Using Star Wars Weapons on Rioters! By Chris Knight (Florida)
Here is an extraordinary story:
US woke General Mark Milley approved the use of directed-energy weapons for use on June 2020 rioters at Lafayette Park. The Department of Defense supported the authorisation. The rioters were Black Lives Matter protesters who were angry over the death of Black druggie George Floyd by a White police officer, and since that becoming a secular saint after his death. The energy beam weapons can have a variety of ill effects upon humans, such as stopping the heart, and disrupting bodily and neurological functions. It seems that the weapons were not used but were ready to go.
This shows that law enforcement is blending into the military, with such weapons being available to use against civilians. It is but one aspect of this technological development, with robot attack dogs, which can be equipped with machine guns, already being used in communist China, and with police in the West: