The Exploding Mortality of the Young By Chris Knight (Florida)

There has been a surge in the mortality rate of US people aged 18 to 49 years, which is not related to Covid-19, or so authorities say. However, they are at a loss to explain the increases, such as a mortality increase of 61 percent in Texas, for example. Drug abuse accounts for some of this, but as detailed in a second extract below, a more plausible hypothesis, is that the common cause here is the Covid vaccines, which were not present in 2020, before the surge in mortality.

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Stealing for the CCP By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A US-based Chinese scientist, Xiang Haitao, 44, a Chinese national formerly residing in Chesterfield, Missouri, stole trade secrets from Monsanto and its subsidiary, The Climate Corporation, from 2008 to 2017 where he worked as an imaging scientist. This case raises the issue of the extent of such theft of intellectual property, which according to many sources is one of the ways China has been able to advance so quickly technologically. The West, with its present-day non-discrimination, unlike China, freely allows the world to enter its research facilities, and assumes that they are nothing more than liberal individuals with no tribal and racial loyalty. Wrong assumption as cases like this show.

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The War Against Natural Immunity By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr. Scott Atlas, a former White House COVID-19 Task Force adviser during the Trump administration, said following the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decide to uphold the CMS vaccine mandates, that the rejection of the legitimacy of natural immunity by health and governmental authorities is “unprecedented in modern history.” He could have referred to the Djokovic case which illustrates that point perfectly, that only vaccines count.

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Djokovic Case, Not a Joke By James Reed

The decision by the Full Federal court to dismiss number one world tennis star, Novak Djokovic’s application to overturn the cancellation of his visa, is no surprise. What is interesting is the reason given by the Immigration Minister in accordance with the Migration Act, that the Djokovic case might be a risk to Australian social order by giving support to anti-vax sentiment. What follows from this is that opposition to the Covid vaxes is regarded as not a matter of democratic debate, but is a national security threat, which shows how far the Australian state has fallen into totalitarianism, becoming a vaccine state of Big pHARMa. While not going as far as I would, James Ross over at The, gives a good critique of the decision from a civil liberties perspective.

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The Covid Stockholm Syndrome By James Reed

The Stockholm syndrome develops between victims and kidnappers, where, paradoxically, the victims develop a protective attitude to the criminals. There seems to be something of a parallel with this phenomenon, that Sydneysiders are wearing masks even though the mandates have been dropped. They have become trained and socially conditioned to do. This illustrates one reason why democracy fails.

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AstraZeneca Booster Shots are “Not Sustainable”: Professor Sir Andrew Pollard By Richard Miller (London)

Professor Sir Andrew Pollard, director of the Oxford Vaccine Group and chair of Britain’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), said that the Covid vaccine rollout should be reined in to “target the vulnerable” rather than giving endless boosters to the entire population. He said: “we can’t vaccinate the planet every four to six months. It’s not sustainable or affordable.”

“[If] your goal is to stop all infections … that is wrong,” he said, adding that when it comes to the virus “the worst is absolutely behind us.” Further, “more strong evidence is needed” before following places like Israel, where a fourth booster dose has been authorized for use.

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Triple Vaxxed, But Whoopi Waxed! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Ageing Left wing Actress Whoopi Goldberg has got Covid. She is triple vaxxed and says that unless everyone gets vaccinated, this is what we are going to face. But, the elephant in the room is that she is vaccinated! Further, a Danish study of almost 12,000 households has discovered that Omicron spreads faster than Delta among those who are fully vaccinated, and even faster between those who have received booster shots. Hence omicron can avoid alleged vaccine-induced immunity. Further, unvaccinated individuals were about as susceptible to infection as vaccinated.

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The Problem of Psychopaths … Everywhere! By James Reed

The reality of clinical psychopaths is far from that portrayed by Hollywood in movies such American Psycho (2000), typically involving killers and mass murders. The set of psychopaths is much larger, and includes politicians and academics, and corporate psychopaths. Your passive aggressive corporate CEO could well be one, and there are now many books about this subject, such as Snakes in Suits (2019) by Paul Bakiak. The psychopath is characterized by antisocial behaviour, lack of  empathy and remorse, and extreme egoism. We see these properties in people like Trump and the Clintons, and most of the super-elites. The question is what does society do about them, and Brandon Smith has some suggestions, such a screening, but I think he vastly under-estimates the extent of the problem. Still, it gets the ball going.

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Covid Vax Changes in Menstrual Cycles By Mrs Vera West

The movement to vaccinate all human life forms continues, but as it does, concerns about the effects of the mRNA vaccines are also surfacing. A peer-reviewed paper has documented changes in the female menstrual cycle, with effects upon the length. But, as interesting as that is, there are other problems one can find in comments on the net, such as extra heavy bleeding, clotting, and missing periods entirely. These irregularities are much more concerning than the report documented here, but, it is at least a start.

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Good News! Good News! US Supreme Court Strikes Down the Biden Vaccine Mandate! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

False president Biden announced that American businesses with more than 100 employees would be required to have workers vaccinated, and people have been fired for non-compliance. But, a ray of hope comes, with the Supreme Court of the United States, in a 6-3 decision striking down the mandate, but upholding the mandate for federally funded health care facilities. The decision is not applicable to other jurisdictions, such as Australia, but it does show that some legal victories are still possible.

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Covid Vaxxes for Babies! By Mrs Vera West

Israel may now move, having implemented four jabs for its citizens, to vaccinate babies, aged six months and over. What threat does Covid pose to them? The statistics indicate a survival rate of much greater than 99.something percent, which is a figure one could bet on. I was going to make the comment that foetuses will get the jab next, but pregnant women are vaccinated. It looks like all bases are now covered.

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The Great Covid Genocide By Chris Knight (Florida)

Leading international Covid critic Dr Robert Malone, and Left-wing feminist, Naomi Wolf, jointly appeared on an episode of Steve Bannon’s “The War Room” to say that Dr Fauci and colleagues committed premeditated manslaughter” against “millions of people.” That is also known as genocide. According to Wolf, “The fact that Dr. Fauci grossly perjured himself is hugely apparent. It is the least of the crimes if indeed these are verified documents … I can’t overstate this. This is a premeditated kind of manslaughter of millions of people coordinated at the highest levels according to these documents. Treatments that would have saved lives were intentionally or reportedly intentionally suppressed.” The really interesting question is whether the teams of good guy lawyers going after the Covid gang, can nab them on this, or will they wriggle out, as the elites usually do?

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Cancel Culture — Political Correctness on Steroids! By Chris Knight (Florida)

With the Covid tyranny occupying most of our energies, we may have forgotten about political correctness and cancel culture. That nasty movement has still been growing like the cancer it is, and benefits in many ways from the destruction of liberty produced by the Covid New World Order. It simply kicks the rusty trash can further down the highway to hell, as shown by these thoughts at Cancel culture has prepared the ground work for the assault upon liberty that we saw, and are seeing with Covid. It would have been much more difficult to achieve the ends that the Covid state reached without that ground work, done by the servants of Big pHARMa, the Left.

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Talk about a Revolution By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Ron Paul, “We Need a Revolution,” makes a call not for any sort of violent resistance to the violence of the Left, even coming genocide and mass extermination of conservatives and Christians, but a revolution of ideas. Yes, libertarian ideas, such as letting the free market solve things, to get rid of big government as much as possible. “The goal is to respect the rights of each individual to live their lives as they choose as long as they do not violate the rights of others to do the same.” Sure, one could be as non-binary gender as one wants, but I don’t pay for your surgery.  

I personally cannot see how any reasonable person could disagree with this, but my concern is that things have gone so far down the rabbit hole with the Left now, that a 180 degree turn may not be possible without system collapse, and that I think ids coming up fast.

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Whoa! World War III, Ready or Not! By James Reed

I bet, in their Towers of Darkness, the Dark Lords are plotting the exact events that will set in motion World War III, which will really be a Great Reset. It certainly looks from history that when things get this bad, a good old-fashioned war will sort things out, and give plenty of profits to the super-elites, who feed off of the death and destruction.

The head of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zbigniew Rau said in the speech, “It seems that the risk of war in the OSCE area is now greater than ever before in the last 30 years.” So, while the US and Russia destroy each other, China takes out Taiwan, then for a side snack, eats up Australia. We should have got nuclear missiles instead of Great Replacement migrants after World War II, but instead followed a Fabian socialist migration policy, as if millions are any match for high technology. Still, with the nuclear subs, maybe the Americans might hand out a few rusty nukes for us.

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Starving to Death for China! By James Reed

Commo China is pursuing a zero Covid policy, and the effects of this has led to a rising number of Covid-locked down ports. The insanity of globalisation, that everything is produced in China, so that they get rich and destroy the West, means that in the short term we are set to see the mother of all supply chain crises. And it is a good thing too, since the free trade nonsense produced by David Ricardo (1772-1823) in his Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (1817), of comparative advantage and other bs, needs to be buried, before what remains of the decaying West, is also buried.

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Traitors, Sold Out to China By James Reed

Here is a blockbuster book which I certainly should read but most likely will not, struggling to get enough food in this time of inflation, and the never-to-rise pension. Not to worry, good old Breitbart has a review ready-cooked for us. The book is by super-star journalist, Peter Schweizer titled Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win. It is not too hard to guess the plot, since there has been a substantial amount of material getting out on just why China has been allowed to walk away from the mass murder committed through the probable deliberate Wuhan lab release of the Wuhan flu, now conveniently called Covid-19. The Western elites, as illustrated by the Biden family, as revealed by Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell, as one book has put it, are in the deep pockets of the CCP. The Left, of course, worships the CCP, so the universities and all the toxic waste that flow from them, are thus CCP controlled as well. The governments of many nations are virtually puppets of the CCP. Over the past few years, I have documented much material evidence for this, which our fantastic search engine will reveal.

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Who Does Yale Think It Is? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is one for the “close down the universities” movement, worldwide. Yale University is maintaining that its policies override state and local laws on the Covid mania. Thus, it is telling students that they can ban legal off campus activities. This one requires a legal challenge, and probably one is on the way. Still it shows the arrogance of the modern university.


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The Shape of CCP Viral Genocides to Come By James Reed

Gordon G. Chang, a leading Western critic of the CCP, has made an alarming prediction that communist China, who he believes is already actively at war with the West, will soon be releasing ethnically specific viruses which will kill everyone except Han Chinese. Can it be done? Well, if it can it will certainly show that those ethnics who propose that race is a myth and social construction, are soon to be deconstructed themselves!

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UK: Vaccinated Dying 286 Percent Higher than Unvaccinated By Richard Miller (London)

The previous mantra of a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” is getting a beating, with UK data indicating that there are 286 percent more deaths occurring now among people who got jabbed for Covid compared to people who remained unvaccinated.

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