Weekly University Madness By James Reed

     What would the leadup to Easter be, where we are all frantically writing like mad men, to get a few days off, without something to lighten up the day straight from the modern madhouses of the universities. So, here we go:

“A professor at Towson University has allegedly blocked a student from writing about her pro-life views for an assignment in which students were told they could choose their own topics. Instead, the professor allegedly encouraged students to write positively about Planned Parenthood, and has also given students untoward in-class assignments that involved students drawing themselves naked, and revealing what “turns them on and off.” Towson University associate professor Lillian Carter has allegedly given her students in-class assignments requiring them to draw themselves naked, as well as present a list of what “turns them on and off” for part of their “entrance ticket” to her class, according to a statement by the pro-life group, Students for Life of America. Moreover, professor Carter had also allegedly encouraged students to write about why Planned Parenthood should continue receiving government funding, as well as denied a student from writing about her pro-life views after she had requested to do so for an assignment in which students were told they could choose their own topics.

“All learners have a right to learn in a supportive environment. In our discussions, it is expected that all ideas will be treated with respect and that our discussion about sensitive issues will be confidential,” states the spring 2019 class syllabus obtained by Breitbart News.The student said that she was not given an explanation as to why she was denied writing about her chosen topic, which was “pro-life positives,” adding that the professor oftentimes presents her class with biased information regarding the topic of abortion, and had even once described abortion as “just vacuuming the lining of the uterus.” “When given the assignment of drawing ourselves naked, the class seemed very uncomfortable,” said the student — who chose to remain anonymous — to Breitbart News, “You could hear students mumbling and snickering in the class to each other about how this was ‘weird.'” “Although no one had outright refused to do it, the majority of the class seemed uneasy when asked to complete the assignment,” added the student. While Carter’s course is entitled, “Sexuality in Diverse Societies,” the syllabus does not forewarn students about the types of assignments that they can expect to be tasked with in professor Carter’s class. The student added that at least two other students from the class had expressed to her their reluctance with having to complete the drawing assignment, and that the students had discussed whether or not they should “say something” regarding their concerns, as well as whether or not they should complete the assignment altogether.”

     Still, it gets better, or is that worse, with the no-whites-need-apply-story:

“Organizers of a meeting to discuss an upcoming mayoral race in Georgia barred reporters from attending — unless they were African-American. The Wednesday meeting at a church in Savannah was held to try to unite the city’s black community behind a single candidate for mayor in the Nov. 5 election. Signs at the door said “Black Press Only!” White reporters were denied entry, while at least two black reporters and the publisher of a local African-American newspaper were allowed inside, the Savannah Morning News reported . Television cameras and recording devices were also prohibited. The newspaper said the Rev. Clarence Teddy Williams, who organized the meeting, declined to discuss the entry policy. Mayor Eddie DeLoach is seeking re-election this fall. He became Savannah’s first white mayor in 20 years after winning the 2015 campaign. Elections for Savannah’s top office are nonpartisan, meaning all candidates who qualify end up on the November ballot. Van Johnson, a Savannah city councilman and one of three black mayoral candidates to have announced campaigns so far, attended the Wednesday meeting at Bolton Street Baptist Church. Johnson said afterward he relayed “my vision for an inclusive Savannah, a progressive Savannah.”

Asked by WTOC-TV about only black reporters being allowed inside, Johnson said: “It’s not my meeting. Again, I was asked to come give a statement, and so I came and I gave a statement.” Louis Wilson, who says he’s running for mayor again after an unsuccessful 2015 campaign, also attended the meeting. Regina Thomas, a former Georgia state senator and one of the incumbent mayor’s black challengers, skipped the church gathering Wednesday. She said the meeting appeared divisive and was scheduled too early in the campaign. The deadline for candidates to sign up for the race is Aug. 23. Thomas said she also had a scheduling conflict: her Bible study group met Wednesday night.”

     Does anyone see where all of this is leading? And why is it that the background of my Word page is an off-white colour? Could that be a conspiracy as well? I even got my eye’s tested, since writing all day is killing my eye sight. But, nobody cares, least of all my cat.

Authorised by K. W. Grundy
13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA.



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