What Caused Western Birth Rates to Crash? By Mrs Vera West


Whoever the academic/intellectual is writing under the name F. Bardamu, the protagonists name from Celine’s epic novel, Journal to the End of the Night (1930), he needs to keep his identity secret, since the Terror will be after his head. One of his pieces that caught my eye was on monogamy and the survival of the West:




There is no new ground for me, as such covered, but the article gives a one-stop-shop overview of how women’s lib, so called, was used by the elites for their globalist agenda. The decline in marriage is strongly correlated with the 1960s/70s attack upon the traditional institution of heterosexual marriage, which today has gone on a path of deconstruction that few conservatives would have thought possible back in the day, with presumably the majority of Australian supporting gay marriage, if the voting is trusted. But, there is nothing existing today, which was not anticipated by cultural Marxists and radical sexologists and crazed feminists in the early part of the 20th century. Even technological developments such as the pill were ideologically directed, to allow at long last universal sexual promiscuity, for previously freewheeling sex always faced the problem of pregnancy. There were illegal abortions at that the time, and home “remedies,” but once the now near-sacred case of Roe v Wade (1973) became law, abortion was freely available. Done in the United States, the practice was adopted throughout the West. As always, there is no stopping the politically correct Leftist wildfire once it gets ablaze, and we stand now with abortion up to birth, little more than infanticide becoming normalised. No doubt, just around the corner is transhumanism and the abandonment of the human species itself, in favour of cyborgs. The elites will thus have eternal life, to do evil unto the end of the universe!

Running along with all of this has been a genocidal attack on manhood as traditionally understood, led by radical feminists. This has demoralised an entire generation of males, and explains the astronomically high rates of male youth suicide, but also that of older males.  As Bardamu concludes:

“The end result of all the factors considered together is not only declining marriage and fertility rates, but a growing underclass of disgruntled bachelors. These are the forgotten victims of the Sexual Revolution and feminist social engineering. It is ironic that what began as a movement in favor of female equality has disempowered and disenfranchised so many inferior males. Permanently barred from ever experiencing monogamy for genetic and biological reasons, these men must bear the brunt of Darwinian sexual selection.

Notwithstanding feminist lies, women are the real sexists, all too willing to objectify men as walking ATMs with chiseled jawlines or vending machines that dispense high quality sperm on demand; in reality, men are the less superficial sex, which is why practically any woman can attract large numbers of men for sexual intercourse and long-term companionship with relative ease.

However, a growing class of bachelors who, in another age would have been married productive citizens, is an ominous sign of the anarchy and chaos to come, one that Western society ignores at its own peril. In all societies, a growing body of sexless or undersexed, unwanted men is a powerful destabilizing force; if there are no wars to kill off society’s excess men or allow men to capture and enslave women as spoils of war, then it is only a matter of time before the government must quell large-scale rebellion.

Rebellions and wars, driven by an inequitable distribution of sexual resources, are by no means a rare occurrence or a feature of the human evolutionary past. Sociobiologist David Barash argues that the Arab Spring of 2010 to 2012, the massive anti-government protests and armed rebellions against the regimes of North Africa and the Middle East, were largely driven by male sexual frustration and loneliness. In his words:

“...a substantial underlying driver of social unrest was the widespread tradition in many Arab societies whereby even monogamous marriage isn’t tenable until a would-be groom has accumulated sufficient wealth to ‘afford’ a bride.” (2016)

The liberalization of sexual standards has practically destroyed family life and created an environment in which female hyperselectivity can flourish without being reined in by the dominant males who control society.

Excessive polygyny and female hyperselectivity cannot long continue without some kind of violent response. Internecine strife over scarce sexual resources was endemic to Stone Age hunter-gatherer and Neolithic agropastoralist societies, which is why rulers constrained their polygynous tendencies or introduced monogamy to pacify inferior males; but now that Western elites have abandoned legally enforced monogamy, the time has once again become ripe for open rebellion against the status quo.”

This vast experiment by the Dark Lords of absolute evil is not going to end well, as they are going to run up against the brick wall of Mother Nature, long before the smarty-pants transhuman agenda is ripe and rotten.



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