Punishing the Unvaccinated By Mrs Vera West

There will be harsh restrictions for the unvaccinated according to Chairman Dan. Ok, that assumes that the vaccines are magic bullets that will solve the Covid problem. Yet, as this blog has documented, there is growing evidence that vaccine efficiency wanes, so that constant booster jabs will be required. This could increase the probability of adverse effects. And as well, there is still the issue of breakthrough infections, where the vaccinated still get infected. So, the punitive scheme is not going to solve anything. That also supposes that the more minority view of a spike protein apocalypse, as championed by sites like Natural News.com is not true. If it is, it won’t matter either!


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Updating US 2020 Election Fraud By Charles Taylor (Florida)

US electoral fraud material continues to build up. It is likely now, that the amount of fraud so far discovered is sufficient to throw the election back to Trump, if there was any justice left at all, which there is not in the corrupt US courts. But, nothing will happen because his supporters will not take a stand against the corrupt, genocidal system. They are too gutless to even think of a general strike, especially by truckers, to bring blue states to their knees. It is how the American empire ends, within a few years, certainly it will all be over long before 2024. Really, it is all over now, the corpse being zombiefied, like Biden.


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Covid Concentration Camps: A Great Step Towards the Apocalypse Dystopia! By James Reed

Freedom fighters are disturbed by Australia’s Covid concentration camps, but should they be, since freedom in the West has long gone? As one article notes: “Australia stands nearly alone in its bet on quarantine infrastructure as a long-term answer to the pandemic. Two more camps, each with a capacity of about 2,000 people, are being built outside Brisbane and Melbourne, and Sydney and Perth may not be far behind. The sites, called “centers for national resilience,” are an embodiment of the country’s commitment to Covid zero.

Officials maintain that these camps, which are mostly for travelers but can also be used to isolate the contagious, are necessary because hotel quarantine has repeatedly let Covid leak into the community. The current Delta surge that has led to lockdowns for half of the country began in June with an unvaccinated airport driver transporting people back and forth.”

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LGBT+ Parties are Immune to Covid … As They Should Be! By James Reed

People who are locked down across the West are complaining about Leftist style causes being given a free pass re lockdown and social distancing.  But, just with the US antifa riots, necessary to burn down a racist country and establish justice, the goddess of the Left protects all Leftist people from infection while gathering for Leftist purposes. Why doesn’t our side understand that this is the way the universe works, not by natural law, but by the law of woke?


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Texas Abortion Law Drives the Left Crazy By Mrs Vera West

In something of a miracle, given how Leftist the Supreme Court of the United States is, like all Western courts, it upheld Texas’ “heart beat law,” that gives mothers contemplating abortion six weeks to do so. The liberals support abortion rights up to possible birth, essentially infanticide. That is a woman’s right, and they see the constitution as granting this, as if the Founding Fathers were abortionists! But, the same argument for freedom does not apply to the Covid restrictions, according to the establishment. It is an incoherent social policy, which will ultimately self-destruct, bringing down the entire temple.


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Biden’s Traitorous Call By Chris Knight (Florida)

It seems that the Biden regime knew about the coming collapse of the Afghan army, but just whistled in the dark instead of getting into immediate action. A leaked recording of Biden’s conversation to Ashraf Ghani, the former leader who escaped with a chopper loaded with loot, reveals all. It further adds evidence to the thesis proposed by Charles Taylor that Biden simply gave Afghanistan to China, as he will Taiwan.


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On Living with Covid By Mrs Vera West

The Conversation.com is a high-quality liberal left blog we keep an eye on to see what the intelligent opponents are saying, and sometimes I find myself in agreement, as keeping an open mind should be a priority. Some summaries are excellent, such as a recent post detailing the significance of the living with Covid policy that the NSW and our Victorian governments are now moving to.


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The Wages of Covid: Global Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions By Brian Simpson

The Children’s Health Defense.org has given another fine article joining up all of the dots in the present Covid plandemic. As I see it, the wide range of social control measures, enforced by the bully boys of the state, were, and still are, totally disproportional to the severity of the disease, one which mainly affects vulnerable people such as the elderly. It has given the ruling elites power that they had only anticipated before, bringing down Trump with corrupt mail-in voting and other scams, enriching Big Tech, and destroying small business. This disease has been globalism in action. It is significant that it came from the CCP lab in Wuhan, with financial support from the West, to dig its own grave.


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Afghan Refugees Flood in; Americans Left to Die! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Joe Biden and the rest of the evil pack of Democrats are proclaiming that the Afghanistan withdrawal was a success. But, US military commanders disagree, seeing the abandonment of US citizens to the lack of mercy of the Taliban as an act of high treason. But, destroying America is the new normal for this socially pathological regime.


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Free the January 6 Political Prisoners Now! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It will probably not do any real good, but protesting to the UN about the human rights violations of the January 6 political prisoners, has to be done in the matter of course.


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President Joe Biden is a CCP Agent! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Shari Goodman at the American Thinker.com, is the only person other than me who has said that Biden may be being blackmailed by the CCP, and that the equipment left in Afghanistan was done with a deal with the communist Chinese, so that they would not spill the beans on all that he and degenerate son Hunter have got up to. I go further and hold that Biden is just a de facto CCP agent as most of the Left actually are with their worship of China. Some of the Dissent Right fall into this category too, with so-called “white advocates’ idolising the Chinese, especially praising their supposed high IQ, but seeing no problem with their rising dominance.


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All Trees, Grass and Cows are Green By Viv Forbes

Growing trees need three essentials – radiant energy from the sun, CO2 and rain from the atmosphere, and nutrients and minerals from the soil. Climate alarmists correctly claim that burning forest products in thermal power stations is “net-zero emissions” because burning the wood just puts the same CO2 back into the atmosphere.

Identical reasoning applies to grazing cattle.

Grasses have the same needs as growing trees: sunlight, CO2, water, and soil nutrients. Cattle eat pastures to build proteins, fats and bones. If meat and milk from cattle is consumed by humans, some of the carbon is quickly returned to the atmosphere via emissions from cattle and humans (from both ends). The rest is sequestered for a longish time in human bodies, bones and cemeteries but eventually returns to the atmosphere.

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New Exciting Covid Viral Diversity to Enrich Us! By Brian Simpson

Diversity is a strength and enriches us. But does that apply to viral diversity as well? The new Covid kid on the block, the C.1.2 strain from diverse South Africa, has a mutation rate of 41.8 mutations per year, which is almost double the current global mutation rate seen in any other variant. Not a lot is known, especially whether it is worse than the Delta strain, but the scientists are proclaiming that three jabs will be needed to deal with it. As I see it, that is pure speculation. I note the remarks of Dr Feigl-Ding, quoted below: “‘We can't just keep boosting the vaccines,' 'We have to basically stop the transmission worldwide because the more bodies we give the virus, the more practice chances the virus will eventually adapt and become even more evasive or contagious.'” Or, I believe, live with it, and let natural immunity work its magic, which got the human race this far.


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The Covid Cover-up By Brian Simpson

The Blaze.com has an excellent piece which summarises the Covid cover-up by the media into the origins of the Covid virus. The article notes that the scientific community, so called, and the media, conspired to silence about the lab origin, as Trump supported it, and it would if solidly investigated have possibly exposed the Wuhan lab and those associated with it, such as Dr Fauci. Thus, there was a solid wall of protection, until it was not possible to maintain it, and some broke ranks. Now the lab origin is discussed and is not a fringe conspiracy theory, although the damage has been done and it is very much a cold case thanks to the Western scientist and media. Who needs the CCP, when one has them!


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The Catastrophe Systematic Risk of the Labs By Brian Simpson

One issue raised by the lab release hypothesis for the origin of Covid, is that the Wuhan lab is not the only one playing with dangerous pathogens. This is occurring around the world, as “gain-of-function” research is conducted as a supposed way of preparing us for the next natural pandemic, while the real danger comes from the Dr Frankenstein experiments themselves, conducted by the mad scientists, guided by the military industrial complex. Maybe Covid is entirely engineered for social control purposes, but there is no guarantee that there really could not be a doomsday bug escape sometime.


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Is the Covid Tide Turning” By Brian Simpson

Here is useful information from Natural News.com, which gives an indication that the mainstream press may be beginning to question the Covid narrative that the vaccines are totally safe and effective. There is the admission that the vaccinated are still getting the disease, but isn’t the case that vaccines are supposed to prevent that? Wouldn’t any other vaccine which was not politically protected, be rejected on these grounds alone?


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Jonathan Turley on the Ashli Babbitt Murder By Charles Taylor

The assassination of Ashli Babbitt disturbs me deeply, and I have compared it to George Floyd’s death, and it shows how low America can go. As I see it, this was a murder by an incompetent agent who had racial panic. Ashli who was unarmed, and half George Floyd’s weight, could have been physically subdued, rather than executed. But, it was done because whites do not stand up for their rights, and this is well known. If a white cop had gunned down a Black instead, in the same situation, this would have got interesting, as there would have been a conflict of the regime’s values. Probably the white cop would have been thrown under a bus by the regime as well.


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The Afghan Refugee Racket and the Great Replacement By Charles Taylor (Florida)

James Kirkpatrick at Vdare.com, has an excellent piece on how the so-called Afghan refugee crisis is being used to play into the same open borders mentality seen at the US border. Apart from this material, I look at how the Biden administration is settling masses of these refugees in swinging states. Even using election fraud is not enough for these vile tyrants, who must replace the citizens to ensure a communist dictatorship forever. Hopefully, the Yellow Stone super-volcano will erupt and bury this nation in the molten crap it deserves to be buried in. of, the conservative sheeple will finally wake up.


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Eric Clapton’s Anti-Covid Tyranny Song By James Reed

Back in the day, I preferred Eric Clapton to the likes of Beatle George Harrison, with whom he has been compared, and with whom they shared a woman, Eric stealing George’s wife, Patti Boyd, which is what rock legends do, apparently. Still Eric although vaxxed has taken a musical stand against the Covid craziness which is more than the remaining Beatles, or is it Beetles (?), and the likes of Dobby Dylan have done. The song’s title is “This Has Gotta Stop.” Indeed, it does, but really, it has to be stopped by political action for the elite have their agenda, and are not going to simply give up power.


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The Crime of Not Wearing a Mask in Singapore By James Reed


Singapore is an oppressive little place. An example of this, by no means unique to it, as most places are now oppressive, is the crime of not wearing a mask, that can lead to being treated as a terrorist, and put in Changi Japanese prisoner of war camp, no sorry wrong century, Changi prison. The story of abuse is detailed below. Australia is not yet that bad, but on the way. Couple of days, as Con the Fruiter used to say.

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