Warming Up Bird Flu, By Brian Simpson

Given the success the globo commo elites had destroying freedoms and liberties of the West with the Covid plandemic, a project that was to be "continued," many elites such as Bill Gates had proclaimed that the next pandemic would be sooner than most health officials thought, and will be many times worse. This was part of the "disease X" narrative. Many of us dissent thinkers were expecting that this disease should have shown up by now. Mpox, monkey pox, has continued to be a fizzer, mainly clinging to Africa, with only a few easily controlled cases reaching the West via the well, the "special people" category.

However, bird flu continues to be a possibility for disease X. We were expecting this to break out about now, so that the US election could be stolen as in 2020, but it seems that the Democrats have got election fraud well under way with millions of illegals set to vote in swing states, according to some sources. Nevertheless, apart from the US election, with the World Health Organization and UN moving fast to world government, such as with the coming 2025 pandemic treaty and the September 22-23 2024 Pact for the Future, another plandemic could be seen perhaps in early 2025. There has been one patient in Missouri who has contracted bird flu with no animal contact. If this is so, then the virus has either mutated, or a new variant produced in a bioweapons lab has been released, for easier human-to-human transmission. At this stage, we do not know how this will play out, but we will keep observing the situation.


"Missouri health officials on Friday reported they've confirmed the first human patient to contract bird flu in the state, who apparently has had no contact with animals.

The Missouri Department of Health noted the H5 virus was detected as a result of the state's "influenza surveillance program," and a specimen confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"The Missouri State Public Health Laboratory was sent a specimen from a patient who was hospitalized on Aug. 22. The adult patient has underlying medical conditions and tested positive for influenza A," the Missouri Health Dept. wrote in a press release Friday, though they didn't disclose where in the state the diagnoses occurred.

"The patient has reported no exposure to animals," the health agency noted, adding that the unidentified patient, protected under privacy laws, visited the hospital and had already been discharged.

According to the CDC, the case with no known animal contact warrants further investigation, though it is not entirely unprecedented.

"This is the 14th human case of H5 reported in the United States during 2024 and the first case of H5 without a known occupational exposure to sick or infected animals," the CDC noted in a press release Friday.

"The results of this investigation will be particularly important in light of the current lack of an obvious animal exposure," the CDC wrote. "It is important to note that, while rare, there have been novel influenza A cases where an animal source cannot be identified. The main concern in these situations is that no onward transmission is occurring."

"Findings from the ongoing investigation will inform whether guidance changes are needed," the federal agency ominously stated, adding the case is the 14th nationally.

Time will tell whether investigators are able to pinpoint exactly how the patient contracted the virus, and whether the flu scare will impact the 2024 election. 



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