Wokeland: Destroying Everything, to Save … Nothing! By James Reed

John Leake has written at the Dr Peter McCullough site, about the phenomenon of "destroying villages in order to save them." It is a version of the idea that one cannot make omelets without breaking eggs, and other homely examples. Thus, to take as one example, mass immigration. As Leake notes: "Importing legions of young men from Arab countries into European countries in which these young men struggle to integrate and find gainful employment has resulted in a marked reduction of public safety in European cities, especially for young women. Yesterday here in Vienna, I had lunch with the former chief of police, who told me that stabbings are indeed much higher in certain districts of Vienna than they ever were in the past. The perpetrators are almost always young males who came to Vienna during the 2015 European migrant crisis.

And yet, the Diversity Cult persists in its bizarre, fetishistic belief that racial diversity per se is necessarily a good thing. Yesterday evening, while pondering the irrationality of the Diversity Cult, I saw the news that a young, foreign-born man stabbed 11 people and killed three at the "Festival of Diversity" that was underway in Solingen, Germany. Diversity will purportedly strengthen and revitalize Germany in the 21st century, even when it results in mass homicide."

The same sort of self-destruction can be observed with the cult of renewable energy, which cannot fuel industrial society, and where the adoption will pose a major national security threat, but even in the light of communist China putting up new coal-fired power stations every week, a decadent elite in the West and the political class, have a cult-like faith in renewables, a deluded technology, dealing with a non-existent climate change problem.

Leake does not have a unifying theory linking all these points of absurdity, putting it down to a culture with a lack of critical thinking. That is true in part. As far as I can see, these many destructive policies have a common source, all serving globalist interests, even when the policies threaten to disrupt the existing social order. It is the globalists idea of creative destruction, whereby bringing down the existing order, they can recreate the world anew in their own Satanic image: Matthew 4: 9:

"And saith unto him, All these things will I

give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me."


"A salient feature of the last decade or so has been the steady rise of bizarre cults with legions of fervent true believers, even though we have virtually zero rational grounds for believing in the central tenets of these secular religions. The weirdest thing about these cults is the way in which their true believers ardently sacrifice the very things they claim they wish to save. Consider the following:

1). COVID-19 illness presents close to ZERO risk to healthy children, but this hasn't stopped the Vaccine Cult from demanding that children receive the dangerous, experimental shots that are neither effective nor safe. The most spectacular irrational outcome is the high incidence of vaccine-induced myocarditis among young athletes for whom COVID-19 posed zero risk.

2). Wind turbines are extremely inefficient producers of electricity that kill hundreds of thousands of migratory birds, wreak havoc in the marine environment when they are placed offshore, and ruin the physical beauty of the landscape. Nevertheless, the bizarre Climate Cult insists that wind turbines are a key weapon in our arsenal for reducing carbon emissions, which the Climate Cult fervently believes to be causing a rise in the earth's temperature. Destroy nature in order to save it!

3). A human male will obviously have an unfair advantage over a female in almost all competitive sports. And yet, in their fervent proselytization of the bizarre Transgender Cult, votaries have largely succeeded in destroying women's sports and the dreams of the girls and women who train for them.

4). Importing legions of young men from Arab countries into European countries in which these young men struggle to integrate and find gainful employment has resulted in a marked reduction of public safety in European cities, especially for young women. Yesterday here in Vienna, I had lunch with the former chief of police, who told me that stabbings are indeed much higher in certain districts of Vienna than they ever were in the past. The perpetrators are almost always young males who came to Vienna during the 2015 European migrant crisis.

And yet, the Diversity Cult persists in its bizarre, fetishistic belief that racial diversity per se is necessarily a good thing. Yesterday evening, while pondering the irrationality of the Diversity Cult, I saw the news that a young, foreign-born man stabbed 11 people and killed three at the "Festival of Diversity" that was underway in Solingen, Germany. Diversity will purportedly strengthen and revitalize Germany in the 21st century, even when it results in mass homicide.

5). Already in the year 2015, I began to perceive that the oligarchs who run Ukraine were making a huge mistake by getting into bed with the oligarchs who run the U.S. intelligence agencies, military-industrial complex, and Biden Crime Family. Cozying up with the U.S. military and intel establishment would certainly frighten the Russian Bear and make him aggressive. Far better for the poor people of Ukraine to tone down the nationalism and seek friendly and cooperative relations with Russia.

Note that the exact same reasoning has applied to every country in the Western Hemisphere in their relations with the United States government since President Monroe announced his Monroe Doctrine. As the former Mexican President, Porfirio Diaz once lamented: "Poor Mexico—so far from God, and so close to the United States."

Imagine if the government of Mexico had, in the year 2014, starting welcoming Russian military and intel agency guys to set up shop in Mexico near the U.S. border. While anyone with a shred of common sense could immediately recognize the folly of this, the bizarre Sacred Territory of Ukraine Cult insists that the poor Ukrainian people fight till the last cartridge is fired instead of negotiating with Russia. Again, destroy Ukraine in order to save it!

I could go on with other examples of "Destroying Villages in Order to Save Them," but I reckon my readers get the point. At root of these bizarre secular cults seems to be misplaced religious yearning, a desire to feel good about oneself by subscribing to what are marketed as altruistic causes, a paucity of good information, and a lack of critical thinking skill." 



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