Voting Ourselves to Oblivion By Chris Knight

     This is a segment of a great article by Brett Stevens where he shows that the American public was sucked in to supporting the 1960s changes to immigration which have led to the present coming of whites being a minority in less than 24 years. The same thing happened in Australia in the post WQWII era, and the elites time and time again, stampede the sheep, as they are going to try to do again with the indigenous referendum. Remember, the majority supported the same sex plebiscite.

“Our biggest problem arises from the inherent tendency of people to form crowds around lowest common denominator solutions which causes people to fixate on “problems” that are in fact effects of which either structural defects or tendencies of nature are the cause, and this motivates people to engage in symbolic choices instead of realistic ones. Consider how Americans voted themselves into oblivion: A June 1965 Gallup poll found that 39% preferred maintaining present levels, almost as many said they should be decreased (33%), and only a few (7%) favored increased immigration. But in the end, a majority of the public approved of changing the laws so that people would be admitted on the basis of their occupational skills rather than their country of origin. And after the Immigration and Nationality Act was passed, fully 70% said they favored the new law. The law was symbolic in the sense that it operated on feelings, principles, and moral standards instead of looking at end results. Silly people value means-over-ends (principles, methods, and symbols more important than end result) because it makes them feel good and share that social feeling of peace, love, comradeship, and unity with others. When you pass a symbolic law, like one designed to stop migrant children from drowning at your border, it proves immensely popular at first. This is a backdoor weakness in democracy, or more broadly, in humanity.

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Dog Meat is Back on the Menu, Boys! By Richard Miller

     Allusion to an iconic scene from Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers film:

     The UK government, blessed with multicult wisdom, has rejected pleas from silly dog owners for laws making eating dogs illegal, as this would offend certain large Asian segments of the population. And rightly so too. Multiculturalism is about radically changing every aspect of one’s culture and the ethnic composition of the population, so everything must go. Democracy, tradition, race, throw it all out in favour of mass migration, consumerism and money. What could possibly be wrong with that?

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Trump Predicts Civil War By Chris Knight

     This is the one that we have been waiting for: Trump himself is predicting civil war in America if the Left get their evil ways:

“President Donald Trump shared a warning from Pastor Robert Jeffress on Fox News of a new “civil war-like fracture” if Democrats removed him from office. Pastor Robert Jeffress said: Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats can’t put down the Impeachment match. They know they couldn’t beat him in 2016 against Hillary Clinton, and they’re increasingly aware of the fact that they won’t win against him in 2020, and Impeachment is the only tool they have to get rid of Donald J. Trump – And the Democrats don’t care if they burn down and destroy this nation in the process. I have never seen the Evangelical Christians more angry over any issue than this attempt to illegitimately remove this President from office, overturn the 2016 Election, and negate the votes of millions of Evangelicals in the process. They know the only Impeachable offense that President Trump has committed was beating Hillary Clinton in 2016. That’s the unpardonable sin for which the Democrats will never forgive him. If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.”

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Why Not Cheat at University? Matt Forney on the Great Plagiarism Industry By James Reed

     Thanks to John Steele who spends some time when he goes into the big smoke away from his comfy tent in the scrub, reading all of the neo-masculinity stuff, and submitting comments under the pen name, “Crazy Old Conan the Hyper-Barbarian.” Here is Matt Forney, from the US, indicating that the problem of the universities  is global, or at least in the West. Certainly, Australian universities, which are nothing more than degree clearing houses for foreign students, are plagued with the plagiarism problem … no pandemic.

“Why have academic essay writing services become so popular in recent years? The answer can be seen in the changing demographics of college students. In the past, the only people who went to college were those who could afford it or those who sought to work in specific fields that required advanced knowledge. Because of this, plagiarism was far lower due to the college population being largely comprised of people who wanted to be there and were dedicated to their studies. With the entrance of the general population into the university system, there are now many students who don’t care about learning and simply want to earn a degree as easily as possible. These students turn to essay mills because they aren’t interested in their studies and want to spend their college years partying and slacking off. In addition to this, a large increase in foreign students is partially responsible for the popularity of plagiarism services. Many foreign students arrive at college woefully underprepared for the rigors of university study. A good portion of them cannot even speak English fluently. Essay mills help these students pass courses that they have been shunted into by their parents or society at large despite doing little to prepare them for the harshness of university life.

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The Migration Big Business Nexus By Charles Taylor

     It has long been observed that Big business loves migration, even if the economic benefits overall are negative, or minimal. The creation of a reserve army of the unemployed, as well as aiding in white displacement, are always good things for the captains of capitalism. With this in mind, here are some articles, too complex to summarise, detailing the who-is-who in the business-human rights-immigration industry. It is an eye-opening investigation. And what is there not to like about an anatomically correct banana?

Letter to The Editor - This does not mean that affection for and loyalty towards one's particular ethnic ancestors should be disregarded

To The Age         Dvir Abramovich wants "anti-bias and Holocaust education compulsory in every class" ("An anti-Semitism crisis in our schools", 5/10). That is excessive, surely! What should be taught pervasively throughout the whole primary and secondary curriculum is respect for all one's fellow human beings who, no matter what their ethnic ancestry, are members of the one human race. This means no bullying; it also means the cultivation of long-attested values such as acceptance of the dignity of the person, compassion, fair play, prudence, gentleness, courage, co-operation within community and patience when disagreement arises. This does not mean that affection for and loyalty towards one's particular ethnic ancestors should be disregarded or demeaned, but it does mean that anything that smacks of political indoctrination should be avoided.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Greentopia By Viv Forbes


They planned the Land of Make Believe. They wanted water without building dams, cheap reliable electricity without burning coal or gas, transport without using petrol or diesel, food without farmers or fishermen, employment without factories, and metals and motor fuels without refineries. Their countryside was uglified by paddocks of magic mirrors, forests of whirling bird slicers and spider-webs of access tracks and power lines that delivered abundant electricity when it was least needed. But the taps went dry, cattle and crops died, lights went out, seafood and rice came from Vietnam, metals were smelted and refined in China, trains were built in India, cars and trucks came from Japan, motors fuels were imported from South East Asia, and savings fled to Zurich. Welcome to Green Australia.

The War Against Truth By Chris Knight

     Veteran actor, Jon Voight, has posted a video on Twitter where he says that the Left are at war with America. We can translate that for us, as our Left are at war with the Australian nation too:

“War. This is war against truths. This is a war against the highest noble man who has defended our country, and made us safe and great again. Let me stand with our president. Let us all stand with our President Trump in a time of such evil words trying for impeachment. This is a crime that the left are trying to force. This is a disgrace by such ignorant followers that have no truth of what truly has been brought back to our country. We have gained greatness, we have gained jobs, we have gained more than any president has promised. This radical left are destructive. Their codes of what is supposed to be are corrupt with lies, deceits, and anger, and we ask why? We ask how can a human being have such anger towards the greatness of our country’s glory. I’ll tell you why: because for so long their anger has been growing, and with such deep pain, with no open heart, of loving and seeing the truth. The truth of what truly matters is the productivity of what was promised, and what we the American people of the United States were promised and have received. And what does the radical left do for such greatness? They want to destroy it. They want civilization to be run like a corrupt ring. I say stand now with Trump, let truth prevail, and may God show all the truth. That we are truly a nation stronger because of our president. The left are afraid, for their power is lessening with every deal that is accomplished by Donald Trump. In the name of God and his power for this nation, let us stay strong, and without such evil among us. God bless.

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Greta, Now be a Good Girl and Listen to the Kind Billionaire! By James Reed

     Remember the old saying,” children should be seen, but not heard.” When did that die out? Surely in the early post WWII era, since the 1960s brats did not listen or shut up. Neither is this generation, Z, the last one, with any luck (i.e. Biblical Second Coming).

“French business magnate Bernard Arnault, 70, has described climate activist Greta Thunberg as 'demoralising for young people'. The billionaire Chief Executive of LVMH made the comments while speaking at his luxury giant LVMH's sustainability event earlier this week. Arnault said that while Greta was a 'dynamic young girl,' she has 'surrendered completely to catastrophism.' Arnault's giant group boasts Fendi, Christian Dior and Givenchy among its brands. 'I find that her views are demoralising for young people,' the fashion CEO continued. 'I prefer positive solutions that allow us to get towards a more optimistic position.' He added that there was a positive side to economic growth, pointing out that it had helped to create jobs and lift many people from poverty. 'If we don't want to go backwards, we still need growth,' he said.”

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Oh, Italy Disappears Too By Richard Miller

     Out goes Italy’s bad boy, Salvini, to what, open a great pizza joint,  called Salvini’s Pizza Palace (no, just joking) and in come the untold numbers of migrants for Italy’s Great Replacement (no, not joking):

“Italy's new government, which has pledged to reverse former Interior Minister Matteo Salvini's hardline approach to migration policy, appears to have triggered a new wave of mass migration from northern Africa. More than 1,400 migrants reached Italian shores since the new government took office on September 5, according to data compiled by the International Organization for Migration (IOM). During just the past several weeks, the number of migrant arrivals to Italy has increased incrementally: 59 migrants arrived on September 6; 67 arrived on September 9; 121 arrived on September 14; 259 arrived on September 15; 275 arrived on September 18; and 475 arrived between September 19 and September 25, according to the IOM. Overall, the number of migrant arrivals in September 2019 is up by more than 100% over the number of arrivals in September 2018. Many of the new arrivals are reaching Italy by using new people-smuggling routes that originate in Turkey. In recent weeks, at least five migrant boats have landed in Calabria, in the far south of Italy. On September 21, for instance, 58 migrants, all Pakistani males, reached the Calabrian port of Crotone.

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Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair For the US Demonic Democrats By Chris Knight

     Just to bring Australian reader’s up to date on the latest dirt from American politics, where this time the rat-like Dumorats think that they have sunk Trump over his conversation to the Ukrainian president:

“According to Democrats and the lying media, Trump supposedly threatened to withhold military aid from Ukraine unless that government supplied him with dirt on former VP Joe Biden, one of the Democrats’ 2020 candidates. The problem with that accusation, however, is that it’s 100 percent false. It was Biden who, as Obama’s vice president, flew to Ukraine in 2015 and threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees if that government didn’t fire a prosecutor who was looking into corruption allegations involving a gas firm where son Hunter Biden served as a board member (for $50,000 per month). Not only did the government of then-President Petro Poroshenko accede to Biden’s demands, the former VP actually bragged about it on video at a Council on Foreign Relations confab last year. Now, however, Democrats are in panic mode because the video of Biden’s dirty deed is all over the place online. So what do they do? They concoct another fake scandal by accusing President Trump of doing exactly what Joe Biden did.

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Who Wants to Kill America? Get in Line! By Charles Taylor

     It seems that there are at least nine nations rehearsing their murder plot against America:

“There are some Americans who refuse to see the Russian/Chinese threat against America. In the previous parts of this series, the case has been made that Trump is being drawn into a trap by committing military resources and men to defeating Iran. It is becoming crystal clear that Russia and China are not going to make their final stand against the western bankers in Iran. They are going to resurrect Venezuelan oil in order to supply their BRICS nations defiance of the Petrodollar demands of the West. Yet, most Americans refuse to see the omnipresent threat that is right in front of their eyes. This article will clearly demonstrate, that in addition to the Latin American states that are aligning against America, there countries around the world that are joining forces against the US they are training to defeat and occupy this country. In fact, it can accurately be said that the sentiment against America is so high, around the world, that as the reader will soon discover, even die-hard enemies are aligning against the United States. As aside, America, please allow me to ask a question. Why does the world hate America with such a vengeance? Answer: The world’s nations do not hate Americans. They hate the American government and their cruel and deadly brand of imperialism. However, millions of us could die because our government will put us in harm’s way in the coming conflicts. Now, it is a different story with both the Chinese and the globalists. They want YOU dead! When I made this statement at Steve Quayle’s Branson, True Legends Conference, many have told me that this revelation shook them to their core. Why do the globalists want Americans dead? Because we Americans have been raised on the notions of liberty and freedom, not bowing down to illegitimate authority. The globalist can take away our leaders and can burn the Constitution, however, they cannot erase the ingrained sense of liberty that exists in most Americans. Therefore, genocide is coming.”

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Liberal Time Travelling Terminators By Chris Knight

     The cultural elite who work the media, especially film, project their dark and evil ideas through their medium, then get to have the deplorables buy it for entertainment. It is like having some mangy dog dirty one’s house, and then having to pay for the privilege of eternally walking on doggy-doo, and then having to love it, or be regarded as a dog hater.

“As the delusional, insane cult of liberalism continues to infect every institution across America, Hollywood has been transformed into the place where left-wing fantasies are played out on the big screen to satisfy the delusions of the brainwashed masses. The latest example of these left-wing fantasies is found in a new Netflix feature movie called, “In the Shadow of the Moon.” This new film imagines time-traveling liberals who wear Antifa hoodies murdering patriots across America, following a pre-crime kill list that includes a concert pianist, a grill cook, a bus driver and other people who have done nothing wrong. The pre-crime murder is intended to execute these people before they start an uprising against globalism, which of course seeks to overrun America and destroy our national sovereignty. The entire point of the film is to make sure all these people who defend America are killed, ensuring globalism succeeds in overrunning this nation and enslaving humanity. (The film’s writers are clearly in the pro-enslavement camp and believe that the ends justify the means.) In the Shadow of the Moon, starring Boyd Holbrook and Cleopatra Coleman (see comments below about their acting skills, which are superb) depicts patriots as so evil that “their crimes defy time.” With all the usual smears you would expect from a left-wing Ministry of Truth propaganda operation — after all, even the NY Times now just fabricates total fantasy to try to destroy Trump — this new film conflates patriotism with white supremacy and anti-globalism paranoia. All the typical symbols of patriots are demonized in the film, including the American flag, AR-15s and resistance against global tyranny.”

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The Saker’s End of the West By Peter Ewer

     Many of us here are deeply concerned about the coming collapse of he West, if not techno-industrial civilisation itself. But we are not the only one, and the Saker too, believes we are living during the last years of the West. I don’t know much about the Saker, this being the first thing of his I have read, but you can bet that I will be getting a sake on and saking over to his site to see what I can sake down for your reading pleasure:

“I rarely see this issue discussed and when it is, it is usually to provide all sorts of reassurances that the Empire will not really collapse, that it is too powerful, too rich and too big to fail and that the current political crises in the US and Europe will simply result in a reactive transformation of the Empire once the specific problems plaguing it have been addressed. That kind of delusional nonsense is entirely out of touch with reality. And the reality of what is taking place before our eyes is much, much more dramatic and seminal than just fixing a few problems here and there and merrily keep going on. One of the factors which lures us into a sense of complacency is that we have seen so many other empires in history collapse only to be replaced pretty quickly by some other, that we can’t even imagine that what is taking place right now is a much more dramatic phenomenon: the passage into gradual irrelevance of an entire civilization! But first, let’s define our terms. For all the self-aggrandizing nonsense taught in western schools, Western civilization does not have its roots in ancient Rome or, even less so, in ancient Greece. The reality is that the Western civilization was born from the Middle-Ages in general and, especially, the 11th century which, not coincidentally, saw the following succession of moves by the Papacy:

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Time to Hear from Sensible Adults By Viv Forbes

     3 October 2019, Climate alarm has fractured western societies into four main groups – the Silent Majority, the Red Green-ants, the Noisy Street Children, and the Wise Elders.

     The Silent Majority do the work of the nation. They pay the nation’s bills and taxes and only make their presence felt at election time. They despise most career politicians but many fear reprisals from Big Government or Big Business should they be seen speaking out. But when sufficiently aroused they toss out the chicken-littles and turn to leaders like Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro and Boris Johnson.

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Japan is Slowly Dying, Too By Mrs Vera West

     You know things are bad, really bad, rock bottom of the bin bad, when people in a nation simply stop having sex. That is a death wish, materialised, and it is happening in Japan, incredible as it seems:

“All around the world, young people are having less sex than previous generations. At the forefront of the so-called global "sex recession" is Japan, which has one of the lowest fertility rates on Earth, and it could serve as a cautionary tale for the U.S. and other industrialized countries. Shota Suzuki works as a building custodian in Tokyo. After work, he likes to hang out in an area known for anime and manga with his friends. But at 28, Suzuki has never had a romantic relationship, and he's pessimistic that he ever will. "Yes, I'm a virgin," he told CBS News. "I would like to get married, but I can't find a partner." Suzuki is far from a rare case. It's not difficult to find other young adults, like 27-year-old Kakeru Nakamura, who are surprisingly candid about their sexual inexperience. "My parents want me to hurry up and get married," he said. "I tell them I'm too busy." A review of Japan's National Fertility Survey reveals virginity is on the rise; one out of every 10 Japanese men in their 30s is still a virgin. That puts Japan's virginity rate well ahead of that of other industrialized nations. "A large proportion of these individuals cannot find a partner in the market," Peter Ueda, a public health researcher at Tokyo University, told CBS News. He's sounding the alarm about Japan's surging virginity rate, which he notes is, "actually the highest ever recorded in a high-income country."

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Back Pain and the Opioid Epidemic By Mrs Vera West

     Hands up who has back pain … no, don’t that will hurt your back even more! Anyway, it seems that the opioid epidemic comes from people being in pain, especially back pain:

“The inappropriate treatment approach to back pain is a driving force behind the opioid epidemic, Dave Chase, co-founder of Health Rosetta, reports, citing the 2018 JAMA Network Open paper, “Opioid Prescribing for Low Back Pain: What Is the Role of Payers?” One of the reasons for this is the sheer prevalence of back pain. Statistics suggest 8 in 10 American adults will be affected by it at some point in their life. “It’s also a microcosm of all the things that are wrong with the U.S. health care system, including its contribution to the opioid crisis,” Chase writes. “Lower back pain puts people in desperate and vulnerable positions, and it puts doctors under pressure to Do Something Now. From such a confluence arise many poor and potentially devastating treatments and choices. Among the worst is doctors’ decisions to write opioid prescriptions as a treatment for lower back pain and their patients taking these drugs. Lower back pain is one of the most common reasons for an opioid prescription, but here’s the kicker: There’s no evidence that opioids are effective at treating this problem.”

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No Go Fund for Whites? Go Figure! By Chris Knight

     Here, we first get the facts of this rotten story:

“The Connecticut banker charged with manslaughter for allegedly killing a hotel worker in Anguilla has had a GoFundMe page that raised $250,000 for him as he faces trial, has been pulled by the crowdfunding site for flouting rules. GoFundMe held the money raised by Scott Hapgood's supportive community and vowed not to release it unless he signed an agreement not to use the money for his legal defense, as the platform states it cannot be used in cases where someone has been accused of a violent crime.” It was after fuming supporters of dead Anguilla man Kenny Mitchel, 27, found out about the donations from people that saw anywhere from $100 to $5,000 being handed over to pay for Hapgood's legal fight. 'The epitome of white privilege,' one disappointed person wrote on a Facebook page pushing for justice for Mitchel who was killed in April after he knocked on Hapgood's Malliouhana hotel room door to fix the sink but brandished a knife, according to the 44-year-old father who was on vacation.”

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Hypothesis on Cash Banning By James Reed

     The official explanation for the banning of cash is that it will stop the so-called black cash in hand economy, although I doubt it, since with e-payments and Bitcoin, I imagine that there would be high-tech ways around it. Maybe pay in tins of baked beans. i.e barter? Anyway, here is something published at their ABC, which is worth thinking about, that it is all about controlling your economic behaviour during recessions. How about just plain old controlling your economic behaviour, full stop?

“As the Federal Government moves to ban cash transactions above $10,000, there's a theory gaining traction that the real motive for the cash ban isn't the so-called "black economy", but rather, to give authorities greater control over your behaviour during recessions. This theory, put forward by economists such as John Adams — and picked up by some federal politicians — has not been plucked out of thin air. It is based on repeated public papers and statements by the international body in charge of financial stability — the Washington-based International Monetary Fund (IMF). A recent IMF blog entitled "Cashing In: How to Make Negative Interest Rates Work", explains its motive in wanting negative interest rates — a situation where instead of receiving money on deposits, depositors must pay regularly to keep their money with the bank. As the blog notes, during the global financial crisis central banks reduced interest rates.

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Imprisonment for Insulting the EU! By Richard Miller

     Those who insult the European branch of the New World Order will be slammed into the slammer. Europe is definitely worse, more oppressive in the iron fist in the silk glove way than the former USSR, and has in fact learnt lessons in anarcho-tyranny from them, Germany being the paradigm example:

“Federal Council wants to better protect the European symbols such as the flag and the anthem from denigrating. In a bill passed on Friday, the State Chamber proposes a new offense, which provides for the contempt of the European flag or anthem up to three years imprisonment or a fine. So far, the Criminal Code protects only symbols of foreign states and the Federal Republic of Germany against denigration. The Saxon Minister of Justice Sebastian Gemkow (CDU) pointed out that in the spring demonstrators in Saxony marched over an EU flag. Such incidents should no longer be punishable in the future. According to the bill, those who have removed, destroyed, damaged or defaced a publicly affixed European flag must also face a penalty. The draft will now be forwarded to the Bundestag via the Federal Government. He decides whether he wants to take up the proposal of the Landkammer. There are no fixed deadlines for this.”

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