We are Going Back to the USSR! By Brian Simpson

     Fire up the old Beatle’s song, “Back in the USSR” (1968), as we read this latest piece of medical martial law and anarcho-tyranny.

“A German medical lawyer who criticized the coronavirus lockdown law was arrested and taken to a psychiatric ward, where she says she was violently abused by authorities. Beate Bahner published a press release on April 3rd decrying the German lockdown laws as “flagrantly unconstitutional, infringing to an unprecedented extent many of the fundamental rights of citizens.” “These measures are not justified by the Infection Prevention Act, hurriedly amended just a few days ago,” she asserted. “Long-term restrictions on leaving home and meeting others, based on high-death-rate modelled scenarios, which fail to take account of actual critical expert opinions, and the complete shutdown of businesses and shops with no proof that they pose any risk of infection, are thoroughly unlawful.” Bahner called for a nationwide protest on Easter Sunday to “end the tyranny at once,” before Heidelberg Police announced that they would seek to prosecute her for inciting Germans to break the law. On April 13th, Bahner called her sister from Heidelberg’s Klinik fur Allgemeine Psychiatrie describing what happened to her. After claiming she was “suspiciously” followed by a car, Bahner says she asked another motorist to call the police only for the police to show up, handcuff her and push her to the ground “with massive force.” After being driven to the psychiatric facility, Bahner says she was treated like a terrorist. “I asked to be allowed to sit down and was shown to a bench. Then I asked to have the handcuffs taken off, since it was actually I who had requested police protection,” she recounted. “But instead, I was thrown to the floor again, having my head hurled onto the stone floor from a meter height, which nobody reacted to. Then I was forced to spend the night lying on the floor in some high-security Guantanamo psychiatric clinic…there was no toilet, no sink, though they did allow me water, and there was a bell I could ring, though they ignored it after the third time I pressed it.” The lawyer was charged for incitement yesterday, with her attorney sounding the alarm bell over her treatment.”

     That is something straight out of the 1930s Soviet Union. Forever lockdown? This is so good for the elites that they hope the zombie apocalypse movie, that modern life has been transformed into, never ends:

“Coming out of lockdown too soon could be catastrophic and lead to an explosion of new coronavirus cases according to a study modelling the spread of the virus. Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) created a model showing the spread of the deadly virus using publicly available data. The authors say that any immediate or near-term relaxation of quarantine measures already in place would lead to an 'exponential explosion' in COVID-19 cases. It comes as Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab declared that the UK coronavirus lockdown will stay for at least another three weeks. The model developed by the MIT team has proved accurate when tested against data from late January to early March - it anticipated the rate of spreading up to April 1 and is capable of predicting spread going forward. This is the first time a model has been built based purely on COVID-19 data - all previously models used SARS and MERS information to chart the outbreak. Most models predict the spread of disease by looking at people susceptible, exposed, infected and recovered but this model captures the number of infected individual still in quarantine and unable to infect others. This allows them to go beyond existing models and create a much more accurate system to predict the future impact of the virus if lockdowns are ended early. They predict COVID-19 infections will reach a plateau in the US and Italy next week but say this isn't a reason to relax lockdown measures already in place. The study authors say: 'Relaxing quarantine measures too soon, we have predicted that the consequences would be far more catastrophic.'”


“A virus expert has warned that America's coronavirus cases will spike if the current social distancing measure are relaxed as President Trump considers reopening the country and anti-lockdown protests take place in Michigan. Virologist Dr Joseph Fair said social distancing should remain in place until the United States starts seeing the curve of cases decrease given the current lack of widespread testing and development of a vaccine. In an interview with NBC's Today on Thursday, Dr Fair warned against reopening the United States after Trump cited May 1 as a target and said that data indicated the US was 'past the peak'. 'When we're talking about flattening the curve, we're just at the plateau part of the curve. So, the moment we relax social distancing guidelines that's going to turn into a new peak,' Dr Fair said. 'So, the peak can only go higher. We're right not now flattening the curve. But what we ultimately want to do before we relax any social distancing measures would be to decrease the curve and see a steady decline.'”


“America and Europe could be hit by up to four waves of coronavirus if it is allowed to ravage Africa, a WHO expert has warned. Director of the World Health Organisations's Center on Public Health and Human Rights, Professor Lawrence Gostin warned that if Covid-19 gets 'out of control' in African countries, Europe and the US could see second, third and even fourth waves of the illness. Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme on Wednesday, Professor Gostin said: 'Covid-19 is about to march through sub-Saharan Africa and perhaps the Indian subcontinent like an avalanche.”

     How this is going to play out will be one of the most interesting questions of history. And, as Anne coulter has noted, the usual trouble makers are doing fine:

“It’s probably a coincidence, but I notice that as businesses go under, jobs are lost, careers are ended and trillions of dollars are drained from the economy, the people most avidly pushing the coronavirus panic are doing quite well. No politician or government official has taken a salary cut. To the contrary, dusty bureaucrats now find the entire country transfixed by their every utterance. Cable news hosts still make millions of dollars — and now they get to work from home!”



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