WHO are the Useful Idiots! By James Reed

The World Health Organization over the Covid-19 affair has revealed itself as under the control of the Chinese Communist Party. Of course, even in the best of times, China would be uncooperative, but in the present situation there is no need for that, as WHO falls in line. Naturally communist organisations, those based upon collectivist, globalist values, get on swimmingly well together. Birds of a feather, and all that.


Republican Representative Lee Zeldin has blasted the World Health Organisation as China’s “useful idiots” after a draft version of its investigation into the origins of the coronavirus outbreak was revealed to have dismissed the lab leak theory as ‘extremely unlikely’.

Zeldin slammed China for “covering up to the world the pandemic’s origins” and called for a real independent investigation:

The WHO report repeats the often touted CCP explanation that the virus was likely transmitted to humans by animals, and did not come from a lab.

WHO officials have stated that the report will be officially released in the coming days:

The notion that the virus came from a ‘wet market’ in Wuhan discounts the fact that cases were reported before localised outbreaks close to the market.

Last week, Dr. Robert Redfield, the former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under President Trump declared that he believes the virus originated in a lab in Wuhan, China."”


Facebook is doing its bit for the “cause” too, banning users who disagree with the standard Covid line. If the streets were piled 10 high with corpses, then there would be some justification for this, but I don’t see this plandemic as in any way a new Black Death or even 1918 flu.  


“Facebook recently updated its Terms of Service (TOS) to include a fresh warning against the sharing of information that the social media giant deems as a threat to the official government narrative surrounding the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

The Mark Zuckerberg empire will no longer allow people to share content “coordinating interference with the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine.” The platform also now prohibits content “calling to action, advocating, or promoting that others not get the COVID-19 vaccine.”

According to Facebook, such content violates its new “Coordinating Harm” policy because refusing Chinese virus vaccination, or encouraging others to refuse the jab “promotes the active and deliberate spread of communicable diseases.”

Furthermore, Facebook says its users are not allowed to even call it the “Chinese virus” or the “Wuhan flu” because this insinuates that a certain “race,” in this case China, “created the virus” or is otherwise “spreading the virus.”

Even though evidence shows that Chinese germs did, in fact, come from China, Facebook says stating these facts violates its “Hate Speech” policy.

No further talk about 5G, influenza’s disappearance, or fudged coronavirus numbers is allowed on Facebook either

Another major no-no under Facebook’s new policy guidelines is any suggestion that the Wuhan flu is less serious than Anthony Fauci, the World Health Organization (WHO), Joe Biden, and others claim it is.

To suggest that Chinese germs are no more serious than the common cold, for instance, is a violation of Facebook’s “Community Standards” as stating this could “contribute to imminent violence or physical harm.”

“The goal of this policy is to reduce health harm to people, while also allowing people to discuss, debate and share their personal experiences, opinions and news related to the COVID-19 pandemic,” Facebook contends.

Despite the fact that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) fails to meet Koch’s postulates since the alleged virus has never even been properly isolated, Facebook insists the Chinese virus is real. As such, anyone who suggests otherwise is in violation of the platform’s new policies.

Pointing out the fact that the government just flat-out stopped counting influenza-related deaths this year is also a violation of Facebook’s new policies because according to Facebook, the flu really did disappear this year.

Facebook’s apparent position is that every person who got sick or died from something this past year succumbed to Covid-19, even if their symptoms mimicked the flu.

Any talk about 5G exposure symptoms oddly mirroring those associated with the Wuhan flu is also prohibited on Facebook, which says such discussions are “conspiracy theories” that might cause people to die if they end up refusing to get jabbed for the Chinese virus.

Any recommendations that others try zinc, green tea, vitamin D, or other natural remedies known to protect against deadly pathogens is likewise prohibited because according to Facebook, only Fauci has the answers as to what can “cure” the plandemic.

Facebook is also, of course, opposed to any “negative” talk about face masks, which the company regards as a “good health practice.” To suggest that masks inhibit normal oxygen flow, or that they expose wearers to deadly chemicals like phthalates that are known to damage hormones, constitutes a “false claim” and will not be tolerated.

“For the duration of the COVID public health emergency, we also remove additional COVID-19 misinformation that public health authorities say could lead to negative outcomes,” the platform further says about its draconian restrictions.”

Obviously, it is long overdue to deal with Facebook. They should never have been allowed to get so powerful, and need to be broken up, or simply abandoned.


Official data released by the British government shows that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections are killing unborn babies at an astounding rate.

The latest Medicines and Healthcare produce Regulatory Agency’s (MHRA) Yellow Card Scheme report, dated Dec. 9, 2020, through March 7, 2021, reveals a whopping 366 percent increase in the rate of miscarriage thanks to Chinese virus jabs.

This is the seventh such report to be released by the MHRA and it clearly shows that Wuhan flu shots are extremely deadly, especially for pregnant women who, for whatever reason, decide to get jabbed.

It is important to note that there is no scientific data to suggest that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections are safe or effective for pregnant women, and yet doctors and health authorities are still administering the shots to expectant mothers, resulting in many of them losing their unborn children.

The British government already warned pregnant women that they might not want to take the jab due to “no or limited” data showing its safety or efficacy in pregnant women.

“Animal reproductive toxicity studies have not been completed,” the government admitted, adding that Wuhan flu shots are “not recommended during pregnancy.” Even so, the injections are still being administered to pregnant women in the United Kingdom.

“For women of childbearing age, pregnancy should be excluded before vaccination,” the government added, clearly deterring pregnant women against getting the injection.

“In addition, women of childbearing age should be advised to avoid pregnancy for at least 2 months after their second dose.”

Chinese virus injections could taint breast milk, cause infertility

The U.K. government also warned women who have already given birth but are still breastfeeding to avoid the jab because it is currently unknown whether or not the experimental gene therapy chemicals are excreted into their milk.

“A risk to the newborns / infants cannot be excluded,” the warning states. “COVID-19 mRNA (messenger RNA) Vaccine BNT162b2 should not be used during breast-feeding.”

Similarly, the government warned against women taking the jab if they hope to get pregnant any time soon. This is due to the fact that it is unknown whether Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections turn a person sterile.

Still, untold numbers of pregnant women in the U.K. chose to get injected anyway, and now they no longer have their babies. This amounts to genocide of the unborn.

“We are still unable to answer why these women were given one of the Covid vaccines against the government’s own advice,” reported the Daily Exposé, a British news outlet.

“But what is truly shocking is how much this number has increased in the six weeks that have unfolded since.”

A closer look at the data in the MHRA’s seventh report actually shows that there has been a 475 percent increase since Jan. 24 in the number of pregnant women who lost their babies after receiving the Chinese virus injection …

Since the same date, there has been a 150 percent increase in miscarriages due to pregnant women receiving [the] Wuhan flu shot, which is also linked to deadly blood clots.

As it turns out, the U.K. government later “updated” its recommendations for pregnant women to suggest that some of them may still want to get injected despite a total lack of associated science.

Pregnant women should only consider Chinese virus injections “when the potential benefits outweigh any potential risks for the mother and the foetus,” British authorities now claim, leaving it up to pregnant women who are not scientists or doctors to make this critical determination.”




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