There seems to have been yet another slide down to collapse of empire this week, as the US flees, fall-of-Saigon-like, from Afghanistan. Billions of dollars of military weapons of mass destruction have now fallen into the hands of the radical jihadist Taliban. China is set to move into relations with the new masters now to exploit their mineral resources. One could be forgiven for thinking that Beijing Biden did this solely to benefit his CCP masters. Everything he does, or at least what the Dark forces behind him tell him to do, works towards the destruction of America. Trump could have prevented this, and so could the millions of pathetic Trump voters who are sitting by, watching this country be destroyed. The present Biden regime has openly declared war upon them, and they take it like the obedient masochists they are. In the end we will all get what we deserve. If you don’t fight, legally of course, you lose, illegally of course.