George Soros and World Disorder From: The Mindszenty Report

     The following article is from the Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation, St Louis, Missouri, the United States, which encourages circulation. We acknowledge the great work and writing which has gone into this exposure of a leading globalist.

“Hungarian-born multi-billionaire George Soros has spun an immense web of left-wing organizations and groups intent on transforming the world. The list of the organizations he finances extends over two single-spaced pages. They are active in the United States, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Soros-supported organizations include Black Lives Matter,, the Center for American Progress, America Coming Together, the pro-marijuana Drug Policy Alliance, Zimbabwe’s Movement for Democratic Change, the Georgian Open Society Foundation, various open border immigration organizations in Europe, and multiple groups calling for boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel for its treatment of Palestinians.

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The Threat to Freedom of a Cashless Society By James Reed

     It is good to see Ron Paul plunging into battle on the threat to freedom that a cashless society will bring. Many of us have said the same, but here is the take from across the lake:

“The crash of the dollar is not a matter of if…but when! The modus operandi for the inner cabal of the global elite is and always has been to provide order out of chaos…sometimes the chaos happen organically and sometimes it has to be created. Money has always been used as their greatest mechanism for control ever since the introduction of usury in the ancient world.”

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Racial Differences in Athletics By Brian Simpson

     The view has been advanced, even by the racial realist types at American Renaissance that Blacks have superior athletic ability to Whites. The only objection in the mainstream to this, is that it is a subtle racist claim, that Blacks do not therefore match Whites in intellectual ability, which hardly follows as a logical inference. Otherwise the system is happy to go along with this, another dig at Whites. However, here is a recent article from the Canadians, led by that great intellect Professor Ricardo Duchesne, refuting that:

“The scientific evidence is decisive: Whites, both males and females, dominate almost all the competitive sports. Blacks are very good in some sports, the sports that American media moguls love to showcase, basketball and football. They are also dominant in some athletics, but mainly just running. They are not good in all jumping competitions, white males and females absolutely dominate the pole vault Olympic medals. The constantly repeated phrase that “white men can’t jump” is a another lie of the establishment: White athletes have dominated the high jump. Just check the male and female Olympic medalists. As far as “major sports” are concerned: Whites dominate Hockey and Soccer and Tennis and Golf, and, to a considerable degree, Baseball as well. The majority of the top 100 Soccer players in the world are white. While some blacks have been excellent at Baseball, in a very good assessment “ranking the 25 best Baseball players of all time”, Whites outnumber non-whites 20 to 5.

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Will America be Destroyed by a Mega-Tsunami of Biblical Proportions? By Brian Simpson

     I am the science guy of sorts at this site, so I don’t go into apocalyptic collapse or religious end times scenarios, unless the evidence suggests it. But, with all those volcanoes across the world suddenly going off their “noodle,” it makes one stop and ponder, hmmm… volcanic apocalypse … maybe. Guatemala’s “volcano of fire’ has obliterated entire towns, and it make one wonder what would happen if one of these geological pus boils decided to pop up in, or near a major Western  city:

     Then there are thoughts that that Yellowstone may be getting ready to blow, which will devastate America like nothing ever seen:

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Coming Soon: An AI Caused Nuclear Apocalypse By James Reed

     It is straight out of the Terminator movies, with advances in artificial intelligence destroying humanity, the ultimate hubris:

“A new study conducted by the RAND Corporation warns that advances in artificial intelligence could spark a nuclear apocalypse as soon as 2040. The researchers gathered information from experts in nuclear issues, government, AI research, AI policy, and national security. According to the paper, AI machines might not destroy the world autonomously, but artificial intelligence could encourage humans to take apocalyptic risks with military decisions. Humans will inevitably trust in AI technology to a greater extent, as advances are made in AI for detection, tracking, and targeting. The newfound data intelligence that AI provides will escalate war time tensions and encourage bold, calculated decisions. As armies trust AI to translate data, they will be more apt to take drastic measures against one another. It will be like playing chess against a computer that can predict your future moves and make decisions accordingly. Since 1945, the thought of mutually assured destruction through nuclear war has kept countries accountable to one another. With AI calculating risks more efficiently, armies will be able to attack with greater precision.

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Only in Kalifornication By Chris Knight

     How absurd does it get? In California it is now illegal to have a shower and do laundry on the same day! This is to conserve water, even in times where there is no water  shortage, “just to be sure”:

“Senate Bill 606 establishes a “governing body” to oversee all water suppliers, both private and public and will require extensive paperwork from those utility companies. Assembly Bill 1668 is where it gets personal.  This establishes limits on indoor water usage for every person in California and the amount allowed will decrease even further over the next 12 years. The bill, until January 1, 2025, would establish 55 gallons per capita daily as the standard for indoor residential water use, beginning January 1, 2025, would establish the greater of 52.5 gallons per capita daily or a standard recommended by the department and the board as the standard for indoor residential water use, and beginning January 1, 2030, would establish the greater of 50 gallons per capita daily or a standard recommended by the department and the board as the standard for indoor residential water use. The bill would impose civil liability for a violation of an order or regulation issued pursuant to these provisions, as specified. If you’re wondering how the government would know how much water your family is using, the utility providers will be obligated to rat you out of face massive fines. And they’re encouraged to spy in all sorts of creative ways. They “shall use satellite imagery, site visits, or other best available technology to develop an accurate estimate of landscaped areas.”

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Britain: A Rapist’s Paradise By Mrs Vera West

     A very good question is raised here; what is being done about the authorities who turned a blind eye to the paedophilic grooming rape gangs in Britain. Read on:

“What price has been paid, is being paid, or might be paid at some stage, by all those public officials who tacitly or otherwise allowed these modern-day atrocities to go on, doing nothing to stop them? The policemen, politicians, council workers and others who were shown to have failed time and again. They have never been sentenced to prison for any of their oversights -- and perhaps criminal charges (not even charges of criminal negligence) could never be brought against them. It is worth asking, however, if any of these people’s lives, career paths, or even pension plans were ever remotely affected by their proven failure to confront one of the greatest evils to have gone on in Britain. That is the mass rape of young girls motivated by adults propelled by (among much else) racism, religiosity, misogyny and class contempt. Perhaps the post grooming-gang career of just one public official might help to answer that question.

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The Failure of Gun Control By John Steele

     Some great articles about the failure of gun control, with Australia getting a dishonourable mention:

“Australian police discovered the bodies of seven mass shooting victims on May 11, and on May 31, a machine gun attack in London left a man in this twenties fighting for his life. These shootings are occurring in nations the left has long held up as having the kinds of gun control America should implement. For example, on October 16, 2015, during a campaign stop in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton described Australia’s confiscatory approach to gun control and said that “it would be worth considering doing it on the national level” here. And on July 5, 2016, Breitbart News reported that gun-toting action star Matt Damon used the Australian premiere of Jason Bourne to praise that country’s gun controls. Stuff magazine quoted Damon saying, “You guys did it here in one fell swoop and I wish that could happen in my country, but it’s such a personal issue for people that we cannot talk about it sensibly. We just can’t.”

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Save the Crabbies, Not the Economy! A Lament from the Resident Job By Peter West

     At this advanced state of the decay game, we should not be surprised to see projects that give people jobs sacrificed at the altar of the environment:

“The community of Christmas Island could face an economic collapse after a proposal to expand the island’s phosphate mine was knocked back over fears of the impact to the island’s wildlife, including its world-famous red crabs. Phosphate Resources Limited has been mining on the Indian Ocean Territory for more than 100 years, but claims it needs to clear more crown land to access new deposits in order for the operations to remain viable. Under the expansion, the company wanted to clear an additional 6.83 hectares of land to undertake exploration drilling to determine the extent of more phosphate resources, in what has been described as a pristine area of the island.”

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The Death of Europe? From: The Mindszenty Report

     We have been covering what has been called “the death of Europe,” at this site, but for the sake of objectivity, it is good to review comments from others with a slightly different take on things. Readers will find the following Mindszenty Report fascinating, for its hard-hitting coverage. Acknowledgement of this source is made, and the organisation has welcomed getting the word out.

The Death of Europe? Mass Migration of Non-Westerners Strains Western Values:    

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Letter to The Editor - It needs to be asked why so many great creators have been marginalized

To The Australian          John Carroll is too pessimistic about what is happening to Western European culture and civilization (“Disdain for best of the West”, 9-10/6). He claims, without producing justifying evidence, that ‘the Church, the one institution that could replace the university as the master teacher of eternal truths, is in a state of hopeless disrepair.’ However, he totally ignores the profound restorative work that has been achieved by giant intellects working within the Christian sacred tradition, such as T. S. Eliot, Russell Kirk and Alexander Solzhenitsyn, and those working within a pan-religious context such as Rene Guenon, Ananda Coomaraswamy and Frithjof Schuon. Carroll’s pessimism extends to Western art, when he claims that ‘the high priest of modernism, Marcel Duchamp... has carried the day both in contemporary art and in university arts faculties.’ He says nothing about the greatest painter of last century, Andrew Wyeth, or about Balthus, or about the fact that representational painting of very high quality has continued to be done in all Western nations. It needs to be asked why so many great creators have been marginalized. That requires an analysis of the political orders of these nations (‘democracies’ in name only) and the international financial system, corruptly based on usury, which controls them. Carroll ignores that too.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Zombie Knife Road Rage Attacks! By John Steele

     Meanwhile back at the ranch,  in minority white London, we have the news of the zombie knive road rager!

     Here we can see the guy in the blue car clearly in the wrong, dangerously pulling out and knocking the to-be attacker off his bike. The attacker then takes out a large knife and tried to break the car window with this. That hopelessly fails, indicating that he does not know what he is doing and how to correctly use a knife. The knife could break the window, but not how he is doing it. Then, even though the guy in the blue car is safe and could drive off, the driver decides to abandon his car shield and make a run for it, which also defies all rationality. We are seeing natural selection at work. IQ levels have hit the bottom of the wheelie bin. It really is the zombie apocalypse:

Euro-White Pathology By Bruce Bennett

     The leader of the populist alternative for Germany (AfG) party has given an interview to Breitbart London on the question of Western “self-hatred.” This is something which many of us have written about at this site, so it is good to compare notes:

“When asked about a recent speech by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, in which he declared he would pursue a policy of Christian Democracy, Gauland said: “I’m not someone who can discuss internal Hungarian policy but in this speech you mentioned, he is right. “He says, ‘We don’t accept that we have to take people from a strange culture and we don’t like to accept Muslims. We haven’t opened the border, Merkel has opened the border. That’s their problem and it’s not our problem.’” “We have in Western Europe the problem of self-hate. That’s a problem of Germany because of National Socialism and the murder of six million Jews and in the rest of Western Europe, it is the problem of colonialism, Algeria, India, and all these problems,” he said. “The eastern Europeans haven’t this problem because their identity has been unbroken because they had no colonies, they had no direct part in Hitler’s war, so the national identity of Poland and Slovakia and others is healthy and good. They say, “We don’t want these strange refugees, we don’t welcome them.’”

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The Racist Ghosts of Arnie Schwarze-negger Past By John Steele

     I always thought it ironic that a man with the German word “negger’, meaning “black” in his name would have a dark past of racism. I don’t mean this in the way the word is flung around today, but in the sense of a deep hatred of individuals, resulting in verbal abuse. There appears to be evidence, not much  discussed by the mainstream media, that the former body builder, now Left wing attacker of Donald Trump, made aggressive racist remarks to Black bodybuilders, who had shown superior form to him in certain posing contests. Big Arnie has  written other forms of intimidation behaviour off as being part of the psychology of the sport, but he has apparently not been grilled over the coals for this one:

“Another black bodybuilder has come forward claiming that California gubernatorial candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger has a history of making racist comments, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal. Robby Robinson, one of the most respected and well known of all body builders [a former Mr. America, Mr. World and Mr. Universe titleholder], backs up claims made by fellow black bodybuilder Rick Wayne. “No disrespect to fans of Arnold but Rick’s claim is in keeping with my experiences with the man,” Robinson explains in a message. Robinson says that Schwarzenegger repeatedly directed the term “n**ger” at him.

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From the X-Files: Incredible, Unbelievable, Swimming UFOs By Peter Ewer

     I do not believe that UFOs represent visitation of aliens from other planets. First, the West has more than enough aliens to deal with, trillions too many. Second, why would any creature with more than two neurons to rub together want to visit Earth anyway? Surely, there is no intelligent life on this planet, given human behaviour?

“An in-depth government report “prepared by and for the military” and obtained by a Nevada newsroom, details a 2004 incident involving an alleged “UFO” sighting recorded by the US military off California’s coast 14 years ago. Dubbed the “Tic Tac” incident, the unidentified flying object “rendezvouses” with a huge underwater object. So named for the white, fast-moving, mint-shaped object that was involved, the video’s release made waves last year when it was first revealed by the New York Times. Over the course of two weeks in 2004, a 13.7-meter-long (45-foot-long) Anomalous Aerial Vehicle (AAV) defined as “aerodynamic” with “no visible means to generate lift” was detected by US naval ships in short glimpses.

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Against Higher Education By James Reed

     Each day I seek out any articles attacking the universities, which have become my special bee in the bonnet. Political correctness insanity is easy to find, as libtardism is everywhere, but those seeing an intrinsic fault in higher education are harder to come by. Education is the cult of our age, and few question the worth of a degree. But, there are some who do:

“Today, all Americans are told, “Go to college!” President Obama said, “College graduation has never been more valuable.” But economist Bryan Caplan says that most people shouldn’t go. “How many thousands of hours did you spend in classes studying subjects that you never thought about again?” he asks. Lots, in my case. At Princeton, I learned to live with strangers, play cards and chase women, but I slept through boring lectures, which were most of them. At least tuition was only $2,000. Now it’s almost $50,000. “People usually just want to talk about the tuition, which is a big deal, but there’s also all the years that people spend in school when they could have been doing something else,” points out Caplan in my new YouTube video. “If you just take a look at the faces of students, it’s obvious that they’re bored,” he says. “People are there primarily in order to get a good job.”

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God and Mathematics 4: A Refutation of the Power Set Axiom By Dr John Jensen

     For those championing the concept of the actual infinite in mathematics, and physics, set theory comes to their rescue. In this paper, I will refute a major theorem, or alleged theorem purporting to show that there are different levels of infinity regarding sets, Cantor’s power set theorem. Wilfred Hodges, “An Editor Recalls Some Hopeless papers, “Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol. 4, no 1, 1998, pp. 1-16, says while gloating about cranks that attempted to refute Cantor, “None of the authors showed any knowledge of Cantor’s theorem about the cardinalities of power sets.” (p.2) So, let’s examine this. Cantor’s power, or the axiom of powers, states that for any set S, there exists a collection of sets Power (S), which contain in its elements, all of the subsets of the given set S. thus, for example, if S = { a, b }, then Power (S) = {  ϕ, {a}, {b}, {a, b}}, where “ϕ” is the empty set. As the sets get bigger, so does the power set. In fact:

“If S is a finite set with |S| = n elements, then the number of subsets of S is |P(S)| = 2n. This fact, which is the motivation for the notation 2S, may be demonstrated simply as follows, First, order the elements of S in any manner. We write any subset of S in the format {γ1, γ2, ..., γn } where γi , 1 ≤ i ≤ n, can take the value of 0 or 1. If γi = 1, the i-th element of S is in the subset; otherwise, the i-th element is not in the subset. Clearly the number of distinct subsets that can be constructed this way is 2n as γi ∈ {0, 1}.” “Cantor’s diagonal argument shows that the power set of a set (whether infinite or not) always has strictly higher cardinality than the set itself (informally the power set must be larger than the original set). In particular, Cantor’s theorem shows that the power set of a countably infinite set is uncountably infinite. The power set of the set of natural numbers can be put in a one-to-one correspondence with the set of real numbers.”

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The Fragility of Civilisation By John Steele

     This story illustrates how easy it would be for modern societies to spiral into chaos, given their staggering complexity, and hence lack of resilience:

“SÃO PAULO, Brazil — A truckers’ strike that has thrown Brazil into chaos entered its sixth day on Saturday, with protesters blocking traffic on hundreds of highways, supermarkets rationing fruit and gas station pumps running dry. São Paulo, Brazil’s financial center and home to 12 million people, declared a state of emergency on Friday. By Saturday, 11 airports around the country had run out of fuel. Uber drivers joined the strike and blocked trucks from exiting an oil refinery in northern Brazil. The government urged Brazilians to limit their water consumption, as uncertainty grew over how long the strike would last. President Michel Temer ordered the military to break up the strike, and the government said late Friday that 45 percent of barriers on the highways had been removed. But the truckers’ union said it still wouldn’t deliver any goods. A 50 percent rise in fuel prices over the past year sparked the strike. Truckers are demanding lower gas prices, as well as reductions in taxes and tolls.”

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British White Privilege By Richard Miller

     Here is an update on some of the goings on regarding white privilege in Britain, something which will no doubt be happening here in little old Oz some time soon:

“The NHS must do more to tackle “white privilege” and increase black and minority ethnic (BAME) representation among senior managers and directors, a leading hospital trust chief executive has told Sky News. Sarah-Jane Marsh, chief executive of Birmingham Women’s & Children’s NHS Trust, says she will no longer sit on any interview board panel that does not include a BAME member, after figures for her own trust revealed ethnic minority candidates were less likely to succeed at interview. Across NHS England as a whole, 18% of the 1.2 million staff are from a BAME background, but just 5% of very senior managers are non-white, compared to 27% of the lowest paid support staff. Ms Marsh says the lack of representation at senior levels means the NHS is not as diverse as the communities it serves, and may not be getting the best possible staff. “I know that in the NHS we have got a problem with ensuring that we have the right people in leadership positions to represent the diversity of our workforce,” she said.

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On Cancelling Rosanne: An Act in the Cultural Wars By Charles Taylor

     The number one show on US television, Roseanne, has been cancelled because of a “racism” incident (what else?):

“ABC on Tuesday made the decision to cancel its Roseanne revival after the star’s racist tweet comparing former Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett to an ape. ABC Entertainment President Channing Dungey called Barr’s comment “abhorrent, repugnant, and inconsistent with our values.” “We have decided to cancel her show,” said Dungey. In a tweet posted on Tuesday morning, Barr said the black senior adviser to President Obama was the “baby” of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood political party and Planet of the Apes. The tweet came in response to a conspiracy-laden thread alleging Jarrett had helped cover up CIA spying. After her racist remark drew criticism on Twitter, Barr defended her statement. “It’s a joke,” she wrote in response to a CNN reporter. “Muslims r NOT a race,” she said in response to another user.

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