Why are Chinese Spies Not Interested in James Reed? By James Reed

     I am offended. While Vlad the Lad personally responded to my hand written letter in lead pencil asking if it was true that his Satan 2 nuclear missile is really targeted upon my flat in Melbourne, - yes it seems -  when I wrote to Chinese president Xi Jinping, asking if I could be spied upon too, some lovely, lowly  commo responded with a form letter saying that we do not spy, spying is very bad,  and certainly not upon lunatics like you Mr Reed. I now feel very bad about myself. Not only am I the least educated in social credit in the world, my writings are not even getting the Chinese commos upset. Whatever can I do to get the recognition I don’t deserve?

“A Chinese company with links to Beijing's military and intelligence networks has been amassing a vast database of detailed personal information on thousands of Australians, including prominent and influential figures.
Key points:
•    2.4 million names and profiles are on the database, including more than 35,000 Australians
•    The company which created the database has links to China's government and military
•    The leak raises further questions about the spread and scope of China's intelligence gathering operations

A database of 2.4 million people, including more than 35,000 Australians, has been leaked from the Shenzhen company Zhenhua Data which is believed to be used by China's intelligence service, the Ministry of State Security. Zhenhua has the People's Liberation Army and the Chinese Communist Party among its main clients. Information collected includes dates of birth, addresses, marital status, along with photographs, political associations, relatives and social media IDs. It collates Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and even TikTok accounts, as well as news stories, criminal records and corporate misdemeanours. While much of the information has been "scraped" from open-source material, some profiles have information which appears to have been sourced from confidential bank records, job applications and psychological profiles. The company is believed to have sourced some of its information from the so-called "dark web". One intelligence analyst said the database was "Cambridge Analytica on steroids", referring to the trove of personal information sourced from Facebook profiles in the lead up to the 2016 US election campaign.”

     Be proud if you are important enough to be on this data base. After all, the US listens in to all our electronic communications, as that Snow guy, whatever his name is, let us know, before they melted him down.



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