Extinction Rebellion, Yeah Baby, It’s the 60s Again! By James Reed

     What exciting times it is on the road to climate change apocalypse, much more interesting than the Vietnam War protests of 1968. Just today we have people dangling from bridges, disruption to traffic, you name it. You can expect more fun times ahead. 

     Just to be devil’s advocate, as the legal saying goes, can you imagine how crazy people will get if a real apocalypse came and hit them, like an EMP event that took down the internet, and the bloody phones? It would make the doomsday cults we have seen in the past look pretty conservative by comparison. Overall, I am having a great time, and since the climate apocalypse has been declared have been on an emotional high. It was almost as much fun as when the anti-farts were on a rampage. What happened to those guys, did China stop making masks?

Letter to The Editor - Why on earth then are we allowing whatever unity and national strength we have to be corroded by a movement for Aboriginal separatism

To The Australian        Australia's cultural future will be severely damaged if the corrupt UK establishment succeeds in frustrating Brexit, for our political order depends fundamentally on British ideals, and on those ideals being realised in practice there as well as here. At the same time our strategic future looks increasingly dangerous as China grows in might, the US tends to withdraw from the Pacific (willingly or unwillingly) and more and more people seek to emigrate here illegally. Why on earth then are we allowing whatever unity and national strength we have to be corroded by a movement for Aboriginal separatism that is based on misrepresentation of the facts?     Alleged "Arrernte girl" Bri Apma-Hayes, shown voting in an election for a "First Peoples Assembly" ("Young voices being heard on the path to treaty", 11/10), looks 100% European, is obviously only a part-Aboriginal and, probably, that is a very small part. At age sixteen she cannot know very much about Australian and international politics. The whole process set up by the left-wing Victorian Government, without any adequate mandate from Victorians as a whole, and involving a usurpation of federal government authority, amounts to betrayal. Where is the civic courage to oppose it?
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

7.6 Million Babies Aborted and Counting By Mrs Vera West

     Planned Parenthood has hit 7.6 million abortions since 1973 and looks like upping production, with an exciting new factory:

“Planned Parenthood has killed over 7.6 million babies since it legally began performing abortions in 1973 following the Roe v. Wade decision. That’s a catastrophic number. It’s easy to read 7.6 million and shrug it off. That’s more than two times the population of Los Angeles. That’s 7,600,000 humans that were never given a chance at life because of Planned Parenthood. 7,600,000 babies that never had the opportunity to celebrate a birthday. And that’s not even taking into account the number of babies aborted by Planned Parenthood illegally, before the Roe v. Wade decision was handed was decided by the United States Supreme Court. Planned Parenthood is by far the nation’s largest abortion provider. Over the holidays, they conveniently and quietly published their annual report for 2016-2017. Last year, Planned Parenthood published their annual report months late – in May! An analysis of the 2016-2017 report along with Planned Parenthood’s previous reports shows that Planned Parenthood is responsible for the deaths of over 7.6 million human babies. We know the Planned Parenthood number is likely low, in fact, pro life journalists with the Media Research Center estimated in 2016 that Planned Parenthood had killed upwards of 7.5 million babies. In the 2016-2017 fiscal year detailed in the report, Planned Parenthood performed 321,384 abortions. Last annual report (2015-2016), Planned Parenthood performed 328,348 abortions. The year before that (2014-2015) Planned performed 323,999 abortions.

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The Raw and the Cooked By Mrs Vera West

     The title is from a book which I have never read, but was popular with structuralists and other trendies in the 1960s, The Raw and the Cooked (1964), by French anthropologist Claude Levi Strauss. The idea was that social understanding could proceed in terms of binary opposites. Yes, I an asleep already. However, there is a more important sense of the raw and the cooked which relates to gut bacteria and gut health, which is far more important that intellectual nonsense: 

“Because cooking involves exposing food to heat, it tends to change the various foods' physical and chemical properties. But do these alterations change the delicate microbial environment of the gut? That is the question that researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, Harvard University, in Cambridge, MA, and other institutions recently set out to answer. "Our lab and others have studied how different kinds of diet, such as vegetarian versus meat-based diets, impact the microbiome," says the senior author of the new study, Peter Turnbaugh, Ph.D., an associate professor at the University of California, San Francisco. In the new study — the findings of which appear in Nature Microbiology — the researchers started by looking at how different types of cooked and raw food might affect the gut microbiota of mice. To do so, they fed mice a diet of either raw or cooked beef or raw or cooked sweet potato. The team used these foods, in particular, because previous studies had shown that cooking alters their nutritional components and because both commonly feature in human diets. First, the researchers found, surprisingly, that raw meat and cooked meat did not affect the mice's gut microbiota in obviously different ways. However, there were clear differences between how raw and cooked sweet potatoes affected the gut environment in rodents. Mice on a raw potato diet had poorer bacterial diversity in the gut, as well as slightly fewer bacteria, compared with baseline measurements. They also had a higher proportion of Bacteroidetes bacteria, which play a key role in the degradation of glycans, a form of sugar. To confirm these findings, the researchers performed another series of experiments, in which they fed mice not just raw and cooked sweet potatoes, but also white potatoes, beets, carrots, corn, and peas — foods with various degrees of starchiness and digestibility. As before, the researchers found that cooked versus raw potatoes — of both varieties — affected microbial diversity in the gut differently. The same was not true of the other foods.

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Scott Morrison: Glimmers of Nationalism? By James Reed

     I was pleasantly, if not peasanty, surprised to read this glimmer of opposition to the New World Odour, sorry, Order, by our pm. Yes, the NWO even mentioned by name in the article, not an invention of my fervoured imagination. But it seems like only yesterday that when Eric Butler and Jeremy Lee spoke about the New World Order, the mainstreamers poo-pooed it, but now, well here you go:

“Scott Morrison has declared his government will lead the charge in asserting the authority of nation states over unelected international -institutions, such as the UN. The Prime Minister, in a major foreign policy address to the Lowy Institute on Thursday evening, signalled Australia would seek to play a greater role in shaping a new economic and strategic world order. Mr Morrison’s speech was aimed squarely at the push by the UN to set the global agenda on issues such as climate change and refugee policies. As democratic nations increasingly band together to counter a rising China, Mr Morrison announced he would visit India and Japan early next year and Indonesia next month. Mr Morrison’s visit to Washington DC late last month sparked debate about how the nation should balance its relationship with the US and China, but he told the Lowy Institute it was not a “binary” equation. While Mr Morrison recognised the benefits the global economy had brought Australia, he declared that the ballot box should always be more powerful than international institutions. He warned that where elite opinion became disconnected from the mainstream of societies, it could foster a sense of resentment and disappointment. “(It is) an era of insiders and outsiders, threatening social cohesion, provoking discontent and distrust,” Mr Morrison said. He said Australia would partner with the international community through “practical globalism” and vowed to make fresh efforts to reshape inter-national rules, starting with a new audit of global institutions and rule-making processes. “We should avoid any reflex towards a negative globalism that coercively seeks to impose a mandate from an often ill-defined borderless global community. And worse still, an unaccountable internationalist bureaucracy,” Mr Morrison said. “Only a national government, especially one accountable through the ballot box and the rule of law, can define its national interests. We can never answer to a higher authority than the people of Australia.” He said Australia had played its part over the generations to build a better world through “co-operative and respectful internationalism”. But he warned that pragmatic international engagement was giving way to a new order that sought to “elevate global institutions above the authority of nation states to direct national policies”.

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Transitioning the Transitional Transition By Mrs Vera West

     Covering transgender news for this week, something which I am overwhelmingly excited to do, and which I am sure readers will be equally as excited to read. The courts are a gift to political correctness that keep on giving. Now we know that the Biblical belief in the existence of two sexes is inconsistent with the sacred morality of the new regime:

“A British employment tribunal has ruled that a Christian doctor’s biblical understanding of sexuality and lack of belief in transgenderism is “incompatible with human dignity.” After being fired from his job in 2018 for refusing to use pronouns that do not correspond to a person’s biological sex, disability assessor Dr David Mackereth filed a complaint against the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) for harassment and discrimination under the Equality Act. In its decision this week, the panel declared that Dr Mackereth’s biblical belief that “God made humans male or female” was “incompatible with human dignity”. The tribunal ruled explicitly on three positions taken by Dr Mackereth that made him unable in good conscience to address a person as if they were a member of the opposite sex. The court referred to Mackereth’s “belief in Genesis 1:27,” a passage from the Bible that states: “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”

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Immigration and Invasive Species Report By Charles Taylor

     Here in the US police officers are losing their jobs for enforcing immigration law, which goes to show that the cosmopolitan religion of open borders immigration transcends even the rule of law now; it is a fanatical cargo cult, a mass insanity march of Western civilisation to its socio-ecological doom:

“Left-wing socialist Democrats have moved portions of our country – the portions they control – to near-anarchy with destructive policies that include non-enforcement of duly passed laws. The most obvious of these have to do with immigration, or, rather, illegal immigration. Democrats are the authors and backers of so-called “sanctuary city” policies, which forbid local police officers from identifying and helping federal officials remove people who are not in our country legally. So enamored with open borders are today’s Leftist Democrats that they are beginning to punish officers who dare to cooperate with federal immigration agents in removing illegal aliens. As reported by Big League Politics, the police chief of Fairfax County, Va., suspended one of his officers this week for assisting Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents:

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Kritarchy Now! By Ian Wilson LL. B

     In my articles, limited as they are at this site, I have pursued the theme of the dangers of the lawyers, and how the system has been corrupted so much that we live in part in a world run by the lawyers, namely the judiciary, a kritarchy. Of course, there are competing bands of elites working to control us, including the technocrats, so the story is more complex than a simple mono-causal view. Yet, the law new class are powerful and shaping the world in totally undesirable globalist ways. James Kirkpatrick has some inflammatory words on this:

“Liberal democracy isn’t “in crisis,” as journalists and academics keep saying, it’s already over. In the U.S., the critical decisions on immigration, Affirmative Action, and other issues are now made by judges, a system known as “kritarchy.” In the U.K., the British Supreme Court has usurped the monarchy as the font of law in a decision blatantly intended to prevent Brexit. Across Europe, judges simply overrule elected officials and formulate immigration policies. The illusions most Westerners have about their “free” political systems can no longer be maintained and we must purge ourselves of fantasies if we want real change. Many Americans thought they were getting real change when they elected Donald Trump president on a platform of immigration restriction. In the teeth of Ruling Class hysteria, it’s still hard to believe that he was actually elected. Yet it almost didn’t matter. Judges have continuously overruled his policy decisions, seemingly out of spite. One was U.S. District Judge Allison Burroughs, an Obama appointee, who in 2017 overruled President Trump’s executive order which mandated a travel ban for people from certain countries [Boston Federal Court Puts Hold On Trump’s Travel, Refugee Ban, by Shanoon Dooling, WBUR, January 29, 2017]. Allison Burroughs is also the judge who upheld Harvard’s affirmative action policy earlier this week. Her rambling, flowery judgment declares that “it is somewhat axiomatic at this point that diversity of all sorts, including racial diversity, is an important aspect of education.” Beginning from this questionable “axiom,” she justifies policies that harm Asian-Americans and whites because of the “compelling interest” of achieving “diversity.”

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Letter to The Editor - There are high stakes here

To The Age         Unlike Victoria's Director of Public Prosecutions, I hope that the High Court consents to hear the appeal by Cardinal Pell against his conviction ("Court told to sound final bell on Pell", 9/10).  The dissenting decision in the Court of Appeal by Justice Mark Weinberg is enough to show that there is some genuine doubt about the result of this case to date. The DPP does not seem to have found an error in his approach.  Since it is such a high profile matter, with intense emotional investment by large numbers of the public both for and against Pell, a third examination of all the evidence to date by our highest court is warranted. There are high stakes here. The accused must be given every possible chance to answer the charges against him. Only then can the matter be laid to rest with propriety.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Do the Chlorinated, Sorry, Climate Change Fanatics, Want an Indian Pakistan War? (Global Cooling, After All!!) By Jimbo Reed

     Here is an utterly crazy story about the US Democrat called lovingly AOC, to save breath and hence carbon emissions from over-talking, who thanked a possibly trolling audience question, based upon Jonathan Swiftian philosophy, about eating babies (A Modest Proposal (1729)):

“Prank or no, my take away from the eat-the-babies episode is Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-CA) repeatedly thanking the woman who said we need to eat babies to save the planet. Watch the video for yourself, but this time pay special attention to Ocasio-Crazy’s demonic and demented reaction to some crazy woman howling about how eating dead people is not enough. By the way, the idea of eating dead people to save the world from Climate Change is no joke. Just last month at something called the Gastro Summit, Swedish behavioral scientist Magnus Söderlund did a whole PowerPoint presentation arguing we must “overcome our taboo against cannibalism” and eat our own dead to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainability. The woman at Ocasio-Crazy’s town hall was only taking this idea to the next logical step, a step that combines cannibalism with the Democrats’ utter disregard for newborn babies. The Democrat party is now openly pro-infanticide, openly okay with slaughtering a child post-birth, so why not go for the two-fer? Hey, eating the baby not only aborts it, it’s one less carbon-emitting feast for the whole family!”

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Banks and the Climate Agenda By James Reed

     Here is a tremendous media release by the Citizens Electoral Council of Australia, 3 October 2019, “Banks Push Deadly Climate Agenda,” which is well researched and informative about the forces behind the present climate hysteria:

“Banks push deadly climate agenda
The following article is from the Australian Alert Service of 2 October 2019. It was accompanied by “The real Al Gore”, a profile of Al Gore’s actions in his political career on issues other than climate change, which show his true colours as a ruthless enforcer for corporate-military interests—see link at the end of the article. Governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney, in a 23 September speech at the United Nations, revealed the City of London and Wall Street financial oligarchy’s agenda on climate change. It threatens a bleak future for the children of today—one of poverty, death, and environmental destruction. The banking elite brazenly ignore the scientific realities of climate change, and scientists who warn of the disastrous polices promoted by … Goldman Sachs et al. are routinely ignored or bullied into following the establishment line. Carney, formerly a Goldman Sachs executive and Chair of the G20-BIS Financial Stability Board in 2011-18, oversaw the drive to bully nations into a bail-in regime in preparation for the now looming “economic Armageddon”. Now he reveals a climate policy that defies science and lacks humanity for the poorest and most vulnerable in society, many of whom would die under the bankers’ “zero carbon” energy austerity program. In his 23 September speech to the UN Secretary General’s Climate Action Summit 2019, Carney boasted that current supporters of the G20’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) “are responsible for assets totalling US$120 trillion and include the world’s globally systemic banks, top 10 global asset managers, leading pension funds and insurers”.

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Surrender Australia? Done! By James Reed

     Another great story by the even greater Andrew Bolt, Australia’s best journalist.

“No need for communist China to invade.  Victoria's police have already raised the dictatorship's flag over a police station in a heavily Chinese suburb. And guess who came to cut the cake to celebrate the dictatorship's birthday? Why, it's Gladys Liu, the Liberal MP tied to China's propaganda arm. My editorial from The Bolt Report.

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Oh Sweet Irony, Banning a Book on the War Against Free Speech! By James Reed

     This piece of self-confirming material came from Andrew Bolt’s site, but I dug further and present the following:

“I recently completed a book defending free speech. Emerald Press scheduled it for publication but then decided not to proceed. Here’s what it said about the book in Emerald’s September 2019 catalogue:
In Defense of Free Speech: The University as Censor
Author James R. Flynn, University of Otago, New Zealand
Synopsis: The good university is one that teaches students the intellectual skills they need to be intelligently critical—of their own beliefs and of the narratives presented by politicians and the media. Freedom to debate is essential to the development of critical thought, but on university campuses today free speech is restricted for fear of causing offence. In Defense of Free Speech surveys the underlying factors that circumscribe the ideas tolerated in our institutions of learning. James Flynn critically examines the way universities censor their teaching, how student activism tends to censor the opposing side and how academics censor themselves, and suggests that few, if any, universities can truly be seen as ‘good.’ In an age marred by fake news and social and political polarization, In Defense of Free Speech makes an impassioned argument for a return to critical thought. I was notified of Emerald’s decision not to proceed by Tony Roche, Emerald’s publishing director, in an email on 10th June:

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Square Pegs and Round Holes By Brian Simpson

     This post is from Dhiman Bhattacharya,  who lives in Texas, and I found it interesting, no, fascinating. Question: why are manhole covers (or is it now “person hole”?) round?

“This is a joke from 1990s, which addresses this: Richard Feynman, goes to Microsoft for an interview. Following is the excerpt: Interviewer: Now comes the part of the interview where we ask a question to test your creative thinking ability. Don't think too hard about it, just apply everyday common sense, and describe your reasoning process. Here's the question: Why are manhole covers round? Feynman: They're not. Some manhole covers are square. It's true that there are SOME round ones, but I've seen square ones, and rectangular ones. Interviewer: But just considering the round ones, why are they round? Feynman: If we are just considering the round ones, then they are round by definition. That statement is a tautology. Interviewer: I mean, why are there round ones at all? Is there some particular value to having round ones? Feynman: Yes. Round covers are used when the hole they are covering up is also round. It's simplest to cover a round hole with a round cover. Interviewer: Can you think of a property of round covers that gives them an advantage over square ones? Feynman: We have to look at what is under the cover to answer that question. The hole below the cover is round because a cylinder is the strongest shape against the compression of the earth around it. Also, the term "manhole" implies a passage big enough for a man, and a human being climbing down a ladder is roughly circular in cross-section. So a cylindrical pipe is the natural shape for manholes. The covers are simply the shape needed to cover up a cylinder.

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False News Gets Shot Down Quick Today By Chris Knight

     … like the story by the New York Times, as part of their contribution to Trump’s impeachment, that Trump put pressure on the Australian PM to insist in the investigation into the origins of the Mueller inquiry. But the official Australian statement then destroyed the NYT’s claim:

“The Australian Government has always been ready to assist and cooperate with efforts that help shed further light on the matters under investigation. The PM confirmed this readiness once again in conversation with the President.” No coercion, and thus more false news. Anyway, all this coercion stuff is a bit silly when Obama used to set in motion drone attacks intro countries like Pakistan to kill people.

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Vegan Protests and Violence By James Reed

     Vegan protesters stormed, well, strolled into a pizza joint in Brighton UK, and one oldish angry guy punched a female protester in the face. I am no lover of fine vegan food, the fibre giving me terrible flatulence, but this act of violence must be condemned, and rejected. But that is not my main concern. I was interested to read about other UK protests where the vegans seemed to break the law, but, surprise, surprise, nothing happened:

“Brighton has seen a number of protests in restaurants led by Direct Action Everywhere, which has seen members in court because of their demonstrations. They previously raided a McDonald's wearing pig and chicken masks before spraying fake blood on the floor. A Sussex Police spokesman said: 'Incidents involving animal rights activists at several restaurants in Brighton on Sunday evening, in which protesters with loud hailers chanted slogans at diners, have been reported to police. 'It was alleged that at one establishment a protester was punched by a customer, and at another activists were thrown to the ground. 'Several activists have chained themselves to the exterior of Brighton town hall. 'Police are investigating and are meanwhile monitoring the situation. 'Currently no arrests have been made but if criminal acts are found to have taken place, appropriate action will be taken.'”

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Genderless Criminals! By Chris Knight

     Everything is more politically correct and crazier in Canada than even Kalifornication. Witness the recent decision by the dizzy diverse Ontario police to stop identifying the gender committing crimes:

“The Ontario Provincial Police won’t be publishing the “gender” of those accused of crimes or of their alleged victims because of privacy concerns and the “need to be progressive,” a spokesperson announced at a Monday press conference. The policy change took effect in May after the force reviewed the Police Services Act, the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and the Ontario Human Rights Code, Sgt. Carolle Dionne told reporters. “When we were reviewing our standard operating procedures, we realized we were including information that was not permissible for us to release,” she said, as quoted in the CBC. “We have a lot of individuals who identify as male but actually are female, or vice versa. That’s one of the reasons. Also, we want to respect the wishes of individuals,” added Dionne. The OPP then decided to exclude “gender” information in media releases to be cautious about privacy and “be progressive in the change of times,” Dionne said, as quoted by Canadian Press. While a name in a media release is often gender-specific, when the accused’s gender is not readily apparent, the OPP now won’t give out that information when asked, the CBC reported.

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Sure, Ban Nationalists, but Let the Child Pornographers Flourish??? Go Figure! By Mrs Vera West

     Look, let’s keep it all ultra-mainstream and quote from the New York Times, a newspaper we all love to hate:

“The images are horrific. Children, some just 3 or 4 years old, being sexually abused and in some cases tortured. Pictures of child sexual abuse have long been produced and shared to satisfy twisted adult obsessions. But it has never been like this: Technology companies reported a record 45 million online photos and videos of the abuse last year. More than a decade ago, when the reported number was less than a million, the proliferation of the explicit imagery had already reached a crisis point. Tech companies, law enforcement agencies and legislators in Washington responded, committing to new measures meant to rein in the scourge. Landmark legislation passed in 2008. Yet the explosion in detected content kept growing — exponentially.

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More Evidence of Migration-Based Ethno-Demographic Replacement By Chris Knight

     US foreign born are at record levels, but so for Australia: “In 2016 nearly half (49%) of all Australians were either born overseas or had at least one parent who was born overseas. More than a quarter (28%) of the Australian population were first generation Australians (born overseas).”

     Forget about civic nationalism for we are all tribalists now. The country is no different to a hotel, and who would want to die defending this? Likewise, for the US: 

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Maybe Donald Trump Cut her Deadlocks? By Charles Taylor

     Yes, blame Trump and impeach him for this, the racist crime of cutting a poor little girl’s deadlocks, even though she confessed that she faked it. Why not, what does truth matter to the Left? It never has. Post-truth is their invention.

“A northern Virginia girl has recanted her accusation that three classmates grabbed her and cut her dreadlocks on the playground of a northern Virginia private school. A girl has recanted her allegations that her sixth-grade classmates cut her dreadlocks. The Washington Post reports that the girl’s family issued an apology Monday to the boys, the school and the community. Last week the 12-year-old girl told multiple media outlets that three of her sixth-grade classmates at Immanuel Christian School in Springfield called her hair "ugly" while they assaulted her at recess. The girl is African American and said her attackers were white. The story received national attention. The school’s principal, Stephen Danish, sent a statement to parents Monday confirming the allegations were false. He said the school feels “tremendous pain for the victims and the hurt on both sides of this conflict.”

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