What is happening in the US is Set to Happen in Oz: Labor Wrecking Ball A-coming By James Reed

     Our journalists have been devoting much time to covering the US and European crises, as Australia in a globalised world, controlled by the same Dark Lords of Mordor, is not immune to the destructive effects created by globalist policies. Take the Labor policy on refugees for example, which will put us back into the same old problems of the past:

“The government has accused the opposition of planning to spend more on increasing Australia's refugee intake than a fund to drought-proof the country. Following a trip to Christmas Island to show off the reopened detention centre, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has continued his attack on Labor over border security, seizing on Finance Department figures on their refugee policy. The figures show the cost of increasing the annual humanitarian intake by 13,000 refugees by 2025 would cost $6.2 billion over 10 years. "Labor need to be upfront about the cost of their policy to significantly increase our refugee intake, Mr Morrison said in a statement. "$6.2 billion is a lot of money and we need to weigh that against other priorities that matter to Australians."

     If only that was true. But refugeeism and immigration are the new religions of the West, and while this issue has been fought by some of us, some poor folks sacrificing their careers, things get worse by the day. Sure, Labor will let in an infinity of refugees, and bankrupt the country. Ok, I accept that, just like I accept my death, and that no matter how loud I scream, the normie sheeple will do nothing, passively accepting their role to be tossed in the dust bin of history. And we need to accept that whatever happens now, “Australia” as it was once known does not exist. I simply have to be brave enough to walk down the main drags of Sydney and Melbourne to see that. Sometimes I wonder if I have been teleported to another country, but then I realise that immigration and multiculturalism was all about making “my” homeland into a foreign and alien place.



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