Will the US Invade Melbourne? By James Reed

     The idea of a US invasion of Melbourne is intriguing. Done under Trump, it would be interesting. Done under Biden, no, Kamala, whatever, it would be frightening. Anyway, it is shame that Americans are seeing us a cesspool, which is something considering what America today looks like. Things are sure descending to the bottom of the wheelie bin quickly. President Trump, please don’t bomb my house, as Vlad Putin promises to nuke my flat, and I don’t want to be the cause of you guys getting a divorce.

“How will the markets handle what lies ahead is very interesting. Historically capital will always flee from tyranny. The markets may appear to be disconnected, but they are clearly beginning to weight the changing tide of freedom which is so essential to how and why we invest our capital. Governments have violated the very core authority they have been granted by the people. The treatment of choking this girl simply because she does not have a mask is by no means a free society that respects human rights. What is really interesting is the justification to invade Iraq or Syria was that their governments were abusing their own people and violating human rights. These are just the first six articles of the Declaration of Human Rights that countries now routinely violate claiming they are protecting them. What countries have restored to under the pretence of protecting the public is to strip everyone of all human rights. This has gone way too far and, in many cases, as seen here, the Police have crossed the line and become the tyrannical enemies of the people. This is the very essence of what sets in motion a revolution that is not bloodless. How will the markets respond and they will distinctly provide us clues as to their intended path of flight. Australia has clearly adopted a very aggressive authoritarian posture against its people. This is reflected in the currency for it has declined sharply for the past 9 years since the high of 2011. The A$ needs to close back above 7800 at year-end to raise hope of a bounce. A closing below 7000 at year-end will point to political unrest and a decline into 2021 at the least. The A$ should rise with commodities into 2024, but the failure to do so would warn of political unrest which will not end well for Australia.”

     There you have it. Of course, the US will not consistently enforce its human rights agenda, since it will be doing more of the same. Just look at Portland:

“Besides the violence and anarchy, what exactly do the rioters want? As witnessed in the former “autonomous zone” in Seattle, the far-left movement in Portland has no declared “leaders.” Social media is used to decide when and where to meet, but rarely what the goal is. One faction or person may make a statement, only to have it be contradicted by another. On Wednesday night, Mayor Ted Wheeler spoke at one of the protests for the first time. He was heckled by the crowd and a group projected a list of demands on the front of the Justice Center. “Theodore, fancy seeing you here. These are our demands,” the statement read. It called for defunding the Portland Police Bureau by at least 50 percent, freeing all protesters from jail, kicking federal law enforcement out, and Wheeler’s resignation. Despite the radical requests, some took relief because it meant there was something to negotiate on — a possible path to ending seven weeks of violent protests. But the Youth Liberation Front, who led the crowd in shouting expletives at the mayor, didn’t agree. “What is this ‘defund at least 50%’ s- -t, we’re trying to abolish the police here,” they quickly tweeted out. And that’s what people need to know about Antifa. They don’t make demands because that’s working within “the system.” Their unambiguous goal is to destroy all American institutions and then the country itself. When they spray-paint or shout, “Burn it down,” they really mean it. The Antifa ideology propagated in extremist zines, booklets and Web sites say the US is so fundamentally wicked that no amount of reform can fix it — it must be abolished. They see law enforcement and military as the bulwark between them and their goal.

The daily riots function to drain the city of resources and to weaken the morale of law enforcement and public officials. It’s working. Last month, Wheeler disbanded the Gun Violence Reduction Unit, claiming it unfairly targeted blacks. In the weeks since, there has been a 380 percent increase in shootings compared with the same time frame last year. City Councilwoman Jo Ann Hardesty has taken police hatred further. She told Marie Claire magazine this week: “I believe Portland Police [Bureau] is lying about the damage — or starting the fires themselves — so that they have justification for attacking community members.” She partially walked back her accusation after Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell, who is black, asked for evidence of her claim. “Even before the protests started, we were dealing with a catastrophically short-staffed police bureau,” says Daryl Turner, president of the Portland Police Association. Going back to 2016, city leaders and Antifa-sympathetic activists have worked to denounce police at every opportunity. The anti-police sentiment in the city has led to early retirements and a policing philosophy of “de-escalation” where cops mostly stay away from riots. Just this year, the bureau has had three different police chiefs. “We’re at a point where none of us knows what to do,” says a Portland police officer who asked to be unidentified. “Some are thinking we just need to give the vocal minority and the politicians what they want: We go away and let the city burn.”

     America has its own revolution to keep it occupied, with antifa being the brown shirts of the Deep staters, as in Europe where opponents to globalism, are beaten to death or shot.



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