Meditations on Miyamoto Musashi, A Book of Five Rings By John Steele

I have read samurai, Miyamoto Musashi’s A Book of Five Rings (1645) many times over my life. It is one of the profound books that one can keep coming back to. The five rings, relates to the Way of strategy, not only for combat in a physical sense, but in life and politics, which is why this book, along with Sun Tze, The Art of War, are studied in commerce schools and business management, I suppose to get the young cubs interested in the history of business warfare, and the animal spirits of capitalism, flowing.

The five ways are each covered in a “book” which for us is a chapter: Ground, Water, Fire, Tradition/Wind and Void. Musashi’s own approach to sword fighting, and he went around Japan fighting duals to the death, is the Ichi Ryu Ni To School: One School-Two Swords. He is dead against fighting using only one sword, which is a symbol I suppose of not using one’s full potential. The Ground book gives the essence of his philosophy, which is about knowing the weakness of an enemy, timing, when to attack, and how to neutralise them: “If you master the principles of sword-fencing, when you freely beat one man, you beat any man in the world.” The sword is a metaphor for that which is of ultimate value, including life itself, a symbol of the spiritual essence of the warrior, not merely a piece of steel. 

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Philosophical Meditations on My Knee By Brian Simpson


Thanks for all the cards and letters from my adoring readers, who have sympathised with my plight over the last few months regarding my destroyed knee/leg/quadriceps muscle, surgically repaired, but as stiff as a corpse in the Arctic. I am getting physio from the local uni, who have supervised students who experiment on you. It is cheap, and you get what you pay for as the saying goes. I have a young Chinese girl who is most unfriendly, and I think that she would prefer for me to die than turn up each week. I have to do exercises with a thin yellow rubber thingy, leg extensions of three sets of 10, as my homework. Apart from that there are exercises and stretches for my calf muscles, which are fine; yesterday, I did 5,000 calf raises on the front steps (100 in a set), just to see what I am made of. Really, the focus should be on my quads, and hamstrings, but she has a “holistic” view that takes in the whole leg, but only one leg.  But, the rest of the body must be neglected. Just focus on your leg, nothing else. Yes, too bad if I die of cardiovascular disease in the meantime, ending up, as the corpse with the strongest quad in the morgue!

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Bob Anderson’s Stretching: Stretching My Limits By Brian Simpson

I had this book sitting on my bookshelf, under heaps of junk since my martial arts days, done when at the high school I was at, there were karate lessons for staff, taught by a few staff member fanatics. He decided, rightly so, that I needed to do more stretching, Being stiff as an iced up board,  and he is still right. So, I stretched down and  dug out this book, the bible of stretching. Bob Anderson, Stretching, (Shelter Publications, 1980). At the time that book had sold over 400,000 copies, and that was over 40 years ago. Here is the latest edition from Amazon:

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Texit Now! By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Texas nationalist movement is rolling along like a herd of long horn beef, perhaps to the theme song from Rawhide. It looks like the proposal to separate Texas is going to go to a referendum, and as far as I can see, the Texas governor will not be using the system that stole the 2020 election, so we may see the first authentic vote in the US for some time. Yes, the South will rise again, as the corrupt USSA sinks into the sludge of the toxic swamp. A great video to bring Aussies up to date, is linked below, from Dr Steve Turley. And, if Texas does not secede, then the Democrats will destroy them by voter fraud, so there is no way going back, this, or communist Chinese tyranny.

Putin on the Coming Collapse of Civilisation By James Reed

Many here have written about the existential threat to civilisation, and now Putin has expressed concerns about the same issue. Here are the words of Vlad the Great:

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There is No Pandemic, None at All By Brian Simpson

A great article explaining in common sense terms, why there is no Covid-19 pandemic, unless the lockdowns themselves are the real pandemic.

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WHO Changes Track By Mrs Vera West

Well, surprise, surprise. The World Health Organization, which for much of the Covid-19 situation seemed to be little more than a small department of the CCP, has now changed their test criteria in an alleged attempt to reduce false positives. But, why so late in the day, when the 2020 US election was stolen by postal and electronic voting because of this manufactured crisis?

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But, Aren’t Walls Racist? By Brian Simpson

I note with interest that there was shock and horror about Trump building a wall to protect America’s border, which for the Left must always be penetrated  but  when it comes to the nest where the parasites live, why that must be walled up. What a joke it is.

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Gardening is Racist! By John Steele

Here is the latest thing to be slammed as “racist,” gardening. What I hope is that when the collapse comes, these academics have to be faced with scratching out an existence, but it will not be gardening, which will be too technical for them, and racist. Maybe searching for rusty tins of baked beans in the ruins would suit them.

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Biden Loved the New World Order, Even Back in the Day By James Reed

Way back on April 23, 1992, I believed that there was hope, a chance to prevent the collapse of Western civilisation. At the same time, Joe Biden, not senile then, wrote an article for The Wall Street Journal, “How I Learnt to Love the New World Order.” Yep, right out there, in your face, even then. And American normies voted for this monster, even give electoral frauds. Words fail me.


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Beijing Biden Gives the Grid to China! By Charles Taylor

Not only is Beijing Biden moving to make all Trump supporters domestic terrorists, so that the regime can deal with them, but he is doing his all for mother China. Like letting them have control over the power grid, or at least taking away the Trump roadblock stopping this. Now that makes sense, to let a clearly defined enemy have control over the nerve centre of society!!! Would China let anyone do this to them?

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Deleting Humanity Through Global Exterminationism By Chris Knight


Mike Adams runs a line that the elites are on a program of global extermination, to depopulate the Earth. That could be just the soft form associated with environmentalism, that the human numbers are too great and need to come down, by various means, ranging from contraception to genocide. Or it could be the total Satanic nihilist thesis that the Earth needs to be sterilised of all life. On this position, even the elites croak, in an orgy of total annihilation.

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George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, Now Out Too! By Chris Knight

It started off with Confederate heroes, and now it is open season on any Whites of the past, even ones who fought against slavery, however crazy. It was all for nothing, given the present level of degeneracy and decline. It is now a battle for survival.

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The Rich Getting Richer By James Reed

While small businesses have been crushed by the CCP virus, Covid-1984, big business has been booming. It seems these monsters always do well on human misery. It makes me apocalyptical, wishing for a 1,000 km killer asteroid to strike the earth, and just to be sure, have it made of strange matter:

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Biden Protects CCP Virus China By Chris Knight

Naturally we are going to see their boy act to protect their interests, and let hem get away with it, being the new masters of the universe.

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There be No 2024 By Charles Taylor

Slimy Trump looks like slithering out of impeachment 2.0, which was really a foul up, as the Demon-crats should have moved faster before he morphed back to being a private 1 percenter. Still, there are always criminal proceedings, and now  Beijing Biden is going to add  puppet judges to SCOTUS, the Demons will be able to do anything. Why, even writers in Australia could be convicted of USA crimes!

Trump is talking of running in 2024, but that is an illusion. If he could not win now, voter fraud will be totally mainstream by then. Demon-crats will get say, 20 billion votes or more. And, why not, for what would anyone do about it?  Really, this whole voting sham should be dropped and the
USSA needs to move to total communist mode. Maybe then normies might see that something is wrong, but only if the beer and TV run out.

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Christianity, Human Freedom and Scientific Materialism By Brian Simpson

I have just read three heavy papers in scientific philosophy by Professor Raymond Tallis

  • “What Consciousness is Not,” The New Atlantis, Fall, 2011, pp. 66-91;
  • “What Neuroscience Cannot Tell Us About Ourselves,” The New Atlantis, Fall, 2010, pp. 1-25;
  • “How Can I Possibly Be Free?” The New Atlantis, Summer, 2010, pp. 28-47.

 The papers are available on the net, and readable for non-specialist who have time to put in on a Saturday night rather than decaying in front of the TV. The issues related to debates, at the time, but as far as I know, still ongoing, attempting to account for the nature of mind, human mind, in the universe. In particular, philosophers have heartburn attempting to explain how mental experience fits into the universe. From a scientific materialist perspective, we could be zombies, having the neural activity we do now, but no consciousness, This leads hard-core eliminative materialists to reject the existence of consciousness itself. But, this merely begs the question, since by the same “logic,” we could argue the other way and reject the existence of material objects, in favour of only perceptions as Bishop Berkeley apparently did.

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The Philosophical Core of Anti-Whiteness: Anti-Christianity By James Reed


Underlying the current insanity that we are reporting from America, a country in an advanced state of liberal decay is the idea that all Whites, except the special liberals, are racist, which is a sin beyond all sins. Thus, anti-racism must involve the elimination of Whiteness, as many openly say now, and hence the campaign to destroy the White race and the civilisation it created, Western civilisation.

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Dismantling the USA By Chris Knight

Biden is busy, or at least those who control this meat robot, dismantling Trump’s legacy, which will be gone in weeks.  Free speech, the Supreme Court, the little bit of the wall, soon to be gone, or permanently changed. War on deplorable America has been declared, and I imagine they will sit back and be annihilated waiting for their false idol Trump to do something.

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The Never-Ending Story of Voting Fraud By Chris Knight

There is not much point reporting more information about voter fraud, since nothing is going to happen beyond this becoming a way of life unless deplorable Americans break away from this mess. Secession now!

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