Why Lockdowns did Not Work By Brian Simpson

Here is, for reference purposes, a summary of a recent academic article from the Institute of Economic Affairs, assessing the effects of the Covid lockdowns upon Covid-19 mortality. It is a meta-analysis, meaning a lot of studies are examined and statistical methods used to formulate a type of overview. The short of the long is that “lockdowns in the spring of 2020 had a negligible effect on COVID-19 mortality. This result is consistent with the view that voluntary changes in behaviour, such as social distancing, did play an important role in mitigating the pandemic.”

This is still important for us to be aware of, because the likes of Bill Gates, have expressed certainty that there will be another “pandemic,” perhaps sooner that most people would expect. My guess is that one will be planned to allow mail voting fraud for the 2024 US election. The elites, having succeed in putting the population in cages once, will do so again.



DID LOCKDOWNS WORK? The verdict on Covid restrictions


* Jonas Herby is a special adviser at Centre for Political Studies (CEPOS), Copenhagen, Denmark.

* Lars Jonung is professor emeritus at the Department of Economics at Lund University, Sweden.

* Steve H. Hanke is professor of Applied Economics at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA.


Overall conclusion on stringency index studies [W]e find little evidence that stricter lockdowns had a noticeable impact on COVID-19 mortality.  [T[he average lockdown in Europe and the United States only reduced COVID-19 mortality by 3.2 per cent …. [T]he most lenient lockdowns had virtually the same effect on mortality as stricter lockdowns. Overall conclusion on Shelter In Place Orders [SIPO] studies We find that SIPOs had a negligible effect on COVID-19 mortality. … only reduc[ing] COVID-19 mortality by 2.0 per cent [M]ultiple studies find a small positive effect [i.e. an increase in COVID deaths] of SIPOs on COVID-19 mortality.[This could] be the result of an (asymptomatic) infected person being isolated at home under a SIPO who can infect family members with a higher viral load causing more severe illness.


Business ClosuresFive studies examine the effect of business closures on COVID-19 mortality.… Three studies find a negligible effect, one study finds some effect, and another study finds a relatively large effect. School ClosuresClosing schools reduced COVID-19 mortality rates by 5.9 per cent (precision-weighted average) with an arithmetic average of 0.2 per cent and a median of 0.0 per cent. …Evidence from school-based studies demonstrate it is largely safe for young children (<10 years of age) to be at schools, however, older children (between 10 and 19 years of age) might facilitate transmission.’ Limiting gatherings [N]o studies have provided estimates showing that limiting gatherings reduced COVID-19 mortality. Indeed, all four studies find positive [higher COVID mortality]– and sometimes rather large – effects of limiting gatherings on mortality.”   



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