With Friends Like Mexico, who Needs Enemies? By Chris Knight

     Some Mexicans are almost as eager as the global communist elite, to transform the US into Atzlan, a part of Mexico, so much so that they are transporting illegals to the border, hoping that they will be in time to vote in the US elections:

“After three grueling weeks walking along highways and hitching rides in pickups and flatbed trucks, thousands of Central American migrants traveling in a caravan through southern Mexico learned Friday that they would soon be leapfrogging ahead to the nation's capital in buses. Meanwhile in the U.S., President Trump has made the caravan a key election issues, telling crowds "this will be the election of the caravan." As the caravan crossed into the Gulf coast state of Veracruz, Gov. Miguel Angel Yunes announced that authorities there would be providing not only humanitarian assistance but also offering mass transportation for the migrants. "It is very important that they be able to move soon from Veracruz toward another place," Yunes said in a video message released in the evening. "For that reason, we also offered them transportation so that, if possible, tomorrow ... they may be able to go to Mexico City or to the place they wish."

     During an evening assembly, caravan organizers told the migrants that they would be leaving around 5 a.m. for the capital in dozens of buses, apparently enough to accommodate the several thousand people in the group.  Trump is thus right to have Tweeted about the virtues of barbed wire:

“During a Saturday campaign rally in Montana, President Trump said "Mexico is trying, they are trying but we’re different, we have our military on the border," adding "And I noticed all that beautiful barbed wire going up today. Barbed wire, used properly, can be a beautiful sight."

     Indeed, barbed and razor wire can made a quick, dirty, but effective wall, if enough of it is used. The US needs to be laying down masses of this flesh-slaying wire, hundred of kilometres wide, and as high as a small mountain. People could donate truck loads of wire to add, as a community activity against invasion, just as school children have scrap drives, as every little bit helps. It can be done. After all, politics today, is just another word for passive civil war, by other means:

“Those appealing for more civility and a return to polite discourse can save their breath. It’s much, much too late for that. When Trump calls the establishment media the enemies of the people, that’s because they – together with their passive NPC drones and active Antifa enforcers – are enemies, if by “the people” we mean the historic American nation. Trump’s sin is that he calls them out for what they are. Trump didn’t cause today’s polarization, he only exacerbates it because he punches back. Good, may he continue to do so. Pining for a more well-mannered time in a country that belongs to another, long-gone era is futile. American politics is no longer about a narrow range of governing styles or competing economic interests. It is tribal. Today’s “tribes” are defined in terms of affinity for or hostility to the founding American ethnos characterized by European, overwhelming British origin (a/k/a, “white”); Christian, mainly Protestant; and English-speaking, as augmented by members of other groups who have totally or partially assimilated to that ethnos or who at least identify with it (think of Mr. Hamadura in The Camp of the Saints).

(Unfortunately we don’t have a specific word for this core American ethnic identity to distinguish it from general references to the United States in a civic or geographic sense. (Russian, by contrast, makes a distinction between ethnic ??????? (russkiy) and civic/geographical ?????????? (rossiiskiy).) Maybe we could adapt Frank Lloyd Wright’s “Usonian”? “Or Americaner,” comparable to Afrikaner? “Or Anglo-American”?) Since the Left gave up on its original focus on industrial workers as the revolutionary class, the old bourgeois/proletarian dichotomy is out. Tribes now line up according to categories in a plural Cultural Marxist schematic of oppressor and victim pairings, with the latter claiming unlimited redress from the former. As the late Joe Sobran said, it takes a lot of clout to be a victim in America these days.”

     The US, as we constantly say here is simply ahead in the wave of history, and we will see the same forces being played out in australia, in god, or is it “bad” time.



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