When You Social Distance So Well the Cops have to Find You by Helicopter! By Bruce Bennett

     Overseas folk are laughing at this classic piece of new-world-orderism, but really, the police are only doing their job, and if you have a helicopter, why try and use it to bust ethnic drug growing, now an institution in certain cities,  when you can track down isolated family campers, who may be passing on Covid-19 to … nobody:

“Police in Tasmania are using a surveillance helicopter to track down people camping in remote locations in violation of coronavirus lockdown laws. “Tasmania Police officers conducting aerial surveillance around the state, including on the North-West Coast located several campsites where people were directed to leave and return home,” reports The Advocate. “When u social distance so well that the cops have to find u by helicopter,” tweeted Twitter user @PetiteNicoco. 17 people across the state were charged with a lockdown offense in a period of just 24 hours over the Easter weekend. The Westpac Rescue Helicopter “landed near campsites which were viewed from the air” to interrogate campers in the region. Where the chopper couldn’t land, officers were dispatched to the area on foot. Commander Rob Blackwood called the campers “selfish” for endangering other people during the COVID-19 pandemic despite them literally being around no other people. “Covert and marked police vehicles, and the Westpac Rescue Helicopter, will continue to undertake patrols around the state, so if you’re away from your primary residence you can expect police to stop and speak to you about your movements,” Tasmania Police said on their Facebook page. The practice was denounced by many as absurd overkill given that the campers are hardly posing a threat to anybody.”

     That may change if the Feds get their way with a new phone app that traces you, watches over you, always.

“The battle against coronavirus is going hi-tech, with Australians to be asked to download a phone app that will monitor their movements — but only with their express permission.
Key points:

•    The app will monitor people's daily interactions using GPS
•    It will be opt-in, but require at least 40 per cent of Australians to use it to be effective
•    The Attorney-General is considering the privacy implications
The Federal Government believes restrictions on the community could be eased in the months ahead if there's more testing, greater surveillance of those infected by the coronavirus and much faster tracing of those they've had contact with.
It is developing a mobile phone app with the private sector to help monitor Australians' daily interactions.
The ABC understands the app will be ready in a fortnight but the Government believes it would need at least 40 per cent of Australians to voluntarily sign up for it to be effective.
The app would be opt-in only and not mandatory.
It is understood the app would plot who had spent 15 minutes or more in close proximity with a person who proves to be COVID-19 positive.
The challenge facing the Government will be encouraging enough Australians to sign up.
Singapore, which is considered a more compliant society, has developed a similar app but only 20 per cent of its citizens have agreed to share their mobile phone data with the Government.”

     Voluntary today; involuntary tomorrow, and once the technocratic global surveillance state is created, it will be difficult to dismantle:

“The coronavirus pandemic has led to an unprecedented global surge in digital surveillance, researchers and privacy advocates around the world have said, with billions of people facing enhanced monitoring that may prove difficult to roll back. Governments in at least 25 countries are employing vast programmes for mobile data tracking, apps to record personal contact with others, CCTV networks equipped with facial recognition, permission schemes to go outside and drones to enforce social isolation regimes. The methods have been adopted by authoritarian states and democracies alike and have opened lucrative new markets for companies that extract, sell, and analyse private data. One of the world’s foremost experts on mobile phone surveillance said the pandemic had created a “9/11 on steroids” that could lead to grave abuses of power. “Most of these measures don’t have sunset clauses. They could establish what many people are describing as a new normal,” Ron Deibert, who heads the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto, said in an interview with the Guardian.  “I think we have to be really vigilant about that to make sure there are appropriate safeguards in place because the potential for the abuse of power is pretty extreme … so it’s a little bit like 9/11 on steroids.” In China, hundreds of millions have installed mandatory “health code” apps that determine whether users– given colour-coded designations of green, yellow, or red (for confirmed Covid-19 patients) – can travel or leave home. In Europe, some of the world’s most privacy-conscious governments are collecting telecom data, employing drones and copying contact-tracing apps pioneered in Asia. In the US, Apple and Google have announced they will open up their mobile operating systems to allow for similar apps, which will run on iPhones and Android phones alike.”

     If the coronavirus pandemic had not come along, something like this would have had to be invented, because it has given the globalist, oh so much, and just keeps on giving. They probably cannot believe their luck, but when you own the universe, what has luck got to do with it? Welcome to the New World order bio-surveillance state:

     Here is yet another example of the growing threat of the technocracy, with Bill Gates funding microchip implant vaccine technology:

“The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has donated more than $21 million towards developing a vaccine technology that uses a tattoo-like mechanism which injects invisible nanoparticles under the skin that is now being tested in a vaccine against the virus that causes COVID-19. The microneedle technology is also being wed to injectable technology, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which embeds under the skin a vaccination record visible by near infrared light that can be read by smartphone technology. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is funding the technologies with aims to enable them in "house-to-house" vaccine campaigns undertaken by people with "minimal training." Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh reported in their study published April 1 in EBiomedicine, a Lancet Journal, that their microneedle patch vaccine against the SARS CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 "prompted robust antibody production in the mice within two weeks." The patches resemble a spiky piece of Velcro, with hundreds of tiny microneedles made of sugar. The needles prick just into the skin and quickly dissolve, releasing the vaccine into the tiny abrasions and inducing a potent immune cell response despite the minute amount of the vaccine material - far more potent than an intramuscular injection. The researchers had been testing vaccine using the microneedle patch for other coronaviruses, including the one that causes Middle East Respiratory System (MERS) and reported that three different experimental MERS vaccines induced the production of antibodies against the virus. These responses were stronger than the responses generated by regular injection of one of the vaccines along with a powerful immune stimulant (an adjuvant). Antibody levels continued to increase over time in mice vaccinated by microneedle patch-up to 55 weeks, when the experiments ended. The researchers have now turned their technology to the COVID-19 virus, SARS CoV-2. "Testing in patients would typically require at least a year and probably longer," senior co-author of the study, dermatology professor Louis Falo said. "This particular situation is different from anything we've ever seen, so we don't know how long the clinical development process will take. Recently announced revisions to the normal processes suggest we may be able to advance this faster."

Another study funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and published in December, 2019 by researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Institute of Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing and the Global Good, Intellectual Ventures Laboratory in Bellevue, WA, describes how "near-infrared quantum dots" can be implanted under the skin along with a vaccine to encode information for "decentralized data storage and bio-sensing." "To maximize the utility of this technology for vaccination campaigns, we aimed to create a platform compatible with microneedle-delivered vaccines that could reliably encode data on an individual for at least five years after administration," said the MIT paper, titled Biocompatible near-infrared quantum dots delivered to the skin by microneedle patches record vaccination. "In addition, this system also needed to be highly biocompatible, deliver a sufficient amount of dye after an application time of 2 min or less, and be detectable using a minimally adapted smartphone." Fridrik Laurusson, an author of the microchip study, is from The Global Good, Intellectual Ventures Labarotory. Its website features Microsoft founder Bill Gates on its front page and describes itself as a "collaboration between Bill Gates and Intellectual Ventures" a company founded by Nathan Myhrvold and Edward Jung of Microsoft. Wikipedia describes Intellectual Ventures in Gates' home state as a private American company that "centers on the development and licensing of intellectual property" and "one of the top-five owners of U.S. patents, as of 2011. "Its business model has a focus on buying patents and aggregating them into a large patent portfolio and licensing these patents to third parties," according to Wikipedia. The company has been described as the country's largest and most notorious patent trolling company, the ultimate patent troll, and the most hated company in tech. The website of the Bill and Melinda Gates lists multiple grants awarded to develop the "microneedle array patch" - for use in "house-to-house campaigns via administration by minimally-trained personnel." The most recent grant for $370,035 was awarded in February, 2020 to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for an MMR vaccine patch that does not require refrigeration and "enables house-to-house campaigns" via people without medical experience or training.”

     This technology is expanding into areas most of us are ignorant of, such as nanochips and smart dust:

“What is a Nanochip?
So what is nanochip? The word “nano” is 3 orders of magnitude smaller than “micro”. Nano means “one billionth” while micro means “one millionth”. While microchips are about the size of a grain of rice and measured in millimeters, nanochips are completely invisible to the human eye. Some of the nanochips are far smaller than human hair (e.g. the μ-chip that is 0.4 x 0.4 mm). In 2015, IBM announced that they had developed functional nanochips measuring just 7 nm or nanometers (7 billionths of 1 meter). In comparison, a strand of human DNA is about 2.5 nm and the diameter of a single red blood cell is about 7500 nm! These nanochips power themselves from their environment (they don’t need batteries) and have a 100-year life span. They are slated to be rolled out first on products (so the corporatocracy can have total knowledge of consumer behavior in real-time) before they can be used inside people’s bodies. Did you know that nerve cells grow onto/meld with the chip? In this Leak Project video, the presenter claims that the NWO aim to introduce 100 trillion nanochips into the world, so that literally every single thing in the world is tagged, including you. He includes many patents and other docs as proof of this agenda. He singles out the company HP (Hewlett-Packard) as being the executor of the plan to construct a central nervous system for the Earth – linking all resources and people in real-time.

What is Smart Dust?
You may already be familiar with the “Smart” agenda or better put the Smart Deception. For those new to this, the Smart agenda is to create a giant electromagnetic grid or network that encompasses the entire Earth. Everything that moves is to be made or injected with some kind of sensor or mote that connects it to the grid – including household products, appliances, food/drink items, animals, plants and humans too. Smart dust is another name for these motes which will act as mini computers, broadcasting and receiving. They are small wireless microelectromechanical sensors (MEMS). As of 2013, a mote was about the size of a grain of rice, but with technology advancing all the time, these will keep on reducing in size. Motes can be ingested through food (as will be discussed below). The Smart agenda is basically synonymous with the UN Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030, and the Smart grid is synonymous with the IoT (Internet of Things)which is also going to use the new 5G network to achieve its desired saturation levels. While this kind of technology can be used for the benefit of mankind, like many things today, it has been weaponized. The existence of smart dust forms a massive threat against the sovereignty of every human being alive. What we are up against is nothing less than the attempted technological possession of humanity.

Delivery Systems for Nanochips and Smart Dust
In a fundamental way, vaccines, GMOs, bioengineered food and geoengineering/chemtrails are all connected, as they are delivery systems whereby this miniature technology of nanochips and Smart dust is planned to be inserted into our bodies. Some chemtrails contain Smart dust motes which readily infiltrate the body, communicate with other motes in your body, set up their own network and which can, unfortunately, be remotely controlled. Even if you are fastidious about what you eat and what you expose yourself to, it is difficult to see how you can avoid breathing in a mote of smart dust that was dropped on you by a plane spraying chemtrails.
With nanochips and motes inside your body, the NWO criminals can combine the IoT smart grid with brain mapping and other technological information in their attempt to pull off their ultimate endgame: to remotely influence and control an entire population by overriding (and programming) the thoughts, feelings and actions of the masses. (The rabbit hole definitely does not stop at nanochips and Smart dust. An entire new category of lifeforms are being forged via synthetic biology. Morgellons fibers are self-aware, self-replicating and are likely assisting the dark agenda to remotely control the thoughts, feelings and bodily functions of the entire population. This will be explored in other articles.)

New Technology Always Pushed as Being Cool, Efficient and Convenient
Naturally, the full scope and goal of this agenda will not be revealed to the public as the technology is rolled out. Instead, we will continue to be told how wonderful, cool, trendy and efficient it all is. Note especially how all of this will be promoted under the banner of speed and convenience (while people unwittingly flush their freedom, health and privacy down the toilet). Yes, being surrounded by fields of manmade EM radiation everywhere you go will be disastrous for your health too. The nanochips will also be pushed using peer pressure, encouraging people to get in the game out of social conformity. Like many governmental programs, the chips may initially be voluntary before they become mandatory. There is already a segment of society that is willingly chipping itself using tattoo ink. Recently, a company in Wisconsin (Three Square Market or 32M) introduced such an internal system and began encouraging its employees to get chipped. Although it was not mandatory, reportedly about half of them (41 out of 85) stepped forward and chose to get chipped!’”

     There are various suggestions about how to destroy the nanochips and smart dust, once it is inside you, but the better strategy is not to accept the mark of the beast in the first place. That, will be easier said than done, but it must be done.



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