When Disaster Strikes! By John Steele
Two good books to get from the library, maybe using inter-library loan, are Matthew Stein, When Disaster Strikes (2011), and Arthur Bradley, Handbook to Practical Disaster Preparedness for the Family (2011). These books are not the “zombie apocalypse” genre, but are concerned with more usual disasters such as floods, bushfires, and extreme weather events such as tornadoes.
The books cover much of the same territory and are equally as good, so one probably does not need to read both, and it would be something an enthusiast could do. Covered in both books are water, food shelter, medical care, communications, protection, transport, and how to set up a preparedness plan for the likely disasters that could come. The books have a North American orientation, since many extreme weather events, like snow and ice are not so much a problem for most of Australia. There is mention of facing wild fires, but there is more relevant local material available for Australians. Nevertheless, these books would aid in improving general disaster preparedness knowledge, and are recommended reading. As I said, I would try to get them through my library, say using inter-library loans, for those interested, the books give a good general philosophy that could be applied to our situations.