When the Goodies End, the Migrants Go By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A bit of news from the grim side. It seems that things are getting so bad in the US, that some cities are taking on a Mad Max like nature due to violent crime and economic collapse, as recently argued by Michael Snyder:




There is now some emigration, movement out of America by previous migrants who cannot cope any more. It is indeed, a great irony, since the very diversity that the migrants was supposed to create, is producing conditions leading to them leaving: 




“Chicago has become so unpleasant that migrants are fleeing back to Venezuela after being dumped in shelters and refused better paying jobs.

Since August last year, 20,700 migrants have arrived in Chicago from Texas. The Lone Star State's Governor Greg Abbott sent migrants to Chicago and other Democrat-run cities because of their proud status as 'sanctuary cities.' They offer enhanced protection against detention or deportation for undocumented migrants.

Now, Illinois' harsh winters, lack of migrant infrastructure, and ambivalent support from locals has made many people, who undertook the harsh US-Mexico border journey, actually turn around and go back home. 

Venezuela-born Michael Castejon, 39, and his family have been sleeping on the floors of police stations and shelters after he could not afford to pay rent in Chicago - because his work permit was taking so long to arrive. 

The family was renting an apartment through a city voucher program, that gives up to $15,000 for up to six months of rental assistance - but once it ran out, they had to give up their living space. 

The dad found a job in construction, and he was getting paid in cash, but it wasn't enough to sustain his family since they arrived in June. 

After five months of rough living with no end in sight, the family decided to pack up their belongings and return to South America, realizing that 'there's nothing here for us.'  

Castejon said the failed journey to settle in the US had not been worth it, despite the extreme poverty and an authoritarian regime they were living under in Venezuela. 

After months of begging for money and crossing borders, the dreams that he had heard of from other migrants had failed to materialize for him, he revealed. 

Michael Castejon, 39, told the Chicago Tribune: 'The American Dream doesn't exist anymore. There's nothing here for us.

'We didn't know things would be this hard. I thought the process was faster,' he said about the job permit situation in Chicago. 

'How many more months of living in the streets will it take? No, no more. It's better that I leave. At least I have my mother back home.

'We just want to be home. If we're going to be sleeping in the streets here, we'd rather be sleeping in the streets over there.' 

Castejon's stepdaughter Andrea Carolina Sevilla could not find a school to be enrolled in when they arrived in the US, despite one of the reasons they left their native home was to give her a better education.”


When the West is reduced to Third World conditions by mass migration, which is also occurring in Australia right now, at some point there will no longer be any incentive to migrate, as everyone will be equal at the bottom of the Third World wheelie bin. We work for an alternative to this, but it requires people getting active on a large scale.





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