Woke Proclaim, “AI is Racist”! By James Reed

I have been waiting for this one. With multicultural academics, as part of their day job proclaiming everything in the West, if not the multiverse, as “racist,” naturally artificial intelligence would also fall to the woke sword. In almost a parody of wokeness, the Algorithmic Justice League has through one spokesperson proclaimed that AI systems can be very racist indeed. The idea here is that systems used in say policing, could be using data that masked supposedly unjustified assumptions about certain minority groups, that they have high crime rates, and, well, garbage in, garbage out, or racism in racism out.

The idea would seem to be to have more realistic assumptions, such as, I suppose, that whites are responsible for every wrong in the universe. Just for starters.


“A bespectacled Person of Color™ appeared on Social Justice™ paragon Democracy Now! recently to share with the audience that artificial intelligence is — and you'll never guess what's coming next — racist!

As longtime Armageddon Prose favorite Anita Sarkeesian once noted, "when you starting learning about systems, everything is sexist.  Everything is racist.  Everything is homophobic.  And you have to point it all out."

Social Justice™ activists love critiquing something called "systems," even when they have no idea what it means.

And A.I. certainly is a system.

Via Algorithmic Justice League, the organization this Person of Color™ on Democracy Now!, Joy Buolamwini, founded so as to cash in on the latest race hustle:

In today's world, AI systems are used to decide who gets hired, the quality of medical treatment we receive, and whether we become a suspect in a police investigation. While these tools show great promise, they can also harm vulnerable and marginalized people, and threaten civil rights. Unchecked, unregulated and, at times, unwanted, AI systems can amplify racism, sexism, ableism, and other forms of discrimination.

The Algorithmic Justice League's mission is to raise awareness about the impacts of AI, equip advocates with empirical research, build the voice and choice of the most impacted communities, and galvanize researchers, policy makers, and industry practitioners to mitigate AI harms and biases. We're building a movement to shift the AI ecosystem towards equitable and accountable AI."

It's difficult to imagine how instilling ultra–race consciousness as a primary component of artificial intelligence is going to produce anything short of Third Reich–esque eugenics and/or a potential holocaust when it decides, as Social Justice™ dogma insists, that the overarching story of the world is best told as a Marxist-style eternal struggle between races, one of which being pure as the driven snow (POC) and the other being literal Satan incarnate (Caucasian).  

Does any sane person want a supercomputer thinking like this guy?




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