“Wars for Democracy Always Cancel Democracy in the Process” By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Tucker Carlson is making some land-shaking presentations on his new Twitter platform having been given the marching orders from FOX. Now, there is no holding back. In his last monologue, which can be viewed at the link below, he makes some searching comments on the Ukraine war, the latest Big thing for the various ruling classes. America, and NATO are portraying this as a war for “democracy,” not what it really is, an attempt to break down Russia, and eliminate Putin.

But, the claim about fighting for democracy is absurd on the face of facts about Zelensky’s Ukraine: “As Pelosi puts it, the Ukrainian people are fighting the fight for their democracy, and for ours as well. That’s right for ours as well. Without Ukrainian democracy, in other words, we can have no democracy here,” Carlson said. “If the Ukrainians aren’t free, neither are we. We must make sure they can vote in Kyiv. So we can continue to vote in Kansas City.”

However, quite unfortunate for the democracy thesis, Zelensky has suspended democratic elections, and these elections will not be held, until the war against Russia has been won. As Tucker concluded: “So to recap, we are currently fighting a war for democracy on behalf of a leader who just casually announced he’s happy to end democracy, and our democracy-supporting leaders have no problem with that; in fact, they’re strongly for it. Shocked? You shouldn’t be, of course, there for it. You should have seen this coming. Wars for Democracy always cancel democracy in the process. That’s why our leaders love them.”


Of course, all acts of tyranny nowadays have to be dressed up as high moral acts, rather than just getting on with the oppression.



“Tucker Carlson blasted the establishment’s narrative that American support for the Ukraine war effort is about “democracy,” and claimed that “wars for democracy always cancel democracy in the process,” during the latest installment of his Twitter show.

In an episode titled “Irony Alert: the war for democracy enables dictatorship,” Carlson played several clips of politicians like Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and Rep. Mike McCaul (R-TX), who claimed supporting Volodymyr Zelensky and Ukraine in the fight against Russia is about upholding “democracy.”

“As Pelosi puts it, the Ukrainian people are fighting the fight for their democracy, and for ours as well. That’s right for ours as well. Without Ukrainian democracy, in other words, we can have no democracy here,” Carlson said. “If the Ukrainians aren’t free, neither are we. We must make sure they can vote in Kyiv. So we can continue to vote in Kansas City.”

However, Carlson pointed out that Zelensky had just announced elections would only be held in his county if they won the war against Russia.

“Will there be elections in Ukraine next year?” A reporter asked Zelensky in a clip Carlson played on his show.

“This is a global question. If we win, there will be,” Zelensky responded, according to captions on the video. “So there will be no wartime (martial law), no war. Elections should be held in peacetime, when there is no war, according to the law.”

“Your job is to obey or be punished. That’s our version of self government. Self means me, I’m the government. Now that’s not just any autocrat. That’s our chief ally in the war for democracy,” Carlson said. “This is the guy who just announced he’s likely to cancel next year’s elections?”

Carlson said the clip he played of Zelensky “blew up our entire rationale for supporting his side in the war,” then he played a clip of President Joe Biden on Monday doubling down his administration’s support for “Ukraine’s defense, and sovereignty and its territorial integrity.”

Carlson added:

So to recap, we are currently fighting a war for democracy on behalf of a leader who just casually announced he’s happy to end democracy, and our democracy-supporting leaders have no problem with that; in fact, they’re strongly for it. Shocked? You shouldn’t be, of course, there for it. You should have seen this coming. Wars For Democracy always cancel democracy in the process. That’s why our leaders love them.

Carlson also called attention to Ukraine’s arrest of American reporter Gonzalo Lira and criticized Biden for not advocating for Lira’s release.

“So in a war for democracy, you can do anything. Imagine what a man might do who has fewer principles? If that man, say, ran Ukraine, he might cease Church’s arrest priests, ban all criticism of himself, disappear his political opponents. And that’s happening,” Carlson said. “Just last month Zelenskyy threw a man called Gonzalo Lira into prison indefinitely for the crime of daring to write about the Ukrainian government in unflattering ways.”




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