When America Goes Down By Chris Knight

     This is what it is all about, what everything done by the elites comes to in the endgame. America is just slightly ahead of the wave, but it is the trend of demographic replacement right across the West:

“Almost half of white Americans say the USA becoming a majority nonwhite nation would "weaken American customs and values," a new Pew Research Center survey says. The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that before 2050, the majority of the USA will be made up of minority populations. According to Pew's research, 46 percent of white people fear that would weaken U.S. culture. A quarter of Hispanics and 18 percent of black people have similar fears. Forty percent of blacks and 46 percent of Hispanics say the shift would strengthen those customs and values. "The finding speaks for itself. It suggests concern broadly held by whites about a majority-minority country," says Rich Morin, a senior editor at Pew Research Center. The survey of 2,524 U.S. adults conducted in December focused on Americans' view of the future of the country and asked about political, economic and societal changes that could come by 2050. Pew did not define "American customs and values" or "American culture" for the survey.

Will a majority-minority country be good? Americans divided. More than half of Americans say they are at least somewhat optimistic for the future of the USA, but when they're asked about specific issues – national debt, affordable health care, environmental degradation, political divisions – a grimmer picture emerges. Americans' opinions are divided when asked broadly how a majority-minority population would affect the USA. More than half of Americans say they are at least somewhat optimistic for the future of the USA, but when they're asked about specific issues – national debt, affordable health care, environmental degradation, political divisions – a grimmer picture emerges. Americans' opinions are divided when asked broadly how a majority-minority population would affect the USA. Roughly 40 percent of Americans say the shift to a majority nonwhite country wouldn't be good or bad, and more than one-third say it would be good. Roughly half of Americans say a majority nonwhite population would lead to more racial and ethnic conflict, according to the survey. White Americans make up more than half of the country's population, according to the Census Bureau. The bureau predicts the year 2044 will be when minorities make up the majority. In 2060, minorities will be 56 percent of the U.S. population, the Census Bureau predicts.”

     Brett Stevens at Amerika.org has said on this issue:

“We should not feel so bad about white genocide. Modernity is trying to kill everything. The unrestricted human ego will only feel satisfied when it has eliminated all variation, replacing it with a solipsistic repeat iteration of itself, and things are entirely “under control” of human intention with nothing of nature, chaos, logic, or the divine remaining. We have replaced a world of variation and infinite potential with a world of obedience to the collected egos of the many individualists out there, who refuse to humble themselves before the majesty of creation and instead insist that they are gods above man, nature, and the gods. These people are insane; woodchippers, when?”

     In 2014, Natan Sharansky, one-time chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel, asked Finkielkraut whether “European Judaism has a future in Europe.” Finkielkraut replied with his own question: “Does Europe have a future in Europe?” The answer to the same question for America is that the future has already ended, and we are in an era of not only post-truth, but post-history as well.



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