Green and Gold Cooking Magic By Mrs Vera West

Having come out of hospital again after surgery from yet another fall, which shattered my knee, I have been laid up at a friend’s place. It is not as bad as a broken hip, but still miserable. I try and do a few articles, but it is a drain on an old lady. Anyway, not to complain because I just found something very special for our lady readers, a true treasure from the past.


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Nordic Archaeology: The Nebra Sky Disc By Brian Simpson

In 1999 two treasure hunters in a small town in East Germany’s Saxony-Anhalt, discovered a small disc which has the earlies known depiction of the cosmos, with images of the sun, a crescent moon, and 32 stars. This first depiction of the cosmos was not from the Middle East, the so-called cradle of civilisation for establishment archaeology, but on a hill called Mittelberg, near the town of Nebra. The disc was adequate for predicting moon phases for bronze age people, and is regarded as one of the most important archaeological finds of the 20th century.


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Friendship and Natural Selection By Brian Simpson

According to a paper by N. Christakis and J. H. Fowler, “Friendship and Natural Selection,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vo. 111, 2014, pp. 10796-10801, there is a genetic basis to friendships, with ties not only being to similar people, refuting the ideology that opposites attract, but this similarity goes as deep as the genes:

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Europeans Discovered America Long Before the Asiatic-Amerindians By Brian Simpson


This dates back a few years, but I have not previously covered it: Europeans discovered America first:

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The Dark Age: Kali Yuga By James Reed


Going through my pile of papers, in the never ending paper wars, I came across a photocopy from the ancient Hindu text, Visnu Purana, which was composed at an unknown date, anywhere from 1st millennium BCE to early 2nd millennium CE.  The writers described the Kali Yuga, a type of Dark Age. They could well be describing out time:

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Squeeze, Pump and Stir, Public Opinion By James Reed

This story is a big slap in the face to us, no, a spit in our eyes, salt in the wounds of a people already in bondage. The social control scientists are busy at work, studying us, like lab rats. How best to squeeze, pump and stir public opinion. Well I have news for you Mr. New World Order. If you were really a full-on member of the Legion of Darkness, why would you even bother with public opinion at all?


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The Case Against Lockdowns and Contact Tracing By Brian Simpson

Here is a link to a new video which argues that the existing public health measures of lockdowns and contact tracing are ultimately inadequate to deal with Covid-19. It takes a holistic health perspective, including examining the role of proper nutrition and vitamins, especially vitamin D3, material of which has been covered at this site in previous posts. A good, all round sum up, that you can recommend to family and friends, especially older folk, who are the ones mostly at risk. And, the disclaimer needs to be made these days,  that this is for public interest only, and is not offered as medical and health advice.


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Anti-Christian Communist Canada By Michael Ferguson

You can be sure that this latest suppression, and oppression, of Christians will also be planted on Australians:


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Kamala Harris, Marxist Queen and President to Be By James Reed


As our American correspondents, Chris and Charles, seem to have gone off grid, some of us Aussies will cover the US crisis. There has been little dissection of Kamala Harris, who even Biden says will replace him probably mid-term, if not the first day. So what is her line? Why Marxism, of course!

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The Fall of the Dollar and Rise of Digital Currencies By James Reed

Whatever happens in the US elections, the dollar is doomed.  Some maintain that digital currencies will now rule the waves. Maybe that will allow some degree of financial decentralisation, but, I can’t call it. Perhaps cyber-attacks take down the whole house of cards. I don’t know.


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The Wuhan Flu Conspiracy By Brian Simpson

I am firmly on the conspiracy side of the present day Covid-1984 freak-out, personally believing that this was too positive for the globalist elites, who made billions while small businesses were forced to close down, and China, ground zero in all this, which the global elite no doubt want to be the world ruler. This will bring readers up to speed on the latest evidence that the Wuhan flu was basically a military weapon.


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Warning of China Threat if Biden Elected By James Reed

Here is an Australian news item warning of an increased China threat if Biden is elected president, something this blog has been warning about. So have a captain cook. This is especially relevant given that Biden is basically in the pocket of China. We have never seen anything like this.


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The New Wave of Global Covid-1984 Lockdowns By Richard Miller

It seems that France and Germany have never heard of Sweden, because it looks like these countries are now plunging into new comprehensive Covid-1984 lock downs. That is a problem, because it offers continuous justification for lock downs everywhere, establishing the prison planet as the new normal.


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A Failure of Intellectual Nerve By James Reed

I am not surprised. According to Retraction Watch, “Elsevier Journal to Retract 2012 Paper widely Derided as Racist”:

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Openly Corrupt By Michael Ferguson

The Joe Biden scandal is amazing, since the short of the long is that while this guy was vice president, he enriched himself, and his family, a criminal offence. Yet here he is, set to become president. Of course, he will be quickly impeached after the election, or arrested, and Harris will become the new darling coloured feminist president. It is a game the elites play, not just for power, but amusement.


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US Mass Chaos Soon By Charles Taylor

Down here in Florida, we are well dug in, prepared for the mas chaos that will engulf America on November 3. If Trump wins, which is highly doubtful given electoral fraud, we face the likelihood of civil war, and a possible /Chinese invasion. If Biden wins, antifa will probably celebrate, then begin a new wave of protests leading to his replacement by evil Queen Karma Harris. Then we get civil war. There is no happy ending in the short term. Here are some leading thinkers from the Right, linked in the article below, to bring you up to speed:

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Spain Erupts! By Richard Miller

Here in majority non-white locked down London, I got to wondering if any Europeans would start revolting against what you guys rightly have called Covid-1984. And, here it is:


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The Green Leafy Suburbs are Not Safe in a Breakdown By Chris Knight

I am dug in, with my family and plenty of food and guns, here in florida. I am in what is generally regarded as a safe suburb, but, depending on whether or not there is civil war here, nobody is safe.


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Putin: Russia Will Never Become a New World Order Cashless Society By James Reed

No doubt about it, Vlad the lad Putin is at another level beyond Trump, who may in any case be imprisoned when Karma Harris wins the election, but hopefully he and his family, minus Jared can make it to Russia before his execution. Putin has said that Russia will stand firm against the New World Order drive to create a cashless society that can fully control the economic freedom of individuals.


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Do All Blue-Eyed Humans Have a Single Common Ancestor? By Brian Simpson

This story goes that once upon a time in a land, far, far away, everybody had brown eyes, but a genetic mutation affecting the OCA2 gene resulted in the creation of a “switch” on a gene adjacent to the OCA2 gene, reducing the production of P protein, and the level of melanin in the iris, making brown eyes blue, so to speak: H. Eiberg (et al.), “Blue Eye Color in Humans May be Caused by a Perfectly Associated Founder Mutation in a Regulatory Element Located within the HERC2 Gene Inhibiting OCA2 Expression,” Human Genetics, vol. 123 (2), 2008: 177.

          The argument is that the variation in eye colour from brown to green is due to the quantity of melanin in the iris. Allegedly people with blue eyes have only a small variation in melanin levels. “From this we can conclude that all blue-eyed individuals are linked to the same ancestor. They have all inherited the same switch at exactly the same spot in their DNA,” according to Eiberg.

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