Yesterday, Two Masks, Today Three, Tomorrow … Mrs Vera West

It was only yesterday, literally when some medico-technocrat guy was advocating two masks, now they are up to there. It must be some sort of fetish, I think. Reason fails.

“If one mask isn’t enough, The New York Times suggested in January 2021 that perhaps doubling up would offer better protection. “Double-masking isn’t necessary for everyone,” the Times wrote. “But for people with thin or flimsy face coverings, ‘if you combine multiple layers, you start achieving pretty high efficiencies’ of blocking viruses from exiting and entering the airway.’”

They cited commentary by Linsey Marr of Virginia Tech, which recommended layering two types of masks or using a three-layer mask to keep particles out.

There’s just one pesky problem. “At some point, ‘we run the risk of making it too hard to breathe,’ she said.” If you can get past that trade-off, the rationale seems to be that if you add enough layers of material, infectious droplets must travel through an obstacle course of sorts, and eventually you’ll stop something from getting through.

Marr and co-author Monica Gandhi from the University of California said that in studies of dozens of mask materials, filtration effectiveness ranged from less than 10% (for polyurethane foam) to nearly 100% for a vacuum cleaner bag. But in tests on humans wearing homemade masks, they were only 50% to 60% effective at protecting the wearer from pollution particles.

Based on their own studies, Marr and Gandhi said they recommend “a high-quality surgical mask or a fabric mask of at least two layers with high thread count for basic protection,” but for “maximal protection,” doubling up on masks or using a triple-layer variety is necessary:

“For maximal protection, members of the public can either (1) wear a cloth mask tightly on top of a surgical mask where the surgical mask acts as a filter and the cloth mask provides an additional layer of filtration while improving the fit; or (2) wear a three-layer mask with outer layers consisting of a flexible, tightly woven fabric that can conform well to the face and a middle layer consisting of a non- woven high-efficiency filter material (e.g., vacuum bag material).

If the masks fit well, these combinations should produce an overall efficiency of >90% for particles 1 µm and larger, which corresponds to the size of respiratory aerosols that we think are most important in mediating transmission of COVID-19.”

But layering up on masks that provide good filtration, or wearing more than two masks at once, may have diminishing returns, the Times noted, again highlighting the obvious that covering your mouth and nose with multiple layers of fabric and filtration material could “make it much harder to breathe normally.”

I suppose that once there are enough masks, one simply suffocates, so that saves dying from the dreaded Covid-1984.



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