Why are Professors Liberal? By James Reed


Professor Kevin MacDonald has given his well-known particular ethnic take on the question of why “professors,” which for us means academics, if not the intelligentsia in general, are liberal. An equally as relevant question would be why so many are Leftists.


The MacDonald paper was prompted by an earlier paper by Neil Gross and Ethan Fosse, “Why are Professors Liberal?” Theory and Society, vol. 4, 2012, pp. 127-168. They concluded: “The liberalism of professors is a function … of the systematic sorting of young adults who are already liberally … inclined into and out of the academic profession.” (p. 154) True, no doubt, but why are these young adults liberally-inclined in the first place? MacDonald addresses that question with his ethnic explanation.

That could well be true too, but the question must be asked: why does it remain so? How can a new class of people so at variance with the rest of society which nurtures and supports them, continue their parasitic existence, producing mountains of bs, in disciplines such as Sociology, Psychology, Women’s Studies, and Cultural Studies, to name but a few?

The answer is that once a generally Leftist society has been produced, culturally, the institutions become genetically modified, so to speak, to support and maintain that system. The deep social structures, that order intellectual perception and conception, get moulded into a liberal Leftist mind-set. Thus, the entire university structure becomes self-supporting of liberal/Left ideologies and totally intolerant to any thought deviating from the party line. There can be some debate on particular issues within the paradigm, but the foundations are never questioned, just as Einstein’s relativity, and quantum mechanics are never questioned today in mainstream Physics, whatever results are found, and however contrary to fundamental common-sense observations, and even though it is admitted that both theories are mutually inconsistent. (Thanks to science buff Brian Simpson for that one!)

Consequently, dealing with the liberal-Left intelligentsia is as difficult as treating feral blackberries. The ideology must be torn out of the ground by the roots. That means that the very institutions where these critters are produced need to be dismantled. It is yet another argument for closing down the universities, and rebuilding higher education on a nationalist rather that universalist foundation.



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