White Slaves in New Zealand? What! By Bruce Bennett

     We bring you only the freshest, politically incorrect news and ideas, in these crazy brave new world times. How about white slaves in New Zealand? No, not present-day white sexual slavery, as we see in Europe with open market white children rape paedophilic grooming gangs, allowed to flourish by the state, blessed at times by the local fuzz, but conventional slaves, in the dim dark past. Here is a mainstream media coverage of this:

“While people are aware of the atrocities of the black slave trade around the world, few are familiar with the enslavement and trafficking of Europeans in 19th-century New Zealand. For Māori, the sailors, convicts, missionaries, traders, whalers and sawyers who were captured were viewed as the property of their chiefs and existed primarily to serve their masters. Trevor Bentley's new book, Pākehā Slaves, Māori Masters, details the slave trade in 1800s New Zealand which, as he puts it, was "not something that only white people did to black people". Children were also sometimes captured - often in retaliation against Pākehā doing the same, as the extract below details. Lawless sealing and whaling crews frequently kidnapped Māori women and girls and took them to sea as sex and labour slaves before abandoning them on Pacific Islands and at the Australian ports. As late as 1841, before sailing from Otago, the crew of the French whaleship Oriental carried off a Māori woman and child by night "for the captain's use". Māori, on the other hand, rarely kidnapped Pākehā settler women and girls from their homes during times of peace and war with Pākehā. One exception was Caroline Perrett. Following the kidnapping of a Māori child by Pākehā at Taranaki and destruction of Māori graves by her father at Lepperton in 1874, 8-year-old Caroline was kidnapped from her parent's farm by a band of dispossessed Māori seeking utu. Spirited away to the Northern gum fields, her captors always remained one step ahead of government and private search parties.

Māori often adopted the children of defeated enemy tribes. Renamed Kuīni (Queenie), Caroline became their whāngai (adoptee). Though the men woman and children of her hapū shared the hard work equally, Caroline found her initial treatment distressing and the unfamiliar tasks of digging and back-packing gum and provisions exhausting. She later said, "They didn't treat me too kindly in those days. I don't mean to say they beat me a lot, or actually ill used me, but they were harsh, and I had to do whatever they told me ... Some of the women were not very kind, and my life was not a happy one, but I can't remember it very clearly ... Our camp was 10 miles from this place [the trading store], and when I was only a child, I used to walk this distance with about 60lb of gum in a sack. It was backbreaking work ... A pīkau of gum is not a light load for a girl, and I was not as strong as they". Sensationalised newspaper reports following her discovery by her niece portrayed her life as one of tribulation and misery, akin to that of a slave. Caroline recalled, however, a kindly Māori woman, her matua kēkē, or stranger parent, who guided her as she was assimilated into their world. Though compelled to work hard like every child in the hapū, Caroline's captors never exploited her labour for their own gain. She recalled, "About one pound was allowed me each time I sold my gum, the balance in accordance with Māori custom went toward the camp food".

     I did not know this, and I wonder if there is another book to be written about parallel interracial white slavery in Australia, if this happened, apart from convicts, who we don’t care about?



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