Urban Guerrilla Warfare in Once Peaceful French Seaside Town, By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

Here is the multicult story of the day, showing the true joys of "diversity." Just the headline from the Daily Mail.co.uk is exciting and vibrant enough: "French Seaside Town Blighted by 'Urban Guerrilla Warfare' Between Riot Cops and UK-Bound Migrants as Squalid New 'Jungle' Camp Crops Up." Now that has almost everything, with the exception of a trans slant to it, but never mind. It seems that: "A seaside town in northern France is seeing 'urban guerrilla warfare' play out on its once quiet streets as migrants hoping to cross to the UK are clashing with police.

Residents in Grand-Fort-Philippe, located between Calais and Dunkirk, have lived peacefully for years alongside the men, women and children who are desperately seeking a new life over the Channel.

But many are now fearing for their safety as clashes between migrants and police have worsened, moving from beaches around a mile away into residential areas."

The vibrant people are waiting to hitch a ride with people smugglers to get to the UK to culturally enrich it with their rocket science, and AI expertise. "'Between us and the migrants, there's no problem,' Yvon Agez, a retired grandfather who has lived his whole life in Grand-Fort-Philippe. 'They pass by, we exchange hellos, and that's that.'"

But, he said: 'Now that police are preventing them from leaving it's become war, a war between police and migrants. If the police would just let them cross, there'd be no problem.'" Yes, that is a typical attitude, to pass the problem on. In many respects I hope the illegals decide to stay in France, which cannot get enough of diversity and cultural enrichment.





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Thursday, 24 October 2024

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