Woke Leftist Viruses of the Mind, By James Reed

The deadliest pandemic that has infected the West is what Elon Musk has called the "woke mind virus." This is an authoritarian agenda that has now dominated the entire nerve centre of Western society, in corporations, government, universities, the education system in general, and even the churches. It is but a slightly disguised neo-Marxism, with open borders, unending mass immigration, an ever-expanding welfare system to hand out benefits to the non-Whites pouring into the West, and censorship and lawfare attacks upon anyone who dares challenge this.

Even AI code has been programmed to be woke now, as examples seen some months back of Black Vikings and female popes, in illustration/image searches showed.As noted at the American Thinker: "Be very cautious of the skewed recommendations spouted by AI systems captured by ideology. They are being stealthily reprogrammed by activist coders to defend the anti-democratic "woke" agenda -- demonizing the opposition as racist/sexist oppressors, then cultivating vengeful societal divides between artificially constructed identities. These nefarious goals empower self-appointed oligarchs lusting for control, not working to solve society's real problems."

What has evolved then is very much a total system, where the nerve centres of power are under occupied control. Fighting this is going to be difficult, but it will be impossible unless conservatives recognise the full extent of the problem, which will not be solved by writing a stern letter to one's local MP, although that is still worth doing for the record. We are facing opposing the greatest revolution that has ever occurred in human history, that of the march of Leftism, and its tyrannical ideology of woke.


"The Left's "woke" ideology is an authoritarian agenda that has infected academia, AI, corporations, and government, indoctrinating society with neo-Marxist ideology that undermines democracy.

Elon Musk's feared "woke mind virus" describes the insidious progressive ideology pushing a Marxist agenda in America. Their goals are clear -- infinitely expanding the welfare state, opening borders indiscriminately to import an endless underclass, silencing dissent through censorship and abusive lawfare, and dividing the nation into a Manichean struggle of oppressed vs. oppressor tribes. It's the Left's grand scheme to secure permanent one-party rule, stripping democracy of any meaningful choice.

Who scripts the algorithms shaping artificial intelligence? Ideological progressives imbued with corrosive "woke" dogma, not rational centrists or conservatives. Even if the AI code itself is politically agnostic in origin, the programmers "teaching" these systems are indoctrinating them, wittingly or unwittingly, with a deeply partisan worldview -- by only exposing AI to a steady diet of progressive propaganda posing as objective truth.

This preachy, self-righteous female progressive persona that Democrat strategist James Carville criticized now personifies AI itself. It echoes the monolithic "woke" voice pervading academia, Hollywood, federal agencies and the corporate media-entertainment complex, a cloying egalitarian ethos cloaking naked resentment and will to power.

Academia has jettisoned any pretence of teaching critical thinking skills. Instead, students are force-fed what to think from day one -- ignoring or denigrating great thinkers of the western canon deemed politically-incorrect "dead white guys." Religion promoting kindness, charity, and tolerance is disparaged in favor of secular socialist dogma that says all racial, gender, and sexual identities are equally valid except one -- the Christian conservative heterosexual male.

Dissenting viewpoints deviating from this orthodoxy are vilified as moral wrong think and systematically suppressed through censorship, deplatforming, and economic cancelation, the modern-day Left's version of ostracization and struggle sessions.

Democracy's sacred principle of majority rule is being steadily undermined to placate a tiny minority of self-appointed activists and their donor-class backers. Merit-based advancement has been discarded for the equity doctrine that disincentivizes excellence, celebrating mediocrity instead. The demonstrably false categorization of all people into oppressor/oppressed identity tribes pits Americans against each other in pursuit of zero-sum spoils -- a divide-and-conquer tactic empowering often counter-productive fringe groups, not the national majority.

Such poisonous identity-based divisiveness cannot improve society, knowledge, or shared prosperity. It breeds unrest, lawlessness, and violent crime by enflaming racial resentments stoked for political gain. It redistributes hard-earned resources from the working class to an elite cadre of neo-Jacobin revolutionaries playing by Robespierre's rules.

While paying lip service to populist "woke" rhetoric about social injustice, progressives' authoritarian ideology fundamentally rejects democratic pluralism, free speech, and the sanctity of the individual. Advocates of socialist central planning conveniently ignore history -- utopian egalitarian experiments inevitably collapse as some members declare themselves "more equal" than others. Political elites and the donor class live like kings while everyone else suffers the eventual consequences of a failed, bloated welfare state.

Our current government and its policies increasingly reflect this insidious "woke mind virus" ideology. The Biden and Obama administrations vastly expanded the welfare state under the guise of "social justice," further energizing the progressive activist base. Massive spending bankrolls not the truly needy, but satisfies the insatiable far Left's demands to keep securing that crucial Democratic constituency through bribery and patronage.

This dovetails with the Marxist, anti-democratic underpinnings of today's activist administrative state born of the 1960s New Left -- wielding lawfare to persecute political opponents like Donald Trump, while open borders provide expected demographic upheaval delivering long-term electoral gains. Trump's legally dubious felony conviction by a "woke" Manhattan judge, DA, and jury exemplified this cynical new political weaponization against critics and dissenters.

Be very cautious of the skewed recommendations spouted by AI systems captured by ideology. They are being stealthily reprogrammed by activist coders to defend the anti-democratic "woke" agenda -- demonizing the opposition as racist/sexist oppressors, then cultivating vengeful societal divides between artificially constructed identities. These nefarious goals empower self-appointed oligarchs lusting for control, not working to solve society's real problems.

If progressives continue dominating all key cultural and institutional pillars of American society -- government, education, media, entertainment, and technology -- then the path toward a neo-Marxist's dream of communist one-party authoritarian rule becomes inevitable, not just a lurking possibility.

In summary, the "woke mind virus" has already metastasized from academia into corporate America, government, media -- and now even artificial intelligence itself. Under the sinister Orwellian banners of "social justice" and forced "equity," these neo-Marxist progressives are cynically pushing an ominous anti-democratic agenda -- one as corrosive to individual liberties and free societies as it is to our American way of life.

Resisting this existential authoritarian ideological tide is essential to preserving the foundational liberal-democratic values and institutions gifted to us by the Enlightenment that made Western civilization, economic dynamism, and unprecedented human flourishing possible. The very idea of the American Dream now hangs in the balance." 



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