US Whites, Going Their Own Way By Chris Knight

     With Asian Americans supporting the Democrats, along with gun banning, the American Renaissance/vDare groups have some fundamental rethinking on their hands. But, on second thoughts, maybe they are ahead of the curve, catching up to us, since recently they had a good article about the Great Divorce, secession, the breakup of nations:

“What if all the conservatives, white advocates, immigration patriots, and Christian gun owners simply moved out? Imaginably, it’d be a lot easier for Leftists to build their gun-free, refugee-rich Shangri-La. Why aren’t they encouraging our exodus? Likely because the mere idea of any society that openly rejects their values is intolerable to them. Sure, the Pledge of Allegiance still speaks of “one nation under God, indivisible,” but that simply isn’t a reality in America 2020. Maybe the US is too big. With some 330 million people, no one can say there is a “national family.” Increasingly, there just seem to be mortal enemies. The Right and Left—admittedly, more so after the election of Donald Trump—now regard each other, not just as political competitors, but existential threats to American society and to each other. And all this invariably leads to talk of secession. Secession. Disaggregation. Self-Determination. Balkanization. All words describing a peoples’ will to determine their own destiny in the political order. From Spain to Brexit, and Canada to Calexit, the twin rise of globalization and mass migration—which has caused fractures in areas like ethnicity, religion, race, language, and culture within specific geographies-- is breathing new life into the secessionist epidemic sweeping the globe. With over 300 entries on the topic at, our writers have documented some compelling facts and analyses favoring secession, albeit to differing degrees, over the last two decades.”

     I certainly agree, and what is true for America, is basically true for the rest of the West, including Australia, but as usual, Australian thinking is behind the waves of history, but may catch up when whites become a minority in a decade or two, displaced, or replaced by China.

“ The graphic was splashy by the Census Bureau’s standards and it showed an unmistakable moment in America’s future: the year 2044, when white Americans were projected to fall below half the population and lose their majority status. The presentation of the data disturbed Kenneth Prewitt, a former Census Bureau director, who saw it while looking through a government report. The graphic made demographic change look like a zero-sum game that white Americans were losing, he thought, and could provoke a political backlash. So, after the report’s release three years ago, he organized a meeting with Katherine Wallman, at the time the chief statistician for the United States. “I said ‘I’m really worried about this,’” said Dr. Prewitt, now a professor of public affairs at Columbia University. He added, “Statistics are powerful. They are a description of who we are as a country. If you say majority-minority, that becomes a huge fact in the national discourse.” In a nation preoccupied by race, the moment when white Americans will make up less than half the country’s population has become an object of fascination. For white nationalists, it signifies a kind of doomsday clock counting down to the end of racial and cultural dominance. For progressives who seek an end to Republican power, the year points to inevitable political triumph, when they imagine voters of color will rise up and hand victories to the Democratic Party.”

     Let us hope that secession ends the illusions of the anti-white Dumorats, and the equivalent in Australia.



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