Zany Electoral Musings By Michael Ferguson

First up, to keep the AEC happy, all electoral comment here, written and authorised by Ken W. Grundy,
13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, South Australia
. And any other exotic, materially relevant legal requirements in accordance with Part XXA of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918, especially section 321D (4) (d), Schedule 2 of the Broadcasting Service Act 1992 and associated legislative instruments, as well as any  requirements  created by the Electoral and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2017. Free speech is wonderful, isn’t it? Anyway, down to business.

Here is Rod Lampard making the good comparison between Albo and Joe Bide; a top comment by Rod about Albo? Reminds me of something found in uncooked eggs, but I digress. Well, neither eggs nor Albo seem to know the Australian unemployment rate.


“Australians are set to vote in May and it is more than self-evident if Australians vote in Anthony Albanese, they’re likely to get a Joe Biden.

Like his incompetent American counterpart, “Albo” hid during COVID.

He never provided effective opposition to vicious “no jab, no job” mandates.


He kept quiet when the jab killed off informed consent, and the Labor leader walked in the shadows on the excessive use of lockdowns.

The leader of the opposition failed to earn his stripes.

His now-infamous – first week of the campaign – gaffes, exhibit the same disinterest in offering Australians genuine representation in Canberra.

Measuring “Albo” on this alone suggests a Labor-led Albanese government is unlikely to govern in the interests of the Australian people.

Add onto this, two years of tight-lipped “yes, sir, no sir, three bags full sir,” as Albanese played a backseat to Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s dubious, National Cabinet.

Recall how the opposition “leader” relegated himself to the peripheral of federal politics, as the totalitarian COVID cabinet pushed onto the Australian people a globalist, therapeutic authoritarian agenda, then guillotined all those who opposed it.

“Albo” was nowhere to be seen or heard then. His actions offer no good reasons to herald him as a leader now.

The current opposition leader has proven himself to be anything but leadership material.

Had he exercised any leadership gumption, Albanese would have begun his election campaign in the middle of 2020.

The Labor opposition had the opportunity to be the calm in the chaos.

Had Albanese embraced this moment as his time to shine, the opposition leader could have defended civil liberties and informed consent.

Had he any semblance of concern for being a good leader, overseeing good governance, Albanese would have led the Freedom marches and opposed the nudge state’s further slide into a nanny state socialism.

Had he been the kind of leader Australia needs, he would have led opposition to invasive government mandates, and the slaughter of the patient-doctor relationship.

Albanese’s election campaign would have made the populist left’s #kevin07 win look like a cocktail party for the bureaucratic caste’s champagne socialists.

Instead, Albanese refused to stand and be recognised.

As a consequence, the current opposition leader is best relegated to a footnote at the very bottom of Australia’s political history.

The Labor leader failed to advance on middle management Morrison’s “hand-over” of Australia to State premiers who functioned by default as dictatorial Prime Ministers during the COVID crisis.

The optics are bad, and they taint Albanese’s current electioneering.

Labor offers worse than what we’ve already got.

Yesterday’s inaction, when action was required, negates Albanese’s promise of action today.

For the observant Australian voter, the current opposition leader is unfit for office.

Anthony Albanese not leading an effective opposition proves he is not capable of leading an effective government.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s many, many flaws aside, the bottom line in this election is who gets the balance of power.

God help us, if Labor, and the radical Left win it.”

You are not kidding mate. Here Peter Harris sees the coming election as a bit like 2020 in the US: dirty.


“Peter Harris Senior leader of the Australian Federation Party is ‘calling out a dirty election.’ In a video posted on-line he said the Australian people have had enough of “Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese in relation to their meddling with the Australian electoral system.”

Harris said traditionally the Australian Electoral Commissions role has been to protect the Australian people and ensure the running of fair elections, however, claims that the AEC are in cahoots with Labour and Liberal parties to make sure this doesn’t happen.

In what has been labelled an undemocratic move by the Morrison government, political parties have only been given ten days to nominate ‘bulk candidates’ which includes the easter period.

The AEC have set a deadline for ‘bulk nominations’ for 12 noon next Tuesday which Harris says is two days short of the ten days legally required in the writs issued by the Prime Minister.

Harris said the AEC have determined that parties who want to nominate more than one candidate, or nominate bulk candidates, will now only have eight days after the writs were issued by the Prime Minister, saying it is unlawful and that the AEC are ‘implementing legislation which is anti-democracy.’

According to the Australian Electoral Commission, candidate nominations will close Friday 22 April, however ‘bulk nominations’ must be made to the AEO for the appropriate state or territory and must be received 48 hours before the hour of nomination, meaning two days of nomination time will be lost.

As if the constrained timeframes were not bad enough Mr Harris said that the “AEC will not answer calls to discuss the serious legal questions about the election.’ He mentioned they did however have the time to send out notices demanding that all parties now put an authorisation on every social media post.

All parties except Scott Morrison, other Liberal candidates, the Labour Party, and the Greens it would seem, as a check of their social media posts show no authorisations.

Other parties such as Reignite Democracy Australia have also received notices from the AEC stating all material must be authorised.

Mr Harris also called out the recent deregistration of parties based on a measure of membership numbers.

Since 11 June 2021 there have been 22 parties have deregistered by the AEC, and further cuts are being considered.

Party registration applications have also ceased. In a Notice, the AEC states “Due to the issue of the writs for a federal election to be held on 21 May 2022, the AEC must cease processing of party registration applications. Processing of applications will recommence on the return of the writs. The date set for return of the writs is on or before 28 June 2022.

With everything Australians have endured over the last two years, at the very least, we deserve a fair election and process. But whether we get one is yet to be seen, and Mr Harris certainly doesn’t think we will.

‘There is no intention for a fair election’, Harris said calling this the “dirtiest election Australia has ever run, with the AEC playing a game and making it as difficult as possible to get a fair outcome.”

“The Australian people are going to contest this election no matter what the outcome. The Australian people will contest it because of the unlawful behaviour of the Australian Electoral Commission, and the unlawful behaviour is unacceptable to the Australian people.”

The Michael Ferguson iron law of Australian politics is that with each election the ruling party will get increasingly worse; the only hope is to get as many independents in as possible, and that is a big ask of the voting people, but I hope the “Sack Them all Protests,” stirs up the pot!




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