Protocol. This conversion of private grazing land to protected “Kyoto Forest” was accelerated by state government tree-huggers who used aerial surveillance to identify “remnant vegetation” and “regrowth areas” on private land which were then subjected to preservation orders (without ground checking or discussions). Graziers were also prohibited from harvesting timber on their own land. Then some greedy landowners created private plantations of eucalypts to earn credits from carbon fairies in Canberra. This vast area of “protected” land soon became a tinder box of unburnt weeds and flammable scrub.

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Now Even Obama is Worried! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

     Things must be getting pretty crazy, when the big O himself, Obama says, “Hey fellow Globo-commos, slow down a bit, you are moving too fast, and might scare the sheeple”:

“Former President Barack Obama warned a group of leftist donors that Democrats must be cognizant of public sentiment going into the 2020 election, taking a veiled shot at far-left candidates like Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) by noting that Democrats “have to be rooted in reality.” The former president spoke to a group of liberal donors in Washington, DC, on Friday and suggested that the far-left ideas articulated and pursued by some of the candidates in the Democrat primary could turn away potential voters. “Even as we push the envelope and we are bold in our vision we also have to be rooted in reality,” Obama said, according to the New York Times. “The average American doesn’t think we have to completely tear down the system and remake it.” Obama refrained from naming a specific candidate, but he, according to the Times, “cautioned that the universe of voters that could support a Democratic candidate — Democrats, independents, and moderate Republicans — are not driven by the same views reflected on ‘certain left-leaning Twitter feeds’ or ‘the activist wing of our party.’”

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