Will Super Soldiers Keep the Slaves in Line? By Brian Simpson

     Advances in artificial intelligence, and biology are coming together to give military spin offs, as expected. On the horizon are super soldiers, just like Captain America, and even super dogs:

“According to documents from the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), the “primary emphasis of the USSOCOM Biomedical, Human Performance, and Canine Research Program is to identify and develop techniques… for early intervention in life-threatening injuries, prolonged field care, human performance optimization, and canine medicine/performance. The project will allocate $15 million on bio-enhancement studies which could result in soldiers with “enhanced physiological performance” that require a fraction of a normal night’s sleep, as well along with other “human performance optimization,” according to documents from the Defense Department.

The scope of the project includes:
1.    Damage Control Resuscitation
•    Global Treatment Strategies and Next Generation Wound Management
•    Analgesia
•    Far Forward Blood, Blood Components, Blood Substitute, & Injectable Hemostatic
•    Austere Surgical Stabilization
2.    Prolonged Field Care (PFC)
•    Medical Sensors and Devices (includes rapidly deployable medical sensors and/or devices for extended care beyond initial trauma resuscitation; wireless biosensors that demonstrate physiological monitoring capabilities; see FOA for details)
3.    Portable Lab Assays and Diagnostics
•    Occupational and Environmental Health (OEH) Hazards
4.    Force Health Protection and Environmental Medicine
•    Optimal Acclimatization Strategy
•    Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) Rapid Diagnostics, Treatment, and Prophylaxis
•    Operational Monitoring (wireless biosensors in extreme environments and/or hazards materials exposure)
5.    Medical Simulation and Training Technologies
6.    Human Performance Optimization
•    Improve Sleep
•    Diagnostics for Performance Sustainment
•    Nutritional Status
•    Enhanced Physiological Performance
•    Enhanced Mental Performance
•    Optimal Performance Strategy
•    Pharmaceutical and Nutritional Supplement interactions
•    Wearable Devices
7.    Canine Medicine
•    Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) Canine Decontamination, Treatment, and PPE from possible exposure
•    Sensory Optimization and Protection
•    Trauma Resuscitation
•    Non-Traditional Anesthesia Protocols
•    Optimizing Canine Performance and Nutrition
•    Pre and Post Trauma Training / Behavioral Issues
•    Environmental Extremes.”

     This would all be excellent if it was all about national defence, but I expect that the super soldiers and dogs will not primarily be used on battle fields, where high tech drones and robots will be more than a match for them, but to keep the civilian plebs under control, as increasingly oppressive laws and regulations, smashes their faces into the turf. As stated in Orwell’s 1984:

“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.”


     It is happening right now.



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