Why America is Irreparably Broken; Toddler Smasher Walks Free! By Charles Taylor

As documented below, BLM rioters are being let off, regardless of the crimes, even smashing toddlers. However, the Beijing Biden regime is pursuing the January 6 peaceful protesters, and those imprisoned are tortured and suffering human rights abuses. In another time the people might have legally arisen against this, as the system apparently fears, but the Dark Lords need not worry, as nothing is going to happen, not a squeak.  We have pressure valve Trump to thanks for this, probably one of the greatest political cowards in history. If only he would just fade away. But, it looks like they are not going to even prosecute him now, so he still has a Deep State use, to drain opposition. Truly a disappointment, at the West’s darkest hour.


"A Black Lives Matter rioter who smashed a car window in a 1-year-old child’s face has avoided prison after his lawyer argued that it was a “very emotional time” for the culprit.

Yes, really.

A video from the incident, which occurred in Fredericksburg VA during last year’s George Floyd riots, shows a BLM mob surrounding the vehicle before Victor Miles II smashes the glass which shatters all over the child in the back seat.

The clip appears to show Miles deliberately targeting the toddler.

For this despicable act, Miles received a suspended sentence of just 90 days for assault and destruction of property charges and the assault charge will be completely removed from his record if he stays out of trouble for a year.

Defense attorney Eugene Frost justified the pathetic sentence by arguing that Miles was angry because, “It was a very emotional time all the way around.”

Miles was originally facing a 5 year prison sentence on felony charges of unlawful wounding, but now he is free to walk the streets and attack anyone else who doesn’t bow to the BLM mob.

Guardian analysis of legal records following last year’s devastating nationwide riots found that, “The vast majority of citations and charges against George Floyd protesters were ultimately dropped, dismissed or otherwise not filed.” Here it is:


“The vast majority of citations and charges against George Floyd protesters were ultimately dropped, dismissed or otherwise not filed, according to a Guardian analysis of law enforcement records and media reports in a dozen jurisdictions around the nation.

But some prosecutors and law enforcement observers charge that departments carried out mass arrests as a crowd control tactic, as a means to silence peaceful protesters, and as a public relations strategy designed to turn the public against demonstrators by making them appear more violent than they were. And what’s more – some of the citing officers never witnessed the protests in the first place.

“It sends a message that you might get arrested if you express your views and first amendment rights,” said Vera Eidelman, staff attorney with the ACLU’s speech, privacy and technology project. “Police absolutely should not be relying on mass arrests to control a crowd or silence people who they disagree with.”

In most of a dozen jurisdictions examined, at least 90% of cases were dropped or dismissed. In some cities, like Dallas and Philadelphia, as many as 95% of citations were dropped or not prosecuted.

In Houston, about 93% of citations were dropped; in Los Angeles, about 93% of citations were not filed. The prosecutor’s office in San Francisco dismissed all 127 cases related to “peaceful protest-related charges”, though data for more serious citations was not available.

Officials did not file charges for nearly all low-level offenses, like disobeying curfews, while they most often pursued cases with strong evidence of more serious crimes, like assault or looting. Still, data shows that a majority of felony charges were also dropped, which some prosecutors said was due to a lack of evidence.

The analysis does not include federal charges, and the figures are estimates that will change as the remaining cases play out in court. Police sent citations to a patchwork of agencies and departments in different cities where prosecutors, mayors or city attorneys largely made the call to drop charges.

Mayors in every city except Detroit dropped all citations over which they had jurisdiction. The administration of Mayor Mike Duggan, a former prosecutor, pursued a high number of low-level misdemeanor charges or ordinance violations, even though the demonstrations were largely peaceful. But district court judge Larry Williams Jr dismissed more than 100 cases because police refused to provide basic evidence, such as body-cam footage.

In most instances, Detroit officers who wrote tickets were not at the protests and didn’t actually witness the alleged crimes, said the National Lawyers Guild and Detroit Justice Center attorney Rubina Mustafa. Instead of continuing to attempt to prosecute with shoddy evidence, the city earlier this year dropped nearly 300 more citations, but has still pursued dozens of charges against protest organizers. All told, 93% of Detroit cases have been dropped.

Among those still facing charges is the Detroit Will Breathe organizer Tristan Taylor, who said the mass arrests across the country are “all about intimidation” of people who vocally oppose police brutality: “It says something about the nature of policing when that’s a uniform tactic.”

If that is not a reason for breaking up America, nothing is. As Mike Adams has also observed, America’s foundations are crumbling. I would say, they are already crumpled.


“What is it that keeps civilization functioning? To remain viable, a civilization must be rooted in principles of reason, shared value for human life, respect for individual liberties and a vigorous defense of the rule of law. People must be willing to coexist and engage in free will interactions with each other such as acts of commerce or private contracts, and they must agree to resolve their differences through judicial processes rather than spontaneous violence.

Yet today in America, every one of these pillars of sustainable civilization is being ripped to shreds. Logic and reason have been utterly abandoned by the extreme Left, which also exhibits no tolerance for diversity of thought or the value of human life (especially unborn human babies). An increasingly tyrannical government seems to offer no respect for individual liberties, and the rule of law has already collapsed to such extremes that left-wing rioters are set free while right-wing protesters are indefinitely held in GITMO-like conditions.

Violence is exploding across America’s cities, where Leftists have defunded police, causing an exodus of law enforcement personnel and a subsequent sharp rise in violent crime, which the White House is now desperately trying to somehow pin on the GOP.

The right to engage in private rental contracts has been obliterated by the CDC’s eviction moratorium, and no reasonable person can expect a fair trial on any matter — civil or criminal — due to the deep corruption of the judicial system. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve is running an insane money printing experiment that will likely see the U.S. government exceeding $40 trillion in national debt over just the next 2-3 years, with stimulus money now reanimating a zombie economy under the illusion of prosperity.

The pillars of the American civilization are, indeed, crumbling. It’s all by design, of course, since the U.S. Constitution is the single largest obstacle to the evil aims of anti-human globalists who wish to achieve large-scale depopulation. They also seek to enslave the remaining human survivors under One World Government, but in order to achieve that, they must obliterate the United States of America as a sovereign nation, thereby rendering the U.S. Constitution obsolete.

So the attacks on America are escalated from within — via race wars, false media narratives, engineered monetary inflation, etc. — in order to weaken the republic and make the nation vulnerable to outside attacks. Much like a concrete building with a failing foundation, the United States of America is now cracking and lurching, showing signs of an imminent catastrophic collapse (which is being engineered, of course).

The covid lockdowns and vaccine bioweapons are all part of this same agenda, because the war on America coincides with a war against the human race, carried out on a global scale.

Sadly, we are never returning to the America we once knew. Powerful, destructive forces are making sure of that. There is no scenario under which America reverts back to 2019, before the covid bioweapons attack and the rigged 2020 election. We are on a horrifying new course now, sailing through uncharted, shark-infested waters, with winds and waves tossing us all around like corks in a waterfall. The journey from here forward will be arduous and dangerous, and it’s not clear whether the United States of America as we know it will continue to exist much longer. Because once the collapse stage begins, it accelerates rapidly and spreads through every sector of society.

We encourage everyone to be prepared for the sudden, spontaneous collapse of financial transactions, which includes food stamps, ATMs and banking infrastructure. Within just a day or two, grocery store shelves will likely be stripped bare. We don’t condone anyone initiating violence, but we do encourage every American to be prepared for lawful self-defense against lawless violence, should it come to you. Every person has the right to self-defense.”

Naturally, a collapse of the US will also mean if not a collapse of Australia and the West, at least very hard times indeed. Likewise, individuals need to get prepping as if the world might end, as it might.



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