Mike Adams is in good form as he reflects upon the endgame of the perfect storm of problems now facing the West, particularly American society. Everything is coming at once, such as a baby food crisis, fuel and food shortages, creating a perfect storm. And for things like the baby food shortage globalist elites have manufactured solutions, such as Bill Gate’s artificial genetically engineered mother’s milk, suggesting a Marxist dialectic at work, of thesis, antithesis, new thesis, or create a problem, provide your solution, and then get the result the elites want.
Certainly, the elites are planning the collapse of Western society, first to elevate communist China as world dictator, under them, and also to radically depopulate the West as the majority of people will die off during the collapse, so that the lands can be colonised by communist Chinese. It is a grim fate, but we need to focus upon what the Dark Lords are planning if we are to have any chance of defeating this sinister plot.