Vlad the Nuclear Impaler, Spits the Nuke Dummy By James Reed

In his latest diatribe Vlad Putin says that Russia will not hesitate to use nukes if Russia faces an existential threat from NATO. The problem is, that does seem to be the neo-con agenda, to destroy Russia, not taking any position on whether this is good or bad. No, it is bad. It will lead to Vlad getting boxed in and, the way things are going, having called up 300,000 reservists, he may ultimately be forced to use some of the weapons of mass destruction that the Kremlin Deep State no doubt are eager to use. I do not see any way that nuclear war can be avoided unless some sort of compromise, as proposed by Kissinger, is accepted by NATO, giving some territory to Russia, and the Ukraine not joining NATO. It is possible, but unlikely. We can, but hope and pray.


We do not find much written by conservatives about life after doomsday, but this book from the Cold War era may soon be required reading: Bruce Clayton, Life After Doomsday: A Survivalist Guide to Nuclear War and Other Major Disasters (1979).






“Vladimir Putin has warned Russia would be prepared to use its ­nuclear arsenal to defend its territory as he dramatically escalated his war with Ukraine, mobilising 300,000 reservists to join the fight in response to the country’s ­humiliating battlefield defeats.

The Russian President ­declared in a national address on Wednesday that his country would use “all available means at our disposal” to protect itself against a Western plot to ­“destroy” it, as the Kremlin moved to annex occupied territories in Ukraine’s Donbas region.

Beijing – which this year established a “no limits” partnership with Moscow – responded by calling for a ceasefire and peace talks.

“We call on the relevant parties to realise a ceasefire through dialogue and consultation, and find a solution that accommodates the legitimate security concerns of all parties,” China’s foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said.

A week after Russian forces ­retreated from Ukraine’s northeast amid a fierce counter-­offensive by defending troops, Mr Putin warned Ukraine and its Western allies that Moscow was preparing to hit back against ­attacks on territory he claimed as the “motherland”.

“When the territorial integrity of our country is threatened, we will certainly use all the means at our disposal to protect Russia and our people. This is not a bluff,” Mr Putin said.”


“Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a partial military mobilization during an address to the nation on Wednesday morning. He said the Defense Ministry had recommended drawing military reservists into active service as the country faces a protracted conflict in Ukraine and Donbass.

The measure is sensible and necessary under the circumstances, Putin said, considering that Russia is fighting “the entire Western military machine” in Ukraine. He has already signed an order for the call-up to start immediately.

The move will see the armed forces draw on military reservists only, and those who have completed national service, the president added. He promised that they would be provided with additional training, along with all the benefits due to people involved in active duty.

Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu revealed some details about the mobilization in a separate statement on Wednesday. He said the ministry wanted to call to arms some 300,000 reservists, or just over 1% of Russia’s full mobilization potential.

Putin has accused Kiev of backing away from peace talks with Moscow, which he said it had done on the instructions of its Western backers. Instead, the Ukrainian government has doubled down on military action, he said.

“After certain compromises [with Moscow] were reached, Kiev received a de facto direct order to derail all agreements. More weapons were pumped into Ukraine. The Kiev regime deployed more gangs of international mercenaries and nationalists, military units trained to NATO standards and under de facto command of Western advisers,” Putin said.

Russian forces sent to Ukraine in February have secured a large portion of territory claimed by the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, as well as parts of Ukraine, he said. The resulting front line stretches over 1,000km, the president pointed out.

He warned the US and its allies against ramping up pressure on Moscow. Western nations are openly pursuing a military defeat of Russia, seeking to push the country into insignificance and to loot its natural wealth, he stated.

“Parts of Western elites use every effort to preserve their dominance. That is why they try to block and suppress any sovereign centers of development, so that they can continue to brutally force their will on other nations and peoples, to impose their pseudo-values,” he explained. “Their goal is to weaken, disunite and ultimately destroy our nation.”

Some senior officials in NATO states have even suggested that using tactical nuclear weapons against Russian troops would be justified, according to Putin. The president stressed that Moscow would not hesitate to retaliate to such an attack with its own nuclear weapons.

If the territorial integrity of our nation is threatened, we will certainly use all the means that we have to defend Russia and our people.

Putin also commented on the upcoming referendums in the two Donbass republics and two regions of Ukraine currently controlled to a large extent by Russian troops. The four entities are putting to a general vote a proposal to ask Moscow to accept them as new parts of the Russian Federation, with polling scheduled to start on Friday.

The Russian leader pledged to support the plebiscites in terms of security and said his government would respect whatever outcomes they produce. Russia’s goal is to protect civilians from the Ukrainian government, which had escalated the persecution of its opponents at home and had been using terrorist tactics against people living in Russia-controlled lands, Putin said.” 



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