We are All Communists Now, Like It or Lump It! By Richard Miller

     The Left are falling over themselves here in the UK at the creation of a socialist Big Government society beyond the Orwellian politically correct cesspool that the UK was before the Covid-19 panicdemic.

“More than half of British adults are now receiving money from the state, it emerged today - as Chancellor Rishi Sunak warned the situation is 'not sustainable'. The scale of the impact of the coronavirus lockdown is becoming clearer after the government revealed it is subsidising the wages of 6.3million workers under its furlough scheme. Meanwhile, more than 1.8million new claims for Universal Credit have been received, as people find their incomes slashed by the crisis. If the unemployed, 5.4million public sector workers and 12million pensioners are taken into account, the state now pays just over half the 52million UK adults. It came as new data suggested the UK economy is on course for a downturn deeper than anything seen in living memory as the service sector plummeted to a new record low. The closely watched IHS Markit/CIPS purchasing managers' index (PMI) for services dropped to 13.4 in April, by far the worst score since the survey started in 1996. In an interview last night, Mr Sunak tried to reassure workers and businesses that they will not face a 'cliff edge' of subsidies being withdrawn immediately when lockdown measures are eased. But amid signs of strains within government about the huge burden on the country's finances, Mr Sunak pointed out that the furlough scheme could soon be costing the same as the NHS budget. 'I'm working, as we speak, to figure out the most effective way to wind down the (furlough) scheme and to ease people back into work in a measured way,' he told ITV. 'As some scenarios have suggested, we are potentially spending as much on the furlough scheme as we do on the NHS, for example. Clearly that is not a sustainable situation.'" 

     Of course, within orthodox finance, unlike the social credit paradigm, this socialist money will be issued as a debt to the government by the Masters of international finance, and will take maybe a million years or so to pay off, plunging us into the bottom of the wheelie bin of history. 



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